Home / OldFiles
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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README 2001-07-20 1.8 kB
LICENSE 2001-07-20 1.5 kB
Chat.java 2001-07-20 42.5 kB
ServerChat.class 2001-07-20 10.1 kB
EntryDialog.class 2001-07-20 3.3 kB
Chat.class 2001-07-20 13.6 kB
Totals: 6 Items   72.7 kB 0
Beta Chat Applet on SorceryNet IRC
04/03/2000 - v0.7.0 
Version is cut over into production with the following enhancements 

PARAM Barebones which removes all the buttons from the top. 
/HELP and /LIST added. 
"Help" and "List" buttonsbring up webpage help. 
Parameter to disallow private messages is being developed. 
Small applet "MOTD" gives contact info. 

03/28/2000 - v0.6.7 
New version is in test with the following enhancements: 

PRIVMSG Nick and NOTICE designators changed for clarity. 
Text window Font control 
Test Window Color control (Background and Foreground) 

You may retrieve the source on this page to see how it's done. The file
chat.html contains the following code: 
<APPLET CODEBASE="http://cookie.sorcery.net/~ircd_/javachat/"
CODE="Chat.class" WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=400> 
<PARAM NAME="Server" VALUE="cookie.sorcery.net">
<PARAM NAME="Port" VALUE="9000">
<PARAM NAME="Channel" VALUE="#help">
<PARAM NAME="AllowChannelChange" VALUE="Yes">
<PARAM NAME="FontName" VALUE="Monospaced">
<PARAM NAME="FontSize" VALUE="12">
<PARAM NAME="Foreground" VALUE="000000">
<PARAM NAME="Barebones" VALUE="No">

Substitute your channel name for the #help channel in the example, and
decide if you want to allow those using the applet on your page to
change channels by changing the "AllowChannelChange" parameter value to
either "Yes" or "No". 

Browser Requirements
This applet requires a browser which understands JRE 1.1. This encludes
IE4, or Netscape 4.05+ (for example). For older browsers, Sun
Microsystems has a plug-in available which may allow you to use this
applet with your older browser. I have not tested it, since I can't find
an older browser, but you are welcome to download/install it and tell me
how it works. Click on the coffee cup for the plug in. 
Source: README, updated 2001-07-20