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Seamonster works good.
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On Windows 7 Installed Java 8, installed SeaMonster. Run Seamonster.exe, get the hourglass for a few seconds then nothing. So basically it does not run.
User Reviews
Although laborious, I managed to get this running with the below Dockerfile (rpms and Seamonster expanded from the linux download), running on macosx with docker desktop: FROM centos:centos7 COPY java-1.7.0-openjdk-headless- /opt/workdir/j.rpm RUN yum install -v -y /opt/workdir/j.rpm COPY java-1.7.0-openjdk- /opt/workdir/j.rpm RUN yum install -v -y /opt/workdir/j.rpm RUN /bin/rm -rf /opt/worker COPY ./SeaMonster /opt/SeaMonster RUN mkdir /Users RUN useradd jet --base-dir /Users --create-home RUN chmod +x /opt/SeaMonster/SeaMonster USER jet WORKDIR /Users/jet CMD DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0.0 /opt/SeaMonster/SeaMonster
На Windows 10 не запускается.
If it doesn't run on your machine, make sure to head to Java site, download and install the 32-bit JRE. This can be installed alongside a 64-bit JRE with no issues, if you're using a 64-bit machine. A reboot may be necessary.
On Windows 7 Installed Java 8, installed SeaMonster. Run Seamonster.exe, get the hourglass for a few seconds then nothing. So basically it does not run.
Seamonster works good.
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