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Home / fourteen / RMX2170 / recovery
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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recovery.img 2024-12-30 67.1 MB
OrangeFox-R11.1_4_A12+-Beta-reatoll.img 2024-12-30 100.7 MB 2024-12-30 62.1 MB
Totals: 3 Items   229.9 MB 4

Introducing Project Elixir now based on Android 15 シ

"Redefine Simplicity with your android experience on our minimalistic custom rom — where sleek design meets robust security, performance, and stability."

⊀ Unleash Innovation ⊁

Elevate your user interface with minimalist design and with the striking of perfect balanced customization options, customize with ease.

A screenshot is worth thousand of words so don't forget to checkout our gallery 1 and gallery 2


Project Elixir is an AOSP-based custom Android ROM with great performance, security and stability. So do not hesitate anymore, join us now and start enjoying the beauty of stock Android.

So now you know about us, Lets begin the madness !

You can build and enjoy Project Elixir on your respective devices by your own or you can visit our website for OFFICIAL builds by porper maintainer. Now basics pre requisite that you need to build by yourself

Official Git Organization / Repos

Official Support Group & Channel


  • Android 15 is the latest OFFICIAL source
  • Android 15 builds are available on Patreon/BMC
  • Due to toxicity in community from v4.3 (A14) all builds will be exclusive to Patreon/BMC only
  • For any further queries contact us via mail or on Telegram

Have you joined it already? Okay, good. Now if you need to contact us, well, you may ask in our Telegram Support Group, ~~we may or may not answer.~~

### Official Website and Downloads * Elixir Website * Elixir Team * Elixir Downloads * Elixir Changelog

Contact on Emergency

For urgent need feel free to contact us on provided links. And for personal build request, patreon, donation, suggestions, sponsor, personal device support join telegram group or respective platform like patreon chat. Don't PM unnecessarily !!

Help to keep Project Elixir active and running by donating.

Any amount is appreciated.シ

UPI: dwarmachine24@oksbi

Source: README.mkdn, updated 2024-12-30