Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
readme.txt 2024-01-24 4.3 kB
marcos_rsp_mfce_1.1.0_b0012.zip 2020-12-09 3.6 MB
rsp_mfce_1.0.3_b0005.rar 2018-08-14 2.2 MB
rsp_mfce_1.0.2_b0004.rar 2018-08-10 1.7 MB
rsp_mfce_1.0.1_b0003.rar 2018-08-08 944.4 kB
rsp_mfce_1.0.0_b0002.rar 2018-08-07 860.2 kB
rsp_mfce_001_b0001.zip 2009-11-02 848.3 kB
Totals: 7 Items   10.2 MB 0
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                      #2023 X March 21 19:50 PM Brasília Time

*                                                                             *
*                   Licensa de Copia (C) <2024>  <Aurora Boreal>              *
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*       Pereira: arsoftware25@gmail.com ricardo@arsoftware.net.br             *
*           xcx: arsoftware10@gmail.com   charli@arsoftware.net.br            *
         Yasmin:                          yasmin@arsoftware.net.br            *

Win32/Win64 DLL to compress memory or files using
zlib, bzip2, xz or LZO, the integrity check is provided
by crc32. 


- Extract the files to an empty folder

Where are the files?
	C sources:

	Csharp project starts with the file rspmfce.sln

What is new in the version 1.1.0 build 00012
(Wed 09/December/2020 14:18:42)
Recompilation of the project and enhanced the
makefiles, notice that the lzma libs in this
project came already compiled with the xz sources
then if you need lzma sources you need to visit
the 7zip homepage, minor modifications.

What is new in the version 1.0.3 build 0005
(Tue Aug 14 20:22:15 2018, by morcego48)
Added a transformation on the string to
compress better, it will adjust the data
in such a way that it will be more compressible,
this transform can only be applied to unicode
strings, binary data will not benefit from
this method, minor modifications.

What is new in the version 1.0.2 build 0004
(Fri Aug 10 18:43:22 2018, by morcego48)
Added .xz compression method, this method
uses lzma2, and it can compress a lot better than
zlib lzo and bzip2, we sugest you to use xz as the
compression method, minor modifications

What is new in the version 1.0.1 build 0003
(Wed Aug 08 11:18:31 2018, by morcego48)
Fixed the compilation problems of LZO
and added it again, added to the sample
project code to check the integrity of the
string, minor modifications

What is new in the version 1.0.0 build 0002
(Tue Aug 07 19:32:39 2018, by morcego48)
Updated the sample project to target
.net framework 4.5.1, removed lzo
compression because it is not compiling correctly
for win64, maybe the next release will
have lzo again, future releases may have
lzma compression too.

 * 0.0.1 build 0001 - First release,
 only capable of memory compression
							BW 2020
Source: readme.txt, updated 2024-01-24