Home / savemi
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savemi-0.8 2013-05-09
savemi-0.7 2009-02-19
Totals: 2 Items   0
		#						#
		#	SaveMi					#
		#						#
		#	Save what you want,			#
		#		fetch what you need		#
		#						#
		#	Auteurs :				#
		#	- BATARD Florent			#
		#		batard[at]polytech.unice.fr	#
		#	- LEQUEUX Sylvain			#
                #		slequeux[at]gmail.com   	#
		#	- QUINCEROT Emmanuel			#
		#		quincero[at]polytech.unice.fr	#
		#	- RAAD Sami				#
		#		raad[at]polytech.unice.fr	#
		#						#
		#		    Janvier 2009		#
		#						#

I - Compilation
Prerequisites to compile :
- g++ 4.2.4 or greater
- developpment framework for Qt 4.4 or greater

How to compile :
1) Build makefile :
2) Compile :

II - Run
Prerequisite to run :
- A GNU-Linux OS
- Qt 4.4 or greater

How to run :
From a console, launch the following from project folder : ./Savemi

III - Documentation
Prerequisite to generate documentation :
- doxygen
- graphviz (for graphs)

Build documentation :
- make doc

Delete documentation :
- make doc_clean

Built documentation is available in doc folder.

Source: Readme.txt, updated 2013-05-09