Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Source 2020-08-03
Windows installer 2020-08-03
Translation updates 2007-12-09
RPMs_ Redhat FC4_openSUSE 2007-08-05
gnocatan 2005-03-20
README 2013-06-25 1.4 kB
Totals: 6 Items   1.4 kB 65
The latest release of the source code is in the folder Source.

The latest installers for MS Windows can be found in the folder Windows installer.

The following folders contain historical versions:
  Translation updates
  RPMs_ Redhat FC4_openSUSE


Pioneers is an Internet playable implementation of the Settlers of
Catan board game.  The aim is to remain as faithful to the board game
as is possible.

Playing the Game

Pioneers is a multi-player game.  Each player must run the Pioneers
client: pioneers.  One of the players must also run the Pioneers
server: pioneers-server-gtk or pioneers-server-console.

The GTK server has a user interface in which you can customise the
game parameters.  Once you are happy with the game parameters, press
the Start Server button, and the server will start listening for
client connections.

When you start the client program, it displays a connect dialog.  You
must define the hostname and port where the server can be located.
You can enter these manually, or press the Meta Server button.  The
meta server maintains a list of all registered Pioneers servers that
are currently running a game.  This allows you to join a game anywhere
on the Internet.

Pioneers is most fun with three or four players, but two players is
still ok, or you can add some computer players if you like.
Source: README, updated 2013-06-25