Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
SMWAskAPI-0.9a-smw1.6-rev00019.zip 2011-09-15 4.8 kB
SMWAskAPI-0.9a-smw1.5-rev00019.zip 2011-09-14 4.8 kB
README.txt 2011-09-14 1.4 kB
SMWAskAPI-0.9a-r2.zip 2011-09-11 4.2 kB
SMWAskAPI-0.9a-r1.zip 2010-12-05 4.2 kB
Totals: 5 Items   19.4 kB 0
This project extends the SMW (Semantic MediaWiki) API with support for #ask queries
Project is available on sourceforge at https://sourceforge.net/projects/smwaskapi/

= Download the extension

Compatible with SMW 1.6
* Via SVN:
      svn co https://smwaskapi.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/smwaskapi/trunk/SMWAskAPI
* Go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/smwaskapi/files/ 
      and download the most recent archive for SMW 1.6 looking like SMWAskAPI-xxx-smw1.6-rev00xxx.zip

Compatible with SMW 1.5
* Via SVN:
      svn co https://smwaskapi.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/smwaskapi/branches/smw-1.5/SMWAskAPI
* Go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/smwaskapi/files/ 
      and download the most recent archive for SMW 1.5 looking like SMWAskAPI-xxx-smw1.5-rev00xxx.zip

= Install the extension

To install this API extension, drop the sources into $IP/extensions/SMWAskAPI
and add the following line into LocalSettings.php:

    require_once( "$IP/extensions/SMWAskAPI/SMWAskAPI.php" );

Going to /api.php of your mediawiki installation, you should now see a 'ask'
value available for the 'action' parameter.

The extension will be listed as SMWAskAPI on the Special:Version page

= Requirements

This extension needs the SemanticMediaWiki (SMW) extension. See http://semantic-mediawiki.org/

This extension has been tested on :
- mediawiki 1.17.0 with SMW 1.6.1
- mediawiki 1.16.0 with SMW 1.5.2

Source: README.txt, updated 2011-09-14