Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Updates 2012-12-16
Torrents 2012-11-28
Previous Versions 2012-11-24
w8 2012-09-23
renamerV2_Release.7z 2012-12-16 48.3 kB
renamerV2_Build.2.8.4733.26528_Source.7z 2012-12-16 46.0 kB
readme.txt 2012-12-16 19.5 kB
list_of_strings.txt 2012-07-16 13 Bytes
Totals: 8 Items   113.7 kB 0
renamerV2 by p4rAn0id (2012)

Simple Tool. 
Usefull to remove or replace strings on directory- and 
filenames. It is also possible to "Folder" and "Unfolder" 
files. In a early Beta-State is an Unpacking feature that
depends on an available 7za.exe.

Use the simulate Button before you start the real Action.
So you can check if your Settings are correct.

Perhaps this Program can be a Securityrisk.
Don't use this Tool as Admin! (in this Case, you must ultra
very well be sure, that you know, what you do).

The Programm will perhaps crash, if you use it on
Directorys/Files, without the needed Permissions or wrong
settings/values! Please report such crashes.

Feel free to rate, comment and share this tool.

!!! Support the Occupy Movement !!! We are the 99% !!!
            !!! We arn't their slaves !!!!

Report Ideas and Bugs at:

Runs with:
  .NET 4.0 (ClientProfile)

Tested in:
  Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
  Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit
  MacOSX 10.6
Compiled for 'Any CPU'
  runs in 32- and 64-bit environments

FAQ - or something else
Q: What is LoS? / For what is the File 
A: LoS is my Shortname for the File "list_of_strings.txt"
	In this File you can edit/add/remove Strings (with 
	your preferred Texteditor). Only one String per Line.
	Use only Chars, that are allowed in File- and
	Directorynames, else the Program can Crash. I dont 
	Check your Input! You must know, what you do!
Q: How can i Edit an added String in this Box?
A: Here a little 'How-To' edit an ListBox-Item
	To Edit an ListBox Item you can
		Doubleklick it
		select and press 'Enter' or 'F2'
	To delete selected ListBox Items, you can
		select and press 'Del' or 'Backspace'
		select and click the 'remove'-Button
	The Item will only change, if you 
		press 'Enter'
	To exit the Editfunction, without changing the Item
		press 'Escape' 
	It's still possible, to click the Buttons/Checkboxes
	it's not a Bug, it's a Feature! You can still close the

Q: Can i get Support?
A: If you are lucky, there is a Community, or better, you 
    can help yourself. Otherwise, you can try this:

Q: Why is this nice tool not on thepiratebay available?
A: It was. For 1 day or sowhat. Then my account got 
    "deleted" and the torrent was nomore available on tpb.
	I cant create a new account with the used email. Yes, 
	it sounds strange, but it is really happened.

 - add more async workers
 - more Checking (ex. Permissions) and Errorhandling
 - Multiload of diffrent LoS-Files 
 - Options for appending or replace to/the ListBox's 
   Content (from/with LoS-Files)
 - more Preferences for setting Defaults for Dynamic and
   Hardcoded Values
 - implement db4o to store Logs and/or Settings
 - Installer (currently the updater can be abused for)
   - store settings to the Registry
 - add Version-Check to the Updater
	atm the Updater get the actual renamerV2.exe without
	worry about existence and version when it get started

mono - known issues
The moving of multiselected items in the Listbox isn't so 
  nice as under win7. Selected items can lose their 
  selection. Moving a single item work as expected.
Updater can start new renamerV2, but the started renamerV2
  get closed too if the Updater get closed. The start on a 
  Unix/Mac is disabled and a Message get displayed.
Updater can't close running renamerV2. This is because the
  renamerV2 runs as 'mono' and not 'renamerV2'. The start 
  of the Updater from within renamerV2 is disabled under 
  Unix/Mac and a Message get displayed. 
Relatively pathes aren't supported as in windows. I use the
  Application.StartUpPath when a Unix/Mac is detected. And
  the portable Mode get disabled by default.
On Unix/Mac in the 'About' is the Text-Scrolling disabled
renamerV2 v2.8.4733.26528 (16.12.2012)
 ~ Bugfix: Catch error when Directory or Filename is too
renamerV2 v2.8.4711.5217 (24.11.2012)
 ~ Bugfix: in unfolderer mode the cutting failed under
     special circumstances
renamerV2 v2.8.4711.2454 (24.11.2012)
 - extended the 'Folderer'
  - added an 'unfolder' mode (must get enabled because it
    is at the moment an 'experimental' tool)
    - use the simulate before using
  - define a string that a file must contain that it get 
  - say where to Cut a name from rootDir (only unfolderer)
  - define a destintion for un-/foldering
    else a directory get created named with the 'Contains' 
	else it get foldered in the containing folder
	or it get unfoldered to the parent of containing folder
  - as always, simulate before real use
 - now multiple WorkDirs can get defined (in ALL Tools!)
   e.g.: C:\folder1;D:\folder2;e:\folder3
 - removed directory-checks on config-loading
   this happens when starting an action
 - now the 'About&Thanks' can get closed with the 'About'-
   Button and also the text-scrolling is disabled on 
   Unix/Mac, because it caused a strange graphic-bug
 - implemented an 'surprise' somewhere ;)
 ~ Bugfixes:
     - now the check for nfo and url files converts to
	   lower because it was case-sensitive
 Settingsmanager (v0.7)
  - added config-GUI for 'Unpacker'
  - extended config for 'Folderer'
 New Feature: 'Unpacker'
   - that this work it must get enabled in Settingsmanager
     (System/show "experimental" Tools)
   - you also have to copy an 7za.exe to the renamerV2.exe
     or add the Path to an 7za.exe to your PathEnvironment
	 You can get it here: http://www.7-zip.org
   ~ known Bug: doesn't work with parted Archives
 renamerV2updater v0.4.4711.2454
  - added check for existing MainExe (renamerV2.exe)
  - added VersionCheck and asks if the update isn't newer
   - while AutoUpdate it will no question displayed and the
     Update get aborted
renamerV2 v2.7.4606.42562 (12.08.2012)
 - implemented OS-detection
 - runs now under mono
    tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and MacOSX 10.6
 ~ Bugfixes
	- fixed the "Log"-checkboxes handling
	- for compatibility the version of files now get through
	  the FileVersionInfo
	- fixed the Progressbar in 'Folderer'
	- fixed the errorhandling in 'Folderer'
	- fixed handling of defaults
 - Settingsmanager (v0.6.6)
     some changes for Unix/Mac compatibility
 renameV2updater v0.3.4606.42561
  - implemented OS-detection
  - runs now under mono
      tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and MacOSX 10.6
renamerV2 v2.6.4605.2251 (10.08.2012)
 ~ Bugfix: corrected handling of configuration
	now the defaults get handled correct
 renamerV2updater v0.2.4605.2251
  ~ Bugfix: same as above
renamerV2 v2.6.4604.42748 (10.08.2012)
 ~ Bugfix: when the "Log"-Checkbox is checked you get a few
	details about the renaming (old and new name and what
	done). While code reorganizations this got lost
 - when an error occurs you get a short message
	to enable a bit more information add the following
	line to rV2-default.cfg:
 - Settingsmanager (v0.6.5)
	added Tab 'Log'
		configure Extended Output (Log_Extended)
	Tab 'Update'
		added setting to preserve updated files
 renamerV2updater v0.2.4604.42747
  - preserves updated files if configured
renamerV2 v2.6.4599.36991 (04.08.2012)
 ~ Bugfix: catch now the '\r' when check the Hash of an
		downloaded File. This Bug occured with Webfiles
		generated through the ReleaseHelper. 
		ReleaseHelper got bugfixed too.
		With AutoUpdate enabled and check for Update on
		Start, this ended in an endless loop, in which 
		the renamer got started and closed and the 
		updater got started again and again.
 renamerV2updater v0.2.4599.37678
  ~ Bugfix: same as above
  ~ Bugfix: stop starting renamerV2 when check on Start is
		enabled and the update failed
renamerV2 v2.6.4598.37254 (03.08.2012)
 - implemented an 'About' page
 - implemented 'BackgroundWorkers'
	resets the Progressbar after Work (after 2 seconds)
	scrolls the text in the About page
 - corrected some typos and grammar in the GUI
	Thanks to the 'punto-informatico.it'-Community for the
renamerV2 v2.6.4587.21537 (23.07.2012)
 - some performance optimizations
 - made the items in list movable
	you can move multiselected items
 - possibility to save the actual ListboxItems to own LoS
	if you save the LoS as a new File and you want to use
	this LoS when you open renamerV2 next time you have to
	open the Settingsmanager and click on one of the 'Save'
	Buttons. You can anytime configure your own LoS in the
	Settingmanager under:
 - changed the default Backup directory from 'cfg_backups'
	to 'Backups' because i write Backups of LoS to this
	Folder too
 - Info: the 'Access denied'-Bug seems solved with the new
	renaming Logic
 - Settingsmanager (v0.6.2)
	~ Bugfix: Portable_Mode now handled correct
	- when LoS is changed it get loaded when saving Config
renamerV2 v2.6.4581.32537 (17.07.2012)
 ~ Bugfix: now the state for the deleting nfo / url files
	checkboxes get recognized from config object
	This got lost while changing the config handling
renamerV2 v2.6.4581.31316 (17.07.2012)
 ~ Bugfix: implemeted config handling like in updater 
 ~ Bugfix: on first finding of a string an item(dir/file) 
	get added to the renaming list and i will no longer
	search for other strings. This prevent from sensless
	and timeconsuming searching and a lot error output.
	Be aware that you have to enter longer before shorter strings.
		Example: Filename => aaaa123.txt
			add the string 'aaaa' before 'aaa'
			else you get a123.txt and not 123.txt
 - Time messurements between v2.5 and v2.6
   Did testing with 390 Files and 129 Folders
   Did not test with deleting nfo / url
   run test in minimum 2 times per version
	Scanning without output
		v2.5	1.0-4.3 seconds
		v2.6	0.34-0.44 seconds
	Scanning with output
		v2.5	2.9-3.9 seconds
		v2.6	7.0-10.0 seconds
		  give out 3 times so much info as in v2.5
	Renaming without output
		v2.5	11.3 seconds
		v2.6	6.4-7.0 seconds
	Renaming with output
		v2.5	11.4 seconds
		v2.6	-
		  produces only output when an error occures
renamerV2updater v0.2.6.4580.29501 (16.07.2012)
 ~ Bugfix: set now defaults and then read the config
	so it isn't important if a value is set or not in 
	rV2-default.cfg - before, i setted defaults only if no
	configfile was available. So no defaults for new
	settings get set. This caused the updater not closing
	himself in autoupdate mode. In next release of
	renamerV2 the config get handled the same way.
renamerV2 v2.6.4580.27728 (16.07.2012)
 ~ Bugfix: Enabled radiobuttons in Settingsmanager's
 ~ Bugfix: Setting for Backup-Directory can now be empty
	when it is empty, the backup created in programs root
 - in Settingsmanager(v0.6.1)/rV2-default.cfg can now the time
	configured, that the Updater should wait before close
		take only effect when automatic Update is enabled
		select between 3-210 seconds
 renamerV2updater v0.2.4580.27829
  - get the time for auto closing from config file 
renamerV2 v2.6.4575.33302 (11.07.2012)
 - extended errorreporting a bit
	now the old name, new name and renaming type get
	displayed when an error occures
 - extended Settingsmanager (v0.6-beta)
    new Tab 'Update'
	  decide to perform an Updatecheck on Start
	  decide to run Update without interaction
 renamerV2updater v0.2.4575.33300
  - extended with Autoupdating
	You have to enable it in the Settingsmanager
		or edit rV2-default.cfg
	no Userinteraction needed
	Summary get 10 Seconds displayed after renamer will get
	started and before the Updater will close
		You can cancel the closing with the 'Esc'-Key
renamerV2 v2.6.4572.34051 (08.07.2012)
 - reorganized a lot Code
	created a renaming object to handle all easier
 - changed output for user
 - now only errors get printed out
	log is for errordetails
 - changer now able to change strings in file- and
 - prograssbar now works correct
renamerV2 v2.5.4552.31657 (18.06.2012)
 ~ Bugfix: restored previous Hash function
 renamerV2updater v0.1.4552.31831
  ~ Bugfix: restored previous Hash function
renamerV2 v2.5.4552.29774 (18.06.2012)
 - simplified the Hash function
 renamerV2updater v0.1.4552.29774
  - added some exception handling
renamerV2 v2.5.4551.35704 (17.06.2012)
 - using now the WebClient class for downloads
	HttpRequest was used before
	Proxy still supported
 - added renamerV2updater.exe v0.1.4551.35702
	reads local config file for Proxy settings
	kills running renamerV2.exe
	get list for updates from web
	Download und installs updates
	start new renamerV2.exe
 - reorganized update functionality
	check for and download new Updater
	ask to and start (new) Updater when a new renamerV2 is
 - before a File get updated a backup get created
 - downloaded Files get verified through their hash (SHA1)
     if a download fails the file get restored from backup
renamerV2 v2.5.4544.19929 (10.06.2012)
 - Configuration now handled as an Object
    less filereads of configfile
	simpler to write the config down
 - extended Settingsmanager (v0.5-beta)
    new Tab 'System'
	  define own LoS-File to use
	  define Backup directory for Config-Files
	  define to use renamerV2 in a 'Portable Mode'
	    Pathes/Files handled relatively to renamerV2.exe
		  Only CfgBakDir an LoS!
 - some Grammar and GUI corrections
 - LoS-File updated
 - some display changes in readme.txt
renamerV2 v2.4.4371.41650 (21.12.2011)
 - Info: the AccessDenied-Bug is still persistent
 ~ Bugfix: .nfo and .url files will now simulated/deleted 
           whenever renamable files/dirs exist or not. The
		   first fix didn't work.
 - implemented simple Proxysupport
	tries to get the DefaultProxy and using default 
	Credentials (from IE-Settings). You can define your own
	Proxy URL/IP:Port
		no support for own credentials
renamerV2 v2.4.4339.39338 (18.11.2011)
 - new Feature -> Folderer
	It creates subfolders in a given folder depending on 
	the files within and moves a file to the created 
	subfolder (to make this recursive it is neccessary to
	begin at the lowest level and working upward cuz else 
	there is a possibility for a infinity loop and this is
	not planned to implement in nearest future). I 
	recommend to make a backup before using this new 
renamerV2 v2.3.4303.34746 (13.10.2011)
 ~ Bugfix: .nfo and .url files will now simulated/deleted 
           whenever renamable files/dirs exist or not. Also
		   the simulation/deletion runs after the checks 
		   etc. of the renamingfunctions. This should fix a 
	05.11.2011 Update: Bug not solved. It seems a Problem
	                   with locked Files
renamerV2 v2.3.4291.32897 (01.10.2011)
 - implemented exceptionhandling	
	extensive errormessaging atm
 ~ Bugfix: .nfo and .url files now only get deleted when the 
           checkbox are checked
 ~ Bugfix: checkbox for Log now recognized

renamerV2 v2.3.4279.30327 (19.09.2011)
 - added Settingsmanager v0.2.beta
	now it's possible to set the WorkDirectories and what 
	should be checked/selected on start - Proxysettings are
	planned	the settings are stored in the configfile 
	rV2-default.cfg	when changing and saving settings with 
	the settingsmanager, an	existing configfile will be 
	backedup before the new will be written
renamerV2 v2.3.4220.39912 (22.07.2011)
 - added the Options to delete .nfo- and .url-files
	Attention! There is no rescue-popup - use the simulate 
 - LoS-File updated

LoS-File (25.06.2011)
 - updated
renamerV2 v2.3.4192.36238 (24.06.2011)
 - Bugfix: Statuswindow -> got some issues when resizing, 
           the textlines stuck together	now, the wrap works
		   correct and the text stays on his line
	       \r\n was the magic - before only \n was used
 - LoS-File updated

renamerV2 v2.2.4186.38006 (18.06.2011)
 - enabled "Updatefunction"
	check online the actual version, if a new one is 
	available, you have the choice to let renamerV2 open 
	directly your default browser with the downloadpage on 
 - bit GUI-Work
	now only one Statuswindow is used
renamerV2 v2.2.4178.42759 (11.06.2011)
 - reviewed the "Changer" functionality and corrected some 
   bugs	now it searches in the hole filename not only for 
 - a bit gui extending
 - a bit code review
 - updated LoS
renamerV2 v2.2.4144.37295 (07.05.2011)
 - renamerV2 is now fully Grow- and Shrinkable

renamerV2 v2.2.4144.31881 (07.05.2011)
 - did Codereview with FxCop v10.0 (10.0.30319.1)
	Code not clean with this Rules:
	Following Rules are clean:
		Security Transparency

renamerV2 v2.2.4140.37575 (03.05.2011)
 - only some GUI-Cosmetics

 renamerV2 v2.2.4140.32361 (03.05.2011)
 - corrected some grammer Fails
 - extended the ListBox-EditFunction
	To delete selected ListBox Items, you can use:
		Del, Backspace or still the remove-Button
 - disabled the remove-Button while in ListBox-Editmode
 - extended Stringremoving
	The nice Site torrent.to add's now there URL's to the
	Filenames (wtf, know they my Tool?). Now you can select
	from what the Strings should be removed
 - for adding Strings you can use Enter in the Textfield or
   still the Add-Button
 - did some Code Reorganisations
 ~ Bugfix: now the recursive Function work's correctly
renamerV2 v2.1.4136.37879 (29.04.2011)
 - corrected some grammer Fails
 - extended the ListBox-EditFunction
	To Edit an ListBox Item you can use:
		Doubleklick, Enter, F2
	The Item will only change, if you press Enter
	You can only exit the Editfunction, without changing 
	the Item, with "Escape". it's still possible, to click
	the buttons/checkboxes (it's not a bug, it's a feature,
	so you can still close the app)
 - added FAQ to the readme/Info
 - documented some Functions a bit

renamerV2 v2.1.4135.40907 (28.04.2011)
 - extended ListBox with Edit-Function 
	 it works but i must still catch some userinputs and 
	 interactions "Enter" is atm the magic Key
 - changed Fontcolor of the Statuswindow to 
 - set Tab "folderNames" as Starttab
 - added ToDo-List to the readme/Info

renamerV2 v2.1.4132.29126 (25.04.2011)
 - added ListBox for Strings
   enables the adding of unlimited Strings
   before there was a limit of 3, because only TextBoxes 
 - reads on Start the File list_of_strings.txt for 
   predefined Strings

renamerV2 v2.0.4132.38852 (24.04.2011)
 - Programmicon changed

renamerV2 v2.0.4131.40934 (15.04.2011)
 - extended for removing Strings from Directorienames
 - completly Redesign (GUI / some Code)
 - runs under .NET Framework 4 (Client)

renamer v1.1 by drugfreak (2004)
 - added Functionality for recursiv-renaming
renamer v1.0 by drugfreak (2004)
 - changing Fileendings
 - runs under .NET Framework 1.1
Source: readme.txt, updated 2012-12-16