Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
SecureMyAppV1002 2009-09-28
ReadMeFirst.txt 2009-09-28 1.3 kB
Totals: 2 Items   1.3 kB 0
Thank you for downloadind SecureMyApp.


1-.NET Framework 2.0 wich can be downloaded at microsoft.com

2-Windows Installer 3.1 also free at microsoft.

If you do not have these requirements SecureApp will download them for you.

3-Please download all files before installing the program.

Usage of SecureMyApp

NB This tool is for .net developers only.It is a Strong Naming GUI tool
built with C# and tested with Gallio Test Suite.
This is beta software but working fine.I am working on deployment and
server tools.

-To create a new key

 click on Create New KeyPair,enter signature text(ex app2 cert) and clik on Sign.
After you sign it click on verify.After that you have a key ready to protect your
ASP.NET ,C#,VB.NET... source code.Time to save it.

-To open  a key 

Click on Open SNK File,it will populate the key pair,then sign it,verify it and save it.

The same technique apply to the rest of the remaining command.I am using REMOBJECT SDK for
some of these tasks.

If you encounter any bug please inform me.
If there is a new version you will be prompte to update to a new version.


Talley Ouro
Source: ReadMeFirst.txt, updated 2009-09-28