Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
PerfectWorld Client Repack.zip 2011-02-05 809.7 kB
ReadMe.txt 2011-01-05 845 Bytes
PerfectWorld Client Export.zip 2011-01-05 2.9 MB
Pack.exe 2010-12-30 94.2 kB
Totals: 4 Items   3.8 MB 0
1:	Option A:	Download TortoiseSVN or other SVN control agent if you wish and enter 	"https://pwclient.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pwclient/" for SVN 	control address.
1:	Option B:	Use the provided SVN control script to obtain files "PerfectWorld Client Export.zip"
1:	Option C:	Download tarball here 	"http://pwclient.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pwclient/?view=tar"

2:	Use provided scripts "PerfectWorld Client Repack.zip" to repack client files or use provided "pack.exe" to repack one "******.pck.files" folder at a time

3:	Edit file to be able to connect to your server i.e.. PerfectWorldClient\element\userdata\server\serverlist.txt 	PerfectWorldClient\patcher\server\updateserver.txt and 	PerfectWorldClient/element/bbsfiles/error.htm

4:	Clean up "******.pck.files" and log in to your server

Thanks:	To all at Ragezone forums
Source: ReadMe.txt, updated 2011-01-05