Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README 2017-01-07 5.7 kB
solar_ic_v5.tar.gz 2017-01-07 913.0 kB
solar_ic_v4.tar.gz 2013-12-04 910.6 kB
solar_ic_v3.tar.gz 2013-01-23 911.4 kB
Totals: 4 Items   2.7 MB 0
Solar Inverse Compton program.

Computes inverse Compton scattering from the solar heliosphere.
Can also be used for other stars.

Bug reports and  suggestions for further developments are welcome.

A. Strong, MPE, Garching
first release 05 Dec 2011 v1
updated       21 Feb 2012 v2
updated       10 Nov 2012 v3
updated       04 Dec 2013 v4 InverseCompton.cc : improved test case, rest unchanged
updated       07 Jan 2017 v5 SolarIC.cc: corrected angular integration for log angle grid, improved angular integration for log and linear grids. 
                             Corrected units for angle-integrated fluxes in FITS file.


The main program solar_ic_driver.cc is an example, to be edited to suit the users requirements.
It is more flexible than a parameter file, allows loops, dependence of parameters etc.
The parameters are described in the driver  file itself, and this should be sufficiently clear.

The output is a FITS file with multiple extensions for convenient use e.g. with fv plotting. These include profiles and spectra, both differential and integral. Should be self-explanatory.

idl-format commands are also written to the standard output, can be ignored or piped to output file if required. Produces quality plots of spectra at all angles and profiles for all integrated energies (from v3).

Other features:
* Function for Inverse Compton energy loss for a given photon field and electron energy (from v2).
* linear or logarithmic grid in angle from sun. Useful to resolve the rapid variation near sun while maintain full angular range to 180 deg (from v3)


 Requires cfitsio v3.26 or later, available from http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio
Parallel execution using OpenMP is controlled with runtime scheduling. OpenMP is optional, if not required remove the openmp directive from the compilation.

Sample compilations:

setenv FITSIO_DIRECTORY /afs/ipp-garching.mpg.de/home/a/aws/propagate/c/cfitsio/3.26/gcc_sles11_olga2/cfitsio

GNU compiler (with OpenMP support, e.g. v4.3.4):

 g++ *.cc -O3 -fopenmp -lcfitsio -I$FITSIO_DIRECTORY/include -L$FITSIO_DIRECTORY/lib -o solar_ic_driver

to run:

setenv OMP_SCHEDULE "static"

Intel compiler:

 icpc *.cc -O3 -openmp -lcfitsio  -I$FITSIO_DIRECTORY/include -L$FITSIO_DIRECTORY/lib  -o solar_ic_driver

to run:

setenv OMP_SCHEDULE "auto"

User-defined models.
The electron and positron spectra can be defined by the user by adding named models to the LeptonSpectrum class. The model parameters are freely definable. Several sample models are provided, including those based on existing publications. They will be regularly updated with new models.

The output FITS file contains multiple extensions for convenience of use and plotting.
A sample output is provided: solar_IC_run1.fits

Definitions : I(E,theta)=differential intensity cm-2 sr-1 s-1 MeV-1 at angle theta from sun.
E= energy, MeV
theta=angle from sun, degrees

Extension  Name                                             Contents           Rows     Columns   Units
                                                                                 variable =       
1          Differential_intensity_profile                   I( E, theta)       E        theta      cm-2 sr-1 s-1 MeV-1
2          Energy_integrated_profile                        I(>E, theta)       E        theta      cm-2 sr-1 s-1 
3          Angle_integrated_profile                         I( E,<theta)       E        theta      cm-2      s-1 MeV-1
4          Energy_and_angle_integrated_profile              I(>E,<theta)       E        theta      cm-2      s-1 
1-4                                                         Column 1 = theta

5          Spectrum_for_angles                              I( E, theta)       theta    E          cm-2 sr-1 s-1 MeV-1
6          Spectrum_times_Esquared_for_angles               I( E, theta)*E^2   theta    E          cm-2 sr-1 s-1 MeV
7          Spectrum_for_integrated_angles                   I( E,<theta)       theta    E          cm-2      s-1 MeV-1
8          Spectrum_times_Esquared_for_integrated_angles    I( E,<theta)*E^2   theta    E          cm-2      s-1 MeV
5-8                                                         Column 1 = E

9          Energies                                         E                  E                   MeV
10         Angles                                           theta              theta               degrees

The format is chosen to allow easy plotting with fv. For example to plot profiles >100 MeV, choose extension 2, and plot the appropriate column against column 1 (=angle). To plot a spectrum times E^2 for 0-20 degrees, choose extension 8 and plot the appropriate column against column 1 (= energy). Alternatively the FITS file can be read by any program using cfitsio, or output as ASCII using fv. Other operations like angular or energy ranges can be performed in fv using the Calculate tool: subtracting integral intensities in angle and/or energy.

idl output
The program outputs idl commands tagged with "idl" for identification (from v3). 
To use this feature run as follows:
./solar_ic_driver |grep idl > plotresults.pro

.run plotresults

Three postscript files are produced with spectra for all angles and integrated angles on the grid and profiles for all integrated energies on the grid.
These are generated in SolarIC::print(), and this can easily be modified by the user to obtain other plots with different characteristics.

Source: README, updated 2017-01-07