Home / Deliverable 06 A package containing the complete source of the MAC i / … / Deliverable 06 A package containing the complete source of the MAC implementation along with any patches or custom code developed in the process (if any)
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Openmoko_selinux_userSpace_binaries_SourceCode.tar.gz 2011-05-24 25.9 MB
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The DBAMP's sourceforge (link) contains all the deliverables (also linked from the Milestone chart), Follow the Following steps to Run each of them on your Mobile (Neo FreeRunner).

1.	Milestone 6 contains openmoko rootfs along with all the required libraries, Flash it to your device or Copy it to the 		memory card.

2.	Milestone 5 contains the kernel (uImage.bin),  Flash it to your device or Copy it to the First (FAT partition) partition 		of your memory card.

3.	Milestone 3 contains the Userspace libraries and binaries for selinux, copy the contents of lib to /usr/lib folder of 		device and contents of bin to /usr/bin of device.

4.	Milestone 8 contains MTM emulator and required utilities, use the Following method to install MTM emulator on openmoko.

	a.	Extract tpm-binaries.tar.bz2

		i.	Copy *.h files to /usr/include folder of Device

		ii.	*.so, *.l and *.la to /usr/lib folder of Device

		iii.	The rest of Binaries to /usr/bin folder folder of Device

		iv.	Copy tpmd_dev.ko from milestone 5 to /lib/../tpm on device

	b.	Install the IPKs using the following command

		opkg install tpm-tools-

		opkg install trousers-0.3.4_0.1_armv4t.ipk

5.	Milestone 10 contains ucon, the verifier module and the tpm's pcr read utility, use the following method to make it 		operational on Mobile device
	a.	Copy UCON_Final.tar.bz2 and verification_jar.tar.bz2 and pcr_reader_java.zip  to your home folder on device.
	b.	Extract them
	c.	To run ucon, change your directory to ucon_final and run the following command

		$java -jar ucon.jar

			It will execute and will take some time, it will produce two types of logs, the more detail xml log 					(meta/log/usage_log.xml) and the log containing hashes (/var/ucon_hashes)

	d.	Run the verifier, change the directory to verification and run the following command

		$java -jar verifier.jar

		It will execute and recalculate the hashes from the ucon_hashes file in /var/ and it will give u a final hash.

	e.	Now we have to compare this hash store in PCR 11 of the TPM, to see that, change your directory to pcr_reader_java 		and run the following command

		$java -jar pcr_reader_java.jar

		Read the value of PCR11 and compare it with hash produced by verifier, if they are the same means that the log 				isn't tampered.
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2011-06-27