Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Binaries 2011-01-20
segyzip_all.zip 2013-01-25 107.2 kB
segyzip_source.zip 2013-01-25 25.3 kB
readme.txt 2013-01-25 2.0 kB
Totals: 4 Items   134.5 kB 1
*End Users*

Choices are:

* Download the binary (segyzip or SEGYZip.exe) for your plaform. These are in
	the directory 'Binaries'.
* Download the sources. These are in segyzip_source.zip.
* Download both sources and all binaries: segyzip_all.zip

All you get is a command-line tool, a very small executable of around 30 kb(!),
also for Windows. To see how you should use it, run with --help, like:

C:\> segyzip --help
% ./segyzip --help
Usage: ./segyzip [OPTION]... [FILE]
-c, --stdout      write on standard output
-d, --decompress  force decompress
-n, --no-stamp    omit/ignore 'stamp' in text header
-l, --level val   0=lossless, 1-9 lossy. Default=1
-k, --keep-spikes don't do spike fixing (float fmts only)
-N, --ns val      force number of samples
-F, --fmt val     force SEG-Y format for samples
-q, --quiet       show no progress
-v, --verbose     verbose mode
-s, --signature   force zipper with this signature
-h, --help        display this message
Zipper signature: _S_ version: 001

The program will create a new file, as follows:

* If your file has the extension '.sgy', an output compressed file '.syz' will
be created.
* If your file has the extension '.syz', an output uncompressed file '.sgy' will
be created.
* If your file has no or another extension then the file will be assumed to be
a SEG-Y file, and an extension '.syz' will be added to the file name. That is,
unless you explicitly force decompress (using -d or --decompress). 


Choices are:

* Work via svn. You'll know what to do.
* Download the sources only. These are in segyzip_source.zip.
* Download both sources and all binaries: segyzip_all.zip

To make the program, simply type 'make' or 'gmake' - the Makefile only works
with GNU make. Windows programmers can use the VC++ project stuff (in various
SEGYZip.* files). You should know how it works (as I don't). Many thanks
to Ranojay Sen of dGB for creating the binaries and VC project stuff.

Source: readme.txt, updated 2013-01-25