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People and Company Data Icon
People and Company Data

We handle the heavy-lifting of data collection, so you can build innovative and compliant data solutions at scale.

We handle the heavy lifting of data collection, so you can build innovative and compliant data solutions at scale. Our data has enabled thousands of engineering, data science, product, and other technical teams to build compliant, innovative, data-based software solutions.
ID Verification, Biometric Authentication & Age Verification Technology. Icon
ID Verification, Biometric Authentication & Age Verification Technology.

Know the real identity of your customer, user, or employee with the Udentify Identity Verification and Biometric Authentication solution.

Banks, financial services, insurance and e-commerce organisations that have a need to prove the identity of their customers, users or employees when onboarding, new account opening, age verification or biometric authentication.
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Resolver Risk Intelligence Platform

Resolver gathers all risk data and analyzes it in context - revealing the true business impact within every risk.

Choose the risk intelligence software used by over 1000 of the world’s largest organizations. Resolver makes it easy to collaborate and collect data from across the enterprise, allowing teams to fully understand their risk landscape and control effectiveness. Understanding your data is one thing; being able to use it to drive vital action. Resolver automates workflows and reporting to ensure risk intelligence turns into risk reduction.
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Web Accessibility Platform for Businesses of All Sizes

AudioEye is a cloud-based digital accessibility platform helping businesses of all sizes build inclusive and compliant websites and mobile apps.

AudioEye is a technology company serving businesses committed to providing equal access to their online content. Transforming how the world experiences digital content, AudioEye solves issues of accessibility and enhances the user experience for the broadest audience possible. Specializing in speed to compliance with ADA-related digital accessibility requirements, AudioEye offers technology that makes digital content more accessible and more usable, for more people. Fixing digital accessibility issues starts with understanding. AudioEye continues to monitor for new issues with every site visitor, ensuring that all content is accessible to all people. You will get your first AudioEye Accessibility Score the moment you sign up. From then on, AudioEye continues to provide you a clear and actionable score quantifying your risk and identifying opportunities for improvement. AudioEye's patented technology tests for over 400 accessibility and compliance issues.
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The Only Solution To Manage Your Temporary Workers

Seamlessly manage your workers, clients and suppliers in one comprehensive staffing operating system.

Ubeya empowers businesses and agencies through optimizing processes, scheduling, communication, payroll and compliance. The platform includes two apps for employees and managers, and a client portal for orders.

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