
Installation requires preinstalled proj4?

User Forum
  • Taylor Binnington


    I'm trying to properly install the Saga 2.0.7 binaries on my openSUSE 11.3
    x86_64 machine. I have ensured that I have wxGTK, GDAL, GEOS, TIFF and Jasper
    installed, and in the process have realized that I also need unixODBC,
    PostgreSQL, as well as all the development packages for packages mentioned
    earlier (for header files). I'm trying to install using

    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/saga


    and I get the following error:

    PROJ4_Base.h:70:22: fatal error: projects.h: No such file or directory

    compilation terminated.

    Errors similar to this suggested that I needed developer versions of GDAL,
    GEOS, etc, which fixed THOSE errors, but even after installing Proj.4 (can't
    find libraries for it anywhere though) the error persists.

    Any ideas? I didn't think that I'd have to install so many packages just to
    get 'make' to work, and it feels like I'm going about this wrong. Any input
    would be appreciated, and I'm happy to post output. Thank you!


  • man_e

    man_e - 2011-05-25


    there is a saga wiki page on how to compile saga on linux:

    the dependencies are only listed for fedora and ubuntu, but i think the
    package names should be very similar.

    you need the both, the libraries and the developer packages containing the
    header files to build saga. i don't think there is a dependency on postgres.

    in your case the commmands would be:

    autoreconf -i

    ./configure --enable-unicode


    the default value for the prefix is already set to /usr/local, so you don't
    have to specify it.



  • Taylor Binnington

    Hi there, thank you for your reply!

    i followed those instructions, and after some tinkering, things went a little
    better. I still didn't expect to have to install so many additional packages.

    However. when I enter the 'make' command, after quite some time processing, I
    get this output:


    cannot find -lpoppler

    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

    make: *** Error 1


    and the process is aborted. SO I don't know what -lpoppler is (presumably some
    library I'm trying to link to that either doesn't exist or is in the wrong
    path), but for now I'm hung up again. I was so close!

    So does anyone know which library lpoppler would link to, so I can make sure
    it's installed? Thank you again! (although don't let my cheery sounding
    exclamation points mask the fact that I'm frustrated)

  • Volker Wichmann

    Volker Wichmann - 2011-05-25

    The error is issued from the SAGA GDAL Import/Export Grids module, but the
    error message indicates that there is a problem with your GDAL installation.
    As far as I know, libpoppler is used in GDAL with the Geospatial PDF driver
    and that this driver is optional. Seems like the GDAL package you have
    installed is build with GeoPDF support, but that you miss the complete
    development package (or the package misses to include the dependency on
    libpoppler). I would suggest to verify your GDAL install, libpoppler is no
    dependency for SAGA.


  • Taylor Binnington

    Hi, thank you for the suggestion. I reinstalled GDAL using my package manager
    and the problem was not fixed. I then installe dthe poppler development
    package, and the error disappeared, but then another error popped up, cannot
    find -lxerces-c, which I googled and then installed the xerces development
    files. So THAT error went away, and the next error is cannot find -lopenjpeg,
    so I installed THAT development package and now the error is cannot find
    -lgif. So clearly I cannot continue this way, I shouldn't have to manually
    install each one of these, to resolve a cascade of errors. I don't know how
    many development packages I'm missing, but should these files be contained in
    GDAL or something, and even though I reinstalled, the installation is still
    not being recognized?

    I know that I'll use SAGA in the future, I understand it's very powerful, but
    all I wanted to do was read in some USGS .dem files and convert them to text!

  • Volker Wichmann

    Volker Wichmann - 2011-05-26

    I can understand that this is frustrating, but this has nothing to do with
    SAGA itself but missing development packages on your system (most if not all
    of them required by GDAL). Did you have a look at
    ? There are all
    dependencies listed that are necessary to build SAGA on Fedora and Ubuntu.
    Maybe SUSE has some more.

    I see two possibilities: search and install the missing libraries or disable
    the build of the io_gdal module in case you don't need it. In order to disable
    the module, you would have to edit the in /src/modules_io and
    remove the "gdal" entry. Then rerun autoreconf and configure before building


  • Taylor Binnington

    Thank you again, I know that this is an issue on my system, not with Saga,

    Of the two options that you proposed (which make sense), I suppose I will
    simply have to install each library as it appears. For my purposes now, I
    understand that I need the GDAL module to import USGS .DEM raster files, so
    it's important that the function is not disabled.

    I'll let you know how it goes, and thank you!

  • Taylor Binnington


    Actually there were only two more libraries I had to install before make
    succeeded, make check, make install and make clean were then successful. When
    I tried to run saga_gui, I was receiving an error about not finding, even though it was clearly in the /usr/local/lib
    directory, I had to add to my .bashrc file:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib

    or type it in the command line before executing saga_gui. But now things run
    smoothly, and first crack importing my .DEM file as a raster worked well.
    Thank you for your help!

    For those of you who find your way here with a similar problem, I made sure
    that I had all of the following DEVELOPMENT libraries installed:













  • Volker Wichmann

    Volker Wichmann - 2011-05-26

    Nice to hear, maybe this list of dependencies should be added to the wiki
    page. Instead of setting the library path variable you may try to run the
    ldconfig command once.



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