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Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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pymsol-v0-03.tar.gz 2011-02-01 4.7 kB
pymsol-v0-02.tar.gz 2011-01-30 4.8 kB
readme 2011-01-29 803 Bytes
pymsol-v0-01.tar.gz 2011-01-29 4.7 kB
Totals: 4 Items   14.9 kB 0
# Python Minecraft Serverlog Objects Lib (PYMSOL) 

# Creates python objects from minecraft server log.
# Tries to objectify log-in session data for server and players.
# Cannot? be screwed by players typing in text that matches server log messages.
# Has basic sanity checking and reporting 
# requires files html_header.tgc, html_footer.tgc in same dir as pymsol.py
# to generate html reports.

# Usage ---- 
# running the pymsol-test.py with python in a terminal will run a bit of test
# code, generating python objects from supplied log-file and producing a couple of reports
# Also will print to terminal a couple of example data requests.
# see the comments in the files for more details on using the library.
# (you will need to edit pymsol-test.py with the correct path to your server.log file.
Source: readme, updated 2011-01-29