Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
readme.txt 2012-10-22 2.7 kB
ssa_multisite1.5.3.zip 2012-10-22 159.1 kB
ssa_multisite1.5.2.zip 2012-10-03 148.2 kB
Totals: 3 Items   310.0 kB 0
Changes V1.5.0 to 1.5.3:

VERSION 1.5.3 - Additions/changes
*I have added a new field to the preferences page: "List pf files to rename:"
The field consists of a list of comma separated file names to be re-named on discovery. If found, these files will be re-named by giving them a " _renamed.by.ssam" extension. This feature might be useful where you know of certain file names that have caused you problems in the past. Re-naming the file as soon as it is detected, will prevent it being used for malicious purposes. An email alert will be sent on detection.

*I have added some extra utilities, as follows:
Google malware check - uses google safe browsing diagnostic page.
Check your sites with the VirusTotal API. Checks if your site is black-listed on up to 30+ databases, including MalwareDomainList, Yandex Safebrowsing, MalwarePatrol, Phishtank, SpyEyeTracker and many others.
SiteTruth Ratings Summary. SiteTruth ratings are based on public or commercially available information, automatically gathered from multiple sources including public records and business credit ratings. They reflect the legal and commercial legitimacy of the business, not consumer opinion or satisfaction.

*Prior to this version, SSAM would not perform a recursive scan on a Windows/IIS server. It would only scan the root,  or nominated directory. SSAM is now compatible with Windows/IIS and will perform a full recursive scan.

*I have added the ability to ignore directories during the scan. This can be useful on very large sites or with        password protected directories, where scanning may not be necessary.

*The time taken to scan a site has been decreased. Especially where the user has nominated directories to be ignored.

*Added a file comparison utility, accessible via a new button on the 'Preferences' page (index.php)
*Added ability to download modified files from the SSAM log display. This will allow the user to download to local      machine, for eventual comparison with a backed up copy, using the file comparison utility mentioned above. Any request to download that receives an HTTP error, will not be available for download. E.g. file not found or password           protected. 
*Changed FTP/DB text boxes to password boxes on the setup page (index1.php) See 'readme.html'

*Changed info icons on all pages from onHover to onClick event. User request. onHover action was becoming a little      tedious and I had to agree with him.

*Fixed most of the Internet Explorer CSS bugs in v1.5.0 

*First release
Source: readme.txt, updated 2012-10-22