Home / old_versions
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
pocc-1.4-selfcontained.tar.gz 2018-03-13 26.9 MB
pocc-1.4-netinstall.tar.gz 2018-03-13 4.1 MB
pocc-1.1-full.tar.gz 2017-03-02 29.9 MB
pocc-1.2-full.tar.gz 2017-03-02 24.8 MB
pocc-1.0-rc3.1.tar.gz 2017-03-02 3.3 MB
pocc-1.0-rc3.1-full.tar.gz 2017-03-02 14.8 MB
Totals: 6 Items   103.9 MB 0
= PoCC =

PoCC, the POlyhedral Compiler Collection package

-*- version 1.4 -*-

* Installation

- perl (any version)
- GNU gcc (accessible as 'gcc' from the command line)
- GNU g++ (accessible as 'g++' from the command line)
- flex and bison
- automake, autoconf, libtool and pkg-config
- doxygen, texinfo and latex

The packages can be installed as follows (example is for a fresh Debian 9):
$> sudo apt-get install gcc g++ g++-multilib gfortran flex bison automake autoconf libtool pkg-config make perl doxygen texinfo texlive-latex-extra

For Mac OS X users, the default gcc (Clang/LLVM) from XCode will not
work: the NTL library 11.3.0 and its dependent pose problems. Installing
GNU GCC (e.g., using macports) to get gcc and g++ >= 5.0 is needed to
build PoCC on Mac OS X. Make sure your PATH is set adequately to have
'gcc' and 'g++' commands pointing to GNU GCC prior to installing PoCC.

Note that the installation will fail if one of the dependency is not
met. In case of troubles to build PoCC after adding a missing
dependency, restart the installation from scracth, with a fresh source

$> ./install.sh
$> export PATH=`pwd`/bin

* Documentation

See the doc/ directory of the archive, or see the pocc.pdf file on the
website directly. Note the documentation is still highly preliminary.

* Usage

$> pocc -h
Gives an overview of the options

* Troubleshoot
For any error please contact directly:
Louis-Noel Pouchet <pouchet@colostate.edu>

* Acknowledgements

This package could not exist without the great software it contains!
Many thanks to:
= Cedric Bastoul
= Uday Bondhugula
= Sven Verdoolaege
= Doran Wilde, Bart Kienhuis, Vincent Loechner, and Tanguy Risset for
the PolyLib
= Paul Feautrier for the PIPLib
= Martin Kong

PoCC is developed by:
Louis-Noel Pouchet <pouchet@colostate.edu>
Source: README.txt, updated 2022-01-17