Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Readme.txt 2013-07-09 1.5 kB
roboCopy_ServerSide.jar 2013-07-09 1.6 MB
mySQLJarDriver_1.0.0.jar 2013-07-09 798.1 kB
RoboCopy_0.1.0.jar 2013-07-09 852.8 kB
Totals: 4 Items   3.3 MB 1
										Instalation Guide and Download

To more details, see matheuslessa.com/robocopy

RoboCopy Release 1.0
  Features available
    - Clipboard Transfer:
      An Easy way to transfer your clipboard to a colleague
      How to access: Icon at Eclipse Workbench
    - RoboCopy Chat:
       An instant messenger focused on developer
       How to access: Go to Window > Show View > Other > Other > RoboCopy - Chat 

Step 1. Configuring the server
  Install the MySQL Database. 
  After installation, or if you already have a server with MySQL installed, you must to follow the steps from HERE.
  Run the roboCopy_ServerSide.jar service.

Step 2. Configuring the Eclipse
  Install RoboCopy copying the file RoboCopy_version.jar and the file mySQLJarDriver_1.0.0.jar into the Plugins folder of 
  Eclipse IDE.
  Repeat the previous step for all machines on which you want to use RoboCopy 
  Restart the Eclipse IDE, click the RoboCopy icon that appears in the toolbar and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the setup.
  Now, you are ready to using the RoboCopy Plugin

  The RoboCopy is under development and can not work well in all environments. The RoboCopy was tested successfully in the following

  IDE: Eclipse Indigo
  Network Interface: Wi-Fi Network
  Environment: Java 6
  OS: MacOS, Linux Ubuntu and Windows 7

Source: Readme.txt, updated 2013-07-09