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README 2012-06-05 666 Bytes
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1. Installation
2. Usage


To install rodoo, simply run 'install.rb' as root.


rodoo list        -	List all of the items in your todolist
rodoo add foo     - 	Add the one word "item" to your todolist
rodoo add "phrase with spaces" - Add "phrase with spaces" to one line in 
				your todolist
rodoo remove bar	 - 	Remove the line containing "bar" from your todolist
rodoo remove bar baz  -	Remove the lines containing "bar" and "baz" from your 
clear	-	Clear your todolist entirely

I can be reached at jarubyh@sourceforge.net if you have any bug reports, 
feedback or threats. Feel free to submit any contributions you have.
Source: README, updated 2012-06-05