Home / Realmlist Swapper 2
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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RealmlistSwapper2-src.zip 2011-06-19 2.5 MB
changelog-readme.txt 2011-06-12 2.1 kB
Realmlist Swapper 2.jar 2011-06-12 184.0 kB
Totals: 3 Items   2.7 MB 0
This is a brief overview of the changes from Realmlist Swapper to Realmlist Swapper 2 and a simple user's guide.

Thanks to: Apache Commons IO for the library used to automatically locate your realmlist.wtf file and to VisualPharm.com's Must Have icon set. 

Realmlist Swapper is released under the DWTFYWWI License.

1) (Under the Hood) The program now locates all .wtf files in your system, if only one exists it is assumed to be your realmlist.wtf. If none or more than one are found, the user is provided with a file chooser to manually locate your realmlist.wtf file. 

2) The menu has been removed and replaced with buttons for adding/removing a server, saving changes, and updating your realmlist.wtf file.

3) Below these controls, there is a text area(uneditable by default) that shows the realmlist for the current server you have highlighted in the drop-down menu. Double-clicking this text box allows you to edit any typos or update the realmlist if it has changed. Double-clicking again disables the text area and saves any changes you have made to that server.
4) There is another text area below that shows you the current contents of your realmlist.wtf file. This text area is always uneditable.

5) The save button saves any changes you have made in the current session; adding servers, removing servers or editing a server's realmlist. It does NOT do anything to your realmlist.wtf file(for that is the check button mentioned next). Use this to save changes after editing your server library without wanting to make changes to your realmlist.wtf file.

6) The check button saves any changes you have made(mentioned above) and also overwrites your realmlist.wtf file. 

7) (Under the Hood) Retail has been removed as a default server and the program comes with no pre-loaded servers.

8) (Under the Hood) The program now supports realmlists with two lines(like retail's) although almost every private server only uses one line.   

9) (Under the Hood) The saved data file used by the program is now a simple text file instead of a serialized file. 

Source: changelog-readme.txt, updated 2011-06-12