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Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
seeks-0.4.1.tar.gz 2012-04-10 1.4 MB
README 2012-04-03 12.6 kB
seeks-0.4.0a.tar.gz 2012-03-01 1.4 MB
seeks-0.4.0.tar.gz 2011-11-21 1.4 MB
seeks-0.4.0-RC2.tar.gz 2011-11-03 1.4 MB
seeks-0.4.0-RC1.tar.gz 2011-10-21 1.4 MB
seeks-0.3.5a.tar.gz 2011-09-13 1.3 MB
seeks-0.3.5.tar.gz 2011-08-30 1.3 MB
Totals: 8 Items   9.7 MB 0
* Bodie-0.4.1-HIPPY-stable

This releases yields an enterprise-ready version of the software, with
solid behavior, many bugfixes, and more features.

- Better ranking out of the P2P collaborative filter.

- Improved multithreaded behavior.

- Support for CORS.

- Added a plugin for 'readability' algorithm, extracting useful
  content from Web pages.

- Support for search on dotclear blogs.

- Improved support for large databases (> 2Gb).

- Many bug fixes and improvements, see
  http://redmine.seeks-project.info/versions/show/7 for full list.

* Bodie-0.4.0-HIPPY-stable

This release is a milestone, bringing a new API and the ability to
post search results directly onto a P2P ring of seeks machines.

- Introduces a new HTTP REST API,
  Compatibility is ensured with earlier API.

- Ability to post search results to a set of queries. This allows to
  attach any result to any query, not relying on any underlying search

- Introduces a seeks CLI to interact from the command line with a
  remote seeks node.

- Adds the ability for a local node to cross-post its recommended
  results to a public Seeks node, so that they are made available to

- Adds an XSL-serializer plugin that allows to craft XML output formats
  from XSL templates.
- 'hot reload' of configuration changes.

- Improved logging of operations.
- Fixes for compiling under FreeBSD & Haiku.
- New API parameter to control stopwords filtering.

- added configurable support for large (> 2Gb) size user databases.
- Many bug fixes and improvements.

* Bodie-0.3.5a-HIPPY-stable

This sub-release mainly fixes several memory leaks.

- Fixes leak in P2P client batch query call.

- Various comments and error logs improvements.

- Various unit tests cleanups.
* Bodie-0.3.5-HIPPY-stable

This release brings  improvements to the peer-to-peer search, fixes
a few bugs, and adds functionalities to Seeks.

- Fixes a computational blowup when expanding queries in P2P search.

- Improved detection of dead peers and their monitoring.

- Added default support for Delicious as a feed.

- Added support for Wordpress search results as a feed.

- Added support for Redmine search results as a feed.

- Fixed a bad encoding of some result titles.

- Fix to the Bing result parser.
- Fix to the Yahoo result grabber.

- there's now a --enable-personalization option to the configure
  script. When set to 'no' it allows to disable all personalization
  features, turning Seeks into a generic meta-search engine.

- An embryo of a no-tracking plugin, that implements HTTP header
  monitoring for avoiding smart tracking of users (e.g. through the
  'Last-Modified' header, ...).

- Fixes to the JSON output.

- Many bug fixes.

* DiAngelo-0.3.4-HIPPY-stable

First release with peer-to-peer activated as default. Every Seeks node
defines a list of Seeks peers to work with. This list defines a
ring of trusted peers. In future versions, the list will be updated
automatically, before a DHT takes over.

- Pure Seeks results: results now include data coming from the Seeks
  network (other peers) and not exclusively from feeds and search
  engines in the pipe.

- Default UI now includes peer information and recommendations.
- Implements three P2P call types over HTTP: per-key db access using Tokyo
  Tyrant, query fragment key extraction from Seeks node directly, and
  'batch' P2P query calls that fetch the whole halo of similar queries
  from a distant Seeks node (default).

- Automatic detection and testing of dead peers. Dead peers are marked back as
  alive when they are confirmed to operate correctly.
- libevent-2.x support is now default, see

- new threaded and interleaved calls to feeds and remote Seeks peers.

- new threaded collaborative filter, with improved local filtering (local
  user control on all results, including those coming from other peers,
  avoids spam or preferences to be overriden).
- Many leaks and bug fixes.

- Added special flag to disable OpenCV, as the library seems partly broken
  on Debian testing & sid. See:
* DiAngelo-0.3.3-SOLO-stable

- Reworked parser and feeds / search engines connection. Allows using the
  same parser over several feeds. Each feed can be accessed independently
  from the API.

- Added support for the following result formats: opensearch (ATOM & RSS),
  dokuwiki and mediawiki.
- Slightly improved personalization over halos of similar queries.
- Few bug fixes, on personalization and on parsers.

- User db optimization is now optional.

- Improved exception model and handling in all plugins.

- Added info API call to HTTP server plugin.

- Many fixes to JSON search output.

- Support for remote user database, for personalization and other means.
  This allows to deport the user database away from the Seeks node itself.
  It is the first step towards enabling of a mixture of remote user
  profiles, in forthcoming version.

- Personalization using remote user database.

- Added new user db remote service plugin (udb-service) to serve user
  database records remotely, over HTTP.

- Added support for Tokyo Tyrant.
* DiAngelo-0.3.2-SOLO-stable

- Added active rejection of personalized results. This allows a negative
  user feedback that is taken into account in ranking and recommendation.

- Added automated recommendation of queries, URLs (more results to a query).
  Uses an improved query-to-query weighted distance.

- Added support for remote user database with Tokyo Tyrant.

- Several bug fixes, from language detection to missing results from search
  engine parsers.

- Fixes to image search.

- Added detection / handling of non-UTF-8 strings for queries and URIs.
  (includes optional support for libICU).

- non-UTF-8 user db entry fix runs once at first startup of this new release.

- Fixed service of opensearch.xml

- Fixed minor leaks.

- Cleaner destruction of objects at node shutdown.

- Fixed encoding with Blekko parser.

- More unit tests.

* DiAngelo-0.3.1-SOLO-stable

- Added new 'compact' theme as the default search interface. Thanks
  to gwip for design and implementation.

- Added themes framework that allows contributors to create new themes
  with no dependency to the inner machinery.

- Added dynamic JSON-based User Interface with basic features. Faster
  to use, and ready to be plugged to the p2p net when it is released.

- Fixed key generation bug in user db. This version includes an automatic
  fix for dbs that may have been affected by the bug, so this remains
  transparent for the users and node maintainers.

- Replaced YUI-3.0.0 with YUI-3.2.0.

- Added generic export framework to the user db. Thanks to sileht
  for the good work.

- Added Blekko to the search engine parsers.

- Remove Cuil from the search engine parsers (Cuil is dead).

- Added infrastructure for unit testing based on gtests. Added unit
  tests for several key components. Thanks to dachary for all the
  hacking involved.

- Fixed a bug in the grouping of similar snippet due to bad encoding
  of URLs. Thanks to piti for discovering and fixing this.

- Added coloration to already visited URLs.

- Code documentation with doxygen.

* DiAngelo-0.3-SOLO-stable

- Added personalization of results. Queries & clicks on URIs are
recorded in a flexible user DB to improve ranking of results according
to past queries and use navigation.

- Added option for announcement panel on search result page.

- Several bug fixes.

- Fixed several tiny memory leaks.

* Bubs-0.2.5b-SOLO-stable

- Fixed crash in image similarity analysis.

* Bubs-0.2.5a-SOLO-stable

- Fixed bad cases in URLs.

* Bubs-0.2.5-SOLO-stable

- Tweets search, from Twitter and Identi.ca. Automatic aggregation
of retweets. Automated clustering of tweets.

- Videos search, from Youtube and Dailymotion. Automated clustering
of videos, based on their title or page's surrounding content.

- Fixes and improvements to the REST API.

- Added Yauba as a text engine.

- Cuil is now off by default as the engine itself seems to be dead.

- An internal fix to ranking for counterbalancing Bing / Yahoo becoming one
and single engine in English searches.

- Internal fixes and improvement to rendering of pages and results.

- Plugin system is now compatible with OSX and OpenBSD.

* Bubs-0.2.4-SOLO-stable
This releases brings image metasearch in the form of a new plugin, as
well as many improvements to memory management and stability.

- Image metasearch plugin integrating results from Bing, Yahoo, Google,
Flickr and Wikimedia Commons.

- Image metasearch safesearch mode on/off.

- Image similarity analysis functionalities based on OpenCV SURF
features computation.

- Fixed several memory leaks.

- Slightly reworked user interface, new bar, variable width of column
results in clustering and classification per type.

- Image service with HTTP server plugin.

- Image search JSON output.

- Using the HTTP server plugin now automatically disables the proxy.
  A new option allows to override this behavior.

- Performance boost when recalling a query that is still in cache.

- Autotools 'make distcheck' now produces a proper tarball.

- Minor bug fixes and improvements.

* Bubs-0.2.3-SOLO-stable
This releases brings two plugins, an embedded light HTTP server for easing the
deployment or personal and public search nodes; a URL blocker for controlling
trafic through the proxy (e.g. ad-blocking). The release has an improved
overall stability.

- Light embedded HTTP server plugin based on libevent. Support for direct
websearch, opensearch.xml and robots.txt.

- URL blocker plugin for controlling trafic through the proxy, such as
ad-blocking and more, based on a (by default empty) list of positive and
negative regexps.

- Per-query selection of search engines with parameter "engines=" in query

- Improved stability with the correction of some rare but critical bugs and
  and a memory leak.

- Fixed parsing of some engines results.

- Fixed swedish stop word list.

- Fixed bug when loading stopwordlist at startup for system-wide installation.

* Bubs-0.2.2-SOLO-stable
This release brings some improvements and includes a JSON API for using/reusing
the search results in third-party applications.

- Highlight of most discriminative words in every search result snippet.
- Full HTML5 compliance of generated pages.

- JSON API for search, clustering, type grouping, similarity ranking.

- Fixed bug in ranking.

- Max expansion limit for protection against potential attacks on public nodes.
- Improved stability.

* Bubs-0.2.1-SOLO-stable
This release brings some technical improvements for stability.

- Better mutexes around the concurrent treatment of queries.

- Fixes rare crash in clustering too few snippets.

- Removed some decoration on the UI.

- Language indicator on the search result page.

- Ready for Ubuntu and Debian packaging.

- Compiles under FreeBSD and Gentoo.

- Some other minor fixes here and then.

* Bubs-0.2-SOLO-stable
This release enables a set of novel websearch features, fixes bugs
in the machinery, eases the deployment of public Seeks nodes.
As such this the first truely mature of the SOLO releases.

- Support for multiple languages. This includes:
  ¤ Automatic language detection from the http headers.
  * In-query language command.
  ¤ Stop word list in content analysis, in multiple languages.
- Clustering of websearch results.
  ¤ Online sphercial k-means.
  ¤ Two clustering modes, from websearch snippets summaries,
    from automatically downloaded and analyzed web content.
  ¤ Automated computation of cluster labels. 
  ¤ Cluster labels as extended queries.

- Improved automatic similarity of results with tf-idf
  feature generation.

- Automatic reload of configuration files at runtime when 
  changes are made.

- Sorting and grouping of websearch results, by urls, titles,
  and result types (webpage, wiki, pdf, videos, mp3, other files,

- Added optional thumbails of websearch results.

- Improved parsing of supported search engines, and added
  support for Yahoo! Search and Exalead.
- Much improved Makefiles and template serving functions.

- Added top banner for displaying the Seeks node information.

- Added Access Control List (ACL). Allows to block and/or filter
  authorized connections by IP address. Helpful to secure public
Source: README, updated 2012-04-03