Home / ProvenanceDataGraphAnalyzer
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TripleAnalyzer.rar 2014-12-07 2.5 MB
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Instructions on how to use PROVa/////

Tool/Provenance Awareness Generator
- Run tools project as Eclipse Application in the new Eclipse IDE that is open.
- Place the wtest project.  
- Run launch.xml as ant build.
- The results are located in c:/sample.txt 

- The FILE_ADDRESS variable in samlpeTool.java should point to ProvInframodel.uml in wtest project 

//Template Parser//

- The wsdl files are located in the WSDL folder. 
- Run the project as java application and after the execution the ProveInframodel.uml will be updated with the template binding results. 

//Triple Analyzer//
- The SPARQL queries are located in files folder. 
- In order to start the queries validation select to run the TripleAnalyzer.java as java application.
Source: README.txt, updated 2014-12-09