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ConnectPointz EDI Software

ConnectPointz connects and automates business systems and processes through pre-configured and custom integration solutions.

We understand that every client has unique requirements for their supply chain, warehouse management, and sales channel partnerships. We make our services flexible to meet any need and integrate with the leading business applications and any sales channel. As a result, your business will have fewer data entry tasks, human errors, larger margins, and higher efficiency. ConnectPointz offers pre-configured and custom commerce integration solutions that will streamline your business processes, regardless of your size and business model. We improve supplier and retailer communications by removing the need for manual, recurring data entry tasks, reducing costly human data entry errors and delays, and cutting down on your labor costs.
One verification platform to secure the whole user journey Icon
One verification platform to secure the whole user journey

Handle every identity verification need in a single dashboard. Verify users, businesses or transactions, all while managing cases and deterring fraud.

Sumsub is a full-cycle verification platform that secures every step of the user journey. With Sumsub’s customizable KYC, KYB, AML, Transaction Monitoring and Fraud Prevention solutions, you can orchestrate your verification process, welcome more customers worldwide, meet compliance requirements, reduce costs and protect your business.
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Quick-to-integrate PDF SDKs and services

Whether you have thousands of documents or millions, Pdftools has the products and services to help make processing a breeze.

Designed for document-heavy industries, Pdftools’ suite of SDKs and APIs are here to make your document workflows easier, faster, and stress-free. Built on SDKs and APIs, the Pdftools products integrate seamlessly into your existing (or new) systems and applications. Process thousands of documents every minute. Our tools are precision-engineered to be efficient and run at blazing speeds. We’re engineers at heart, so we’re only satisfied with the most reliable, orderly, and usable, and well-documented platforms. Shrink file sizes down, but keep the quality and interactivity. Your documents will always be compliant for long-term archiving. We’ve obsessed over every detail in our products, and documented everything so it’s easy to get started.
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Global Web2Print Solutions

The online print platform trusted by 5,000+ brands in 125 countries

Coreprint is the flagship product of Vpress, a global provider of web to print solutions, providing powerful, personalised content that supports multimedia marketing campaigns and integration with MIS, workflows and ERP/CRM software.
End the time-wasting search for know-how with revolutionary knowledge management software Icon
End the time-wasting search for know-how with revolutionary knowledge management software

Theum is breakthrough knowledge management software that turns documents into a powerful, user-enabling asset.

Permanently save time and money across the enterprise every day by giving users exactly the knowledge they need from all document sources with a click—without the hassle of launching and searching through hit lists and documents.

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byrnereese, kutterma, paulclinger

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