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Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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PicView.msi 2020-08-16 81.1 MB
Self.Contained.zip 2020-08-16 77.8 MB
Framework-Dependent.zip 2020-08-16 14.3 MB
PicView 2020-08-16 1.7 MB
PicView 2020-08-16 1.8 MB
README.md 2020-08-16 910 Bytes
Totals: 6 Items   176.7 MB 0

PicView win-x64 self-contained.zip and PicView win-x64 Framework-Dependent.zip are portable versions that doesn't require installation, just extract and run it. PicView win-x64 Framework-Dependent.zip, is a nice and clean single .exe, but requires requires .NET Core 3.1 installed to run it.

Download PicView.msi if you want to install it.

Change-log Added functionality to apply image as wallpaper or lock screen with shader effect applied. Copying images to clipholder will also have shader effect applied. Updated main user interface Added a resize grip to the main window Improved preview when using drag and drop Improved sizing algorithm for small screen sizes and high Windows DPI scaling Fixed a bug that caused images in gallery to load twice Zooming speed has been increased when zooming further in Fixed a bug that caused slideshow to crash Fixed various other bugs

Source: README.md, updated 2020-08-16