Home / psf-1.0.3
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README.txt 2013-04-01 9.6 kB
psf-1.0.3-linux-x86-64.tar.gz 2013-04-01 3.9 MB
psf-1.0.3-win32.msi 2013-02-08 4.7 MB
psf-1.0.3-source.tar.gz 2013-02-08 601.7 kB
psf-1.0.3-linux-x86.tar.gz 2013-02-08 4.1 MB
Totals: 5 Items   13.4 MB 0

1. Copyright and contact information
2. Dependencies
3. Which package to download?
4. Installation on Linux x86 using package psf-x.y.z-linux-x86
5. Installation on Linux x86-64 using package psf-x.y.z-linux-x86-64
6. Installation on UNIX using package psf-x.y.z-source
7. Installation on Windows using package psf-x.y.z-win32.msi
8. After installation

1. Copyright and contact information

PostSqlForms (psf) is a graphical frontend for PostgreSQL and
SQLite databases.

Copyright © 2013 Willem Herremans

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

A copy of the  GNU General Public License is included in the 'license'
subdirectory of this software package.

The home page of PostSqlForms (psf) can be found at:


There you can report bugs, request new features and get support.

2. Dependencies

2.1. Tcl/Tk

PostSqlForms (psf) requires a Tcl/Tk 8.6 run time environment.

See http://www.tcl.tk for information on Tcl/Tk.

The binary packages for Linux and Windows, contain a 'kbskit', which is
is a single file Tcl/Tk run time environment. It has been downloaded


2.2. PostgreSQL

To use PostSqlForms with PostgreSQL you will need to have access to 
at least one database on a PostgreSQL database server, which may be 
running either on your machine, or on another machine that you can 
access via TCP/IP. 

You will also need the PostgreSQL client application 'psql' on your 

You can obtain the PostgreSQL database server and client programs from


The Tcl interface to PostgreSQL is 'pgintcl', which is completely
implemented in Tcl. It is included in the 'pgintcl' subdirectory
of all the PostSqlForms packages. It has been downloaded from:


2.3. SQLite

To use PostSqlForms with SQLite you will need the sqlite3 command 
line shell. It is included in some binary packages and it will be 
installed in the 'bin' subdirectory. It has been downloaded from


The Tcl interface to SQLite is the Tcl package 'sqlite3'. It is 
included in the Tcl/Tk core and in the 'kbskit' which is included in 
the binary packages.

3. Which package to downlaod?

For installing on Windows, use the 'psf-x.y.z-win32.msi' package.
It is a Windows Installer package that will install the Tcl source 
files plus two binaries: a 'kbskit.exe' and an 'sqlite3.exe'.

For installing on Linux x86(-64), if your Linux distribution does
not provide yet Tcl/Tk 8.6, use the binary package
psf-x.y.z-linux-x86(-64) else use the psf-x.y.z-source package.

For installation on UNIX, use the source package psf-x.y.z-source. 
In this case, you will have to make sure that Tcl/Tk 8.6, the 
slqite3 Tcl package and the sqlite3 command line shell are installed 
on your computer before running the installer script.

4. Installation on linux-x86 using package psf-x.y.z-linux-x86

The binary package contains all the source files plus two binaries: 
'kbskit', a single file Tcl/Tk run time environment and 'sqlite3', a 
single file command line shell for SQLite.

You can either install PostSqlForms at system level, such that it is 
available for all users, or at individual user level. If you run the 
installer script as 'root', it will be an installation at system 

 1. Put the psf-x.y.z-linux-x86.tar.gz file that you have downloaded
    in a temporary location and open a terminal window.

 2. Unpack that file using

    tar --extract --gunzip --file=psf-x.y.z-linux-x86.tar.gz

 3. cd to the directory psf-x.y.z-linux-x86 that was created as a
    result from the extract operation.

 4. If you want to install PostSqlForms at system level, login as 'root'
    by typing 'su'.  Alternatively, you can type 'sudo ./install.tcl'
    and skip point 5.

 5. Start the install.tcl script by typing


 6. The install script will guide you through the installation.

5. Installation on linux-x86-64 using package psf-x.y.z-linux-x86-64

The installation procedure is identical to the one of the previous

The only difference is that the 64-bit package does not contain a
binary sqlite3 command line shell. The SQLite website does not
publish a 64-bit binary and up to now I am not able to build a
ONE-FILE 64-bit binary sqlite3.

However, most Linux distributions do provide sqlite3 as a binary
package. If not, you can easily download the source and build and
install it.

6. Installation on UNIX using package psf-x.y.z-source

Plese note that PostSqlForms has not been tested on any UNIX 
architecture other than linux x86. It may or may not work on other 

You will need Tcl/Tk 8.6 to use this source package. You can find 
out whether Tcl/Tk is installed by typing 'which tclsh' on the 
command line.

If it returns a full pathname (something like /usr/bin/tclsh), you 
have at least a version of Tcl. The installer script 'install.tcl' 
which is included in this source package will check if all the 
necessary Tcl packages are installed.

If 'which tclsh' returns 'not found', you need to install Tcl/Tk 
yourself. See step 3 below for ways of installing Tcl/Tk.

Steps to perform for installing PostSqlForms:

 1. Download psf-x.y.z-source.tar.gz.

 2. Unpack that file using

    tar --extract --gunzip --file=psf-x.y.z-source.tar.gz
    This creates a directory 'psf-x.y.z-source' in the current
    working directory.

 3. If Tcl/Tk is not yet installed on your computer, you can obtain it
    in ONE of the following ways.
     1. If you are running Linux, Tcl/Tk 8.6 may be available in the
        repositories of your Linux distribution.
     2. Install a 'kbskit':
         1. create a 'bin' subdirectory of psf-x.y.z-source
         2. Download a 'kbskit' for your computer architecture from
            install it in the 'bin' subdirectory, rename it to
            'kbskit' and make it executable (chmod a+x kbskit).
     3. Alternatively, you can install ActiveTcl 8.6:
         1. Download Active Tcl from
         2. Install it following the instructions of ActiveTcl.
     4. You can also download and build Tcl/Tk from source. The Tcl/Tk
        source packages can be found at:
 4. cd to the directory psf-x.y.z-source that was created as a
    result from the extract operation in point 2.
 5. If you want to install PostSqlForms at systemlevel, login as 'root'
    by typing 'su'. Alternatively, you can type 'sudo ./install.tcl'
    and skip point 6.
 6. Start the installer script by typing
    Note: If the script fails to start because it does not find the
          'tclsh', you can call the 'tclsh' explictly by typing its
          full pathname, such as in the following example:
          /opt/ActiveTcl-8.6/bin/tclsh install.tcl
 7. The installer script will check your Tcl/Tk environment. If no
    suitable Tcl/Tk environment is found, you may need to install it.
    Return to step 3 to do that.
 8. If you want to use PostSqlForms with SQLite, you will have to
    install the SQLite command line shell. You can obtain it from
    Similarly, if you want to use PostSqlForms with PostgreSQL, you
    will need the client program 'psql'. You can obtain it from

7. Installation on Windows using package psf-x.y.z-win32.msi

PostSqlForms comes as a Windows Installer package 'psf-x.y.z-win32.msi'.

It has been produced by the Advanced Installer see


This package contains all the source files plus two binaries: 
'kbskit.exe', a single file Tcl/Tk run time environment and 
'sqlite3.exe' a single file command line shell for SQLite.

8. After installation

After installation it may be necessary to modify some of the PostSqlForms
options: menu Tools -> Options:

  - Tab General, option 'browser': the browser you want to use to view
        the help file;
  - Tab PostgreSQL, option 'psql': the path to the 'psql' command line
  - Tab SQLite, option 'sqlite': the path to the 'sqlite3' command line
Source: README.txt, updated 2013-04-01