Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Puszi-Jessie 2017-01-05
Puszi-Final 2014-12-19
readme 2017-01-05 2.1 kB
Totals: 3 Items   2.1 kB 0
Latest Puszi release: Puszi-20161228_1412.iso (uploaded on 01/03/2017)is in the Puszi-Jessie Folder ready for download.
The iso is updated to latest Debian 8.6 Jessie. 
(Locale US-UTF-8 only)
Intro: Puszi is based on Livarp_cli + opossum window manager

Username: user password: user
Rootname: root password: toor
(Running the OS Live from CD/USB flashdrive defaults to Xscreen and Opossum WM Super key + z opens terminal, type o, enter for keybinds)

Usage: After user login the NOX defaults to tty(Bash prompt).
(Please read the login greeting for c,d,o helpers.)

Type startx for opossum or dvtm for nox-dvtm.
!!startx will not work from DVTM-ONLY FROM tty!!
(To enter tty type 'exit' to leave DVTM.)
!!type 'startx' at tty to start default opossum desktop!!
Network: 'sudo ceni' from prompt (terminal in fullscreen)in DVTM, tty or opossum.

To install:
please review: Refractainstaller readme: 'http://www.ibiblio.org/refracta/docs/readme.refractainstaller.txt'
(refractainstaller-yad has been tested working on Puszi)
Please also review: Refracta Documentation to use the Refracta suite. 'http://www.ibiblio.org/refracta/documents.html'
(refractasnapshot in Cli is very fast on this respin)

Reboot: sudo reboot
Poweroff: sudo poweroff

Opossum Default Keyboard Shortcuts.
(o key + [enter] at prompt in Bash/terminal will list these keyboard Shortcuts)
MOD = MOD4 (Super key)
MOD + h (decrease the size of a current window)
MOD + l (increase the size of a current window)
MOD + x (close current window) MOD + Tab (change to next window)
MOD + k (change to previous window) MOD + j (change to next window)
MOD + Shift + k (move current window up)
MOD + Shift + j (move current window down)
MOD + Shift + n (change master to current window)
MOD + Shift + h (switch mode horitzontal) 
MOD + Shift + v (switch mode vertical)
MOD + Shift + m (switch mode monocle)
MOD + w (xxxterm - requires xxxterm edit and recompile for another browser)
MOD + p (open dmenu - requires dmenu)
MOD + z (open urxvt - requires urxvt)
MOD + f (open Xfe file manager - requires xfe)
MOD + 0-9 (change to desktop #) MOD + q (quit Opossum)
Source: readme, updated 2017-01-05