Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
ReadMeFORpsoParadoxJava 2011-10-27 2.1 kB
ReadMeFORieee14bus5sec 2011-10-27 1.3 kB
ieee14bus5sec.tar.gz 2010-04-08 12.6 kB
psoParadoxJavaVersion_4Gen1InfBusWithoutPSSwithAVRwithGOVwithLOAD_ok_sep_18_2008.tar.gz 2010-04-07 235.6 kB
README 2010-04-07 2.1 kB
Totals: 5 Items   253.7 kB 0

platform LINUX

This java code was developed using:


Enter the commands to 

run     : java DSSagent
compile : javac *.java

Input data file: Device.data

This file is modelling a modified Electric Energy System
called IEEE 14bus system with
  14 buses
  11 static loads
   4 generators with controlers (automatic voltage regulator and governor)

Using block diagram representation this code is capable to model any phisical system.


  The simulation starts at the time 0.0 sec.
  At the time 1.0 sec a short circuit is applied at bus 10.
  The short circuit is then removed at the time 1.07 sec.

  NOTE: the above simulation data is specified in the file DSSagent.java

  ATTENTION: this is a prototype. Futher work is needed to make it general.
             As an example of this: the simulation data that is specified at the file
             DSSangent.java as mentioned above, should be put at the file Device.data.
             For systems like the one represented at Device.data the code should work well. 


X4G1BI.PLT  - an output file obtained with a conventional simulation program

xV1modl.out - an output file obtained with this code for the module of the
              voltage at bus 1, as specified in file Device.data in the section
              called variables to be printed. NOTE: the actual output file generated
              is V1modl.out but it was renamed to prevent a new code execution
              destroy the data.

Checking: using gnuplot, the output files X4G1BI.PLT and xV1modl.out can be plotted
          using the command: 
          plot 'X4G1BI.PLT' with lines lt 1, 'xV1modl.out' with lines lt 2

Other output:

Device.out - an output report file for debug.

roberto baitelli

march 28 - 2010
Source: ReadMeFORpsoParadoxJava, updated 2011-10-27