Home / iDempiere-Migration
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
MonthlySystemUpgrade.zip 2013-02-18 473.7 kB
LastMigrationScripts.zip 2013-01-10 379.4 kB
README.txt 2012-12-13 526 Bytes
iDempiereMigrationGuide.pdf 2012-11-11 3.5 MB
Totals: 4 Items   4.3 MB 1
MonthlySystemUpgrade.zip - monthly SQL scripts to work with iDempiereInstallerv1.0.a
Apply this after running iDempiereInstaller1.0a.
Then go into iDempiere folder and do a code upgrade: 
update.bat http://jenkins.idempiere.com/job/iDempiere/ws/buckminster.output/org.adempiere.server_1.0.0-eclipse.feature/site.p2/

iDempiereMigrationGuide - Shows how you migrate your old ADempiere modules to iDempiere as a plugin and 2Pack. Good links to movies and softwares. (deprecated by iDempiereMigrationGuide2.pdf at ADempiere PDFs)
Source: README.txt, updated 2012-12-13