Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
0.5.4272.21009 2011-11-02
Readme.txt 2011-10-30 6.3 kB
Totals: 2 Items   6.3 kB 0

¦¦                              README OF RAYCONSOLE                                  ¦¦

¦ TABLE OF CONTENT                                                                     ¦
¦ 1.   Version                                                                         ¦
¦ 2.   Changelog                                                                       ¦
¦ 3.   Download and installation                                                       ¦
¦ 4.   Work with RayConsole                                                            ¦
¦ 5.   Bug report and support                                                          ¦
¦ 6.   FAQs                                                                            ¦

¦ 1. VERSION                                                                           ¦
¦ The actual version of RayConsole is 0.5.4272.21009.                                  ¦
¦ If you downloaded an older version, please update bacause newer versions fix         ¦
¦ a lot of errors and exceptions. If you want to ensure that you are using the newest  ¦
¦ version of RayConsole, use the Monitoring-function of SourceForge over RSS:          ¦
¦ https://sourceforge.net/api/file/index/project-id/591363/mtime/desc/limit/20/rss     ¦

¦ 2. CHANGELOG                                                                         ¦
¦ Version 0.5:                                                                         ¦
¦    - First alpha version on SourceForge                                              ¦
¦    - Known bugs:                                                                     ¦
¦      - Fatal error if local path variable contains spaces                            ¦
¦      - Some issues to show application outputs. (last line invisible)                ¦
¦      - On Windows 7, window content is bigger than window                            ¦
¦      - Invalid current path when using "cd" with arguments similar to "../../.."     ¦
¦      - Bad performace on full screen and transparency enabled                        ¦
¦      - Change transparency mode resets console content.                              ¦
¦      - Command "cls" just work if you enter it twice                                 ¦
¦      - Maximize window button missing (same effect when double-click on header)      ¦

¦ 3. DOWNLOAD AND INSTALLATION                                                         ¦
¦ After downloading the newest version of RayConsole you can safe it on you hard disk. ¦
¦ To use RayConsole you dont't need to install it, just start the executable.          ¦
¦ If you wish to start RayConsole over a short alias, like "RUN -> rc", add the        ¦
¦ path where you saved the RayConsole executable to the path-variable: Right-click     ¦
¦ on Computer -> Properties -> tab "Advanced" -> button "Environment Variables" ->     ¦
¦ under "System Variables" edit the path variable in the list. Just add the RayConsole ¦
¦ path at the end of the path-string, after a semicolon. ATTENTION: For this actions   ¦
¦ you need administraton privileges!                                                   ¦

¦ 4. WORK WITH RAYCONSOLE                                                              ¦
¦ The console works like a normal shell, for example Microsoft CMD. To show all        ¦
¦ commands RayConsole knows, use command "help". You will get a list of commands with  ¦
¦ their description and parameters to use. Further it's possible to use the graphical  ¦
¦ menu at the top of the console instead to work with different commands.              ¦

¦ 5. BUG REPORT AND SUPPORT                                                            ¦
¦ Support and bug report of RayConsole is managed by the discussion board on           ¦
¦ SourceForge.net: http://sourceforge.net/p/rayconsole/discussion/support/             ¦

¦ 6. FAQs                                                                              ¦
¦ If there are any other questions please visit the RayCole wiki under:                ¦
¦ http://sourceforge.net/p/rayconsole/wiki/Home/                                       ¦
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2011-10-30