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Easy-to-use online form builder for every business.

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Easy-to-use online form builder for every business. Create online forms and publish them. Get an email for each response. Collect data. Design professional looking forms with JotForm Online Form Builder. Customize with advanced styling options to match your branding. Speed up and simplify your daily work by automating complex tasks with JotForm’s industry leading features. Securely and easily sell products. Collect subscription fees and donations. Being away from your computer shouldn’t stop you from getting the information you need. No matter where you work, JotForm Mobile Forms lets you collect data offline with powerful forms you can manage from your phone or tablet. Get the full power of JotForm at your fingertips. JotForm PDF Editor automatically turns collected form responses into professional, secure PDF documents that you can share with colleagues and customers. Easily generate custom PDF files online!
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Web Accessibility Platform for Businesses of All Sizes

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