Home / bin
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
seed7_05_20240812_win.exe 2024-08-16 53.3 MB
seed7_05_20240630_win.exe 2024-08-01 53.3 MB
seed7_05_20231217_win.exe 2023-12-17 53.2 MB
seed7_05_20230709_win.exe 2023-07-29 28.5 MB
make7.exe 2023-07-26 591.8 kB
tar7.exe 2023-03-08 782.7 kB
seed7_05_20191117_win.exe 2019-11-18 27.2 MB
README_bin.creole 2019-09-16 2.9 kB
seed7_05_20190714_win.exe 2019-07-14 27.2 MB
seed7_05_20180601_win.exe 2018-06-01 26.8 MB
seed7_05_20170328_win.exe 2017-03-28 26.7 MB
seed7_05_20160330_win.exe 2016-03-30 26.6 MB
seed7_05_20150419_win.exe 2015-04-19 26.1 MB
seed7_05_20141019_win.exe 2014-10-19 25.9 MB
seed7_05_20140907_win.exe 2014-09-07 25.7 MB
seed7_05_20140817_win.exe 2014-08-17 25.7 MB
seed7_05_20140803_win.exe 2014-08-03 25.7 MB
seed7_05_20140615_win.exe 2014-06-15 25.6 MB
seed7_05_20140216_win.exe 2014-02-16 20.9 MB
seed7_05_20140202_win.exe 2014-02-02 20.9 MB
seed7_05_20131208_win.exe 2013-12-08 20.9 MB
seed7_05_20131124_win.exe 2013-11-24 21.4 MB
seed7_05_20130805_win.exe 2013-08-06 20.8 MB
seed7_05_20130722_win.exe 2013-07-22 20.8 MB
seed7_05_20130616_win.exe 2013-06-16 20.4 MB
seed7_05_20130519_win.exe 2013-05-19 20.2 MB
seed7_05_20130401_win.exe 2013-04-01 20.2 MB
seed7_05_20130317_win.exe 2013-03-17 20.2 MB
seed7_05_20130105_win.exe 2013-01-05 20.1 MB
seed7_05_20121212_win.exe 2012-12-12 20.1 MB
seed7_05_20121007_win.exe 2012-10-07 20.1 MB
seed7_05_20120506_win.tgz 2012-05-06 23.1 MB
seed7_05_20120219_win.tgz 2012-02-19 23.0 MB
seed7_05_20111204_win.tgz 2011-12-04 22.9 MB
seed7_05_20111014_win.tgz 2011-10-14 22.9 MB
seed7_05_20110508_win.tgz 2011-05-08 22.6 MB
seed7_05_20101219_win.tgz 2010-12-19 22.5 MB
Totals: 37 Items   882.8 MB 7

Seed7 download


Welcome to the Seed7 installers for Windows.\nOther executables are also in this directory.




This directory contains the latest installer and older ones. Installers have\nnames with the following pattern:




Just download the installer with the latest date (yyyy-mm-dd). It is not a\nproblem, if the installer is older than the latest source release of Seed7.\nThe installer is capable to download the latest source release. After you\nhave downloaded the installer you can start it (either from the console\n(cmd.exe) or from the Windows Explorer).


The installer leads through the installation process with a dialog. It\ndetermines the latest source release of Seed7 and downloads it. If the\nlatest release cannot be downloaded a manually downloaded source release\ncan be used instead. The installer can also use a built-in release of\nSeed7. This built-in release is the one with the date of the installer.


The installer asks for an installation directory for Seed7. Afterwards it\ncompiles Seed7 with the makefile seed7/src/mk_mingc.mak. The installer\nuses a built-in make utility and an encapsulated gcc. These tools do not\ninterfere with another make or gcc, which might be installed on your\ncomputer.


Finally the installer adds the directory with the Seed7 executables to the\nsearch path (PATH variable). Therefore it needs administrator rights. The\nprogram to change the path is setwpath.exe. The name setwpath.exe will show\nup, when you are asked to allow administrative rights for the installation.


The installer can be used to update an existing Seed7 installation. The\ninstaller checks the version of an existing installation of Seed7 and\noffers the possibility to update. Update means that all files in the Seed7\ninstallation directory are replaced. Therefore it makes sense to place your\nown Seed7 programs and libraries at a different place.




Seed7 programs can be started from a console window (cmd.exe).\nJust change to the directory seed7\\prg and use the \'s7\' interpreter.\nE.g.:


s7 panic


All programs with the extension .sd7 can be interpreted with the\n\'s7\' interpreter. The Seed7 compiler (s7c) can be used to\ncompile a program to an executable. E.g.:


s7c panic


This generates the executable panic.exe. The executables generated\nwith the Seed7 compiler do not require a Seed7 dll. Therefore they\ncan be moved to other Windows computers.


More information can be found at the Seed7 Homepage.


Note: Although this is a Windows release it does NOT support Windows\nspecific things like .NET and Win32. Seed7 emphasizes portability\nand I have no intention to support writing programs, which only run\nunder windows.

Source: README_bin.creole, updated 2019-09-16