Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
PHexea_associates 2022-11-14
PH_software_User_Guide_programming_issues_2024_09_15.docm 2024-09-15 48.7 MB
00Readme update_2024-09-15.txt 2024-09-15 84.5 kB
PHXE2exec3_2024_09_15.exe 2024-09-15 398.8 MB
PHexec28_2024_06_02.exe 2024-06-02 467.6 MB
ExFile_package.bpl 2024-05-24 1.8 MB
Ambercadero_DelphiXE2_sources_for_PropCalc_2024_05_14.exe 2024-05-14 305.2 MB
Borland_delphi2_sources_for_PropCalc_2024_05_07.exe 2024-05-07 279.0 MB
Monic AI generated summary of The PH.docx 2024-04-02 17.9 kB
PHexec7_core_old for PH Excel validation.exe 2023-01-14 91.6 MB
PH_Base_How_to_size_Merging Result.pdf 2022-08-20 79.3 MB
sharp_robert_m_195605_ms_128255 _TWO PHASE FLOW WITH FITTINGS EXPERIMENTAL.pdf 2022-08-20 7.2 MB
PH_Base_two_phase_programming_2019-04-25_202409.pdf 2022-08-20 9.4 MB
PH_Base_two_phase_drop_computed_2019-04-25_212633.pdf 2022-08-20 15.2 MB
BOEM-Report-M15PC00007.pdf 2022-08-20 6.5 MB
PH_how to use PH software.docx 2018-11-26 129.5 kB
Totals: 16 Items   1.7 GB 0
Update 2024_09_15

I provided the last download of DWSIM.
An additional information about old BDE Borland Paradox package installation within Delphi XE2 is updated within point 8.5 of my PH guideline as follows.
I did find Embarcadero native package, which restored old Borland BDE Paradox features within Delphi XE2, and it is working successfully. The mentioned package was available for me on Embarcadero resources as 28537_bde_installer_for_delphi_c_builder_and_rad_studio_xe2.zip. An installer of dedicated Delphi XE2 has name BDE_ENT.msi.

Update 2024_06_02

I found malfunction within PH.exec (piping hydraulics), when calculations are processed for gas or liquid (but not for two-phase) in vertical or inclined/declined piping segments.
In such situation the Gravitational pressure (-) gains or (+) losses were in twice. It belongs to both Delphi 2 and Delphi XE.
Now I did relevant update to repair it within current issue PHexec28 (Delph 2) and PHXE2exec2 (Delphi XE2). Updates did not change PropCalc(emb).exe's for both compilers Delphi 2/Delphi XE2.

Please note that within PH calculations (PH.exe) for each piping segment presents results of pressure Start P - Final P. These pressure change includes all components pressure losses and gains as
friction pressure losses, jumping pressure changes, gravitational pressure changes, local pressure resistances, etc. User can see all calculated or adjusted pressure changes to allow reflection for friction pressure losses.

Each User shall ensure permissions for two directories: C:\PDOXDATA and C:\PH_DWSIM_DIR  created by PH installer within  System drive C:.

Installation of DWSIM shall be done on... DWSIM5 as DWSIM5 according to request of PH.

Each later installation of DWSIM could be omitted by closing tab with English.

During installation of Python37 please ensure that is open in Customized link with dedicated directory by PH.

Any later installations of Pythn37 on the same System drive C shall be provided as Repair option. 

During PH installation ending commands cannot be red. Red commands means bad unresolved dependencies and shall be repeated installation with modifications as above.

At the end of the day I have two messages good and bad.
The good message is that I decided to finish my adventure with Delphi 2 dependent cases. Therefore, the PHexec28 is the last one edition.
The bad message is that the Delphi XE2 line remains active.

Update 2024_05_23

For Users interested with application of compiler Delphi XE2 from Embarcadero or might be later compiler I did attachment:
Exfile_package.bpl, which has to been copied to the Delphi XE2 bin directory (where .bpl packages have residence).
The mentioned package could be created also on the base of Pascal file exfile.pas and it is designated to download and execution on PH run time other imbedded programs for example: Notes.exe, PropCalcemb.exe,.... etc. in seamless manner. The mentioned above package might be installed within Embarcadero Delphi XE2 ----> Component ---->Install Packages by going to the bin ad click Exfile_package.bpl.

Please remember that before executing PH.exe (calculate PH) as per option PropCalc_PH within Excel 0000PH... (in tab Branch_geometry & execution) User has to establish main credentials for PropCalc.exe (Calculate Properties) and embedded version PropCalcemb.exe.
To do it please start PropCal.exe ----> open tab Open database (might be here will required open other tab Store/Restore data and back to Open database tab again, for activation it). Within Open database please write database name in the Current/New database field. The list of available databases is on the Excel 0000PH.... PropCalc_PH tab. After establishing database please go to Compounds of Propcal.exe and set other credentials as: CEOS, kij option, etc. The mentioned all credentials will be valid until the next change. User shall ensure that all credentials are fixed and the best way is to open tab Temperature and next back again to Compounds. Please note that within 0000PH... Propcalc_PH tab approval by Please approve... button will show current choice of database in field I5 and automatically list of current compounds (column G5 - G34) will be updated after each change of database. For PH.exe and imbedded Propcalcemb.exe properties calculator other required input data has to be defined on the Excel 0000PH.... PropCalc_PH tab, I mean composition and pressure and temperature at start node of network.

I would like to emphasize that during run of my PHXE2execX Python 3.7.2 installer always make choice of Customize installation and tick within all possible options. The mentioned customization realizes Python37 default installation in the system directory C:\Program Files\Python37 where pythow.exe play role in the PH.exe. It is important and when other associated system shells are red (means unsuccessful) at the end of my installer User shall repeat Installation of Python37 with option Repair or even Uninstall. Each repeated such installation may omit DWSIM installation choosing Cancel with the tab English. Finally, situation is corrected, when red fragments disappearing during working with my installer.

Other remarks are associated with Excel and it could be Excel 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021 within Offices Pro. MS Office365 is not suitable as it has no possibility to work with imbedded modules. Doesn't matter and User shall set some Excel options, which allows work with Trusted macros, insert Developer Ribbon, Set US Language and ensure dot (not comma) in numbers, optimize for compatibility.

Please note that during working of my PH installer as above it is safe to ommit \\NUL, however info says that it is not recommended.


Update 2024_05_14
User might be interested to apply AI Chat for scientificPDFs/SciSpace to ask SciSpace AI about any question, which might be involved from AI analyze of .pdf 
converted current PH_software_User_Guide_.... The relevant website adjusted to SciSpace AI are as following:
•	AI Chat for scientific PDFs | SciSpace (typeset.io)
•	Library (typeset.io)
•	scispace ai - Search (bing.com)
SciSpace AI has free option and User can upload .pdf converted document as above to provide further analysis.

The latest builds (May, 2024 y.) introduces major development associated with bundles of my free software PH as below:
•	As per point 8.5 PH PropCalc.exe new compilation under Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 and included Delphi XE2
•	As per point 9.1.1 New possibilities for import temperature dependent properties from ChemSep 8.44 free software, common for two Delphi2 (still under development)/DelphiXE2 compilers.
•	Developed and associated new databases designated for new substances: n-heptane, n-decane, n-dodecane

From now all PH builds associated with Ambercadero DelphXE2 (within RadStudio XE2) will start from User directory ...../PHXE2execXX, currently ....../PHXE2exec1. It is also associated with importing data for a new substances from ChemSep X.XX Lite.

Update 2024_05_07

I found malfunction within PH.exec (piping hydraulics), when one compound in gas phase calculations were halted.
In such situation PropCalcemb.exe (making properties calculations within loops of piping segments) were halted.
Now I did relevant update to repair it within current issue PHexec27.

Update 2024_04_04

I did minor enhancement within VLE calculation accuracy. Therefore, new calculated equilibrium of X liquid phase
and Y gas phase might be slightly differ than previous.

Update 2024_03_05

I did non critical update associated with message Grid index out of range.

Update 2024_02_20

I did more kij=F(T,P) models stored in the kij3D_models.db database.

I will remind you some important things:

Please note that in some circumstances during  execution of Import and manage data can be troubles. The remedy is to set blue compound within Compounds tab and always before Import and manage data tab firstly  open Database of VLE (Vapor Liquid Equilibrium) experimental data.

To make progress with creation regression model for kij=F(T,P) are two important parameters within tab Settings of panel 
Calculation of kij binary interaction coefficient….:
- Fractional xi & kij accuracy of calculation, can be value in the wide range of [>0.0, …., 0.99999],  
- kij lower bound can be value in the wide range of [0,…, -4,….,] 
- if possible please start findingsof kij=F(T,P) models from accuraccy=0.999 and kij lower bound=-1.

I did not know the best strategy to receive for kij=F(T,P) model a minimum of RSS (Residual Sum of Squares) and minimum of RSD (Residual Standard Deviation) as per panel Kij 3D regression results. I would like to suggest to apply trial and check and error balance method for each case.

Beyond it I gave User more options to manipulate VLE points records. One of important can be eliminate/delete one record with worst deviation and subsequent repeat of Calculate kij regression & graph (gnuplot) and so on. 

I gave possibility to make note those two parameters as above within each model kij field B11 derivative.  Other regression parameters Deviation [min] &  Deviation [max] are stored within field B12 derivative. Beyond it each model has other important parameters stored as T min & max, P min & max, number of  VLE points, etc.,. Other possibility might be to set minimum and maximum deviation for subsquent regression. User can manipulate of VLE points weights without and with multipliers.

Sometimes a good strategy to build kij model is replace all “Calculation pointer” of grades 2 with  -1, means eliminate them.

Before to switch on kij regression panel firstly set Aways kij=0 within tab Compounds.

When any panel not responding that can be caused message, which is visible on the system bottom task within PH executables. So, User shall click message in that situation and next OK to continue.

The accuracy of User kij regression model can be evaluated within Binary VLE panel.

Before execution of Binary VLE tab User shall ensure that it was set parameter "Standard kij=f(T,P) or proximity kij,....... within tab Compounds.

Again, please remember that any execution PH Excel file 0000PH... shall start internally within MS Excel already by internal Browse... through directories. Do not click externally file 0000PH... by System through File Explorer or MS Excel internal list used in the past 0000PH.... files.

During execution of my PH setup please remember that under DWSIM installation on the second panel with selection of DWSIM destination (Select Menu title) please add number 5 after ..../DWSIM results in ...../DWSIM5. IT is important as PH remember it already as DWSIM5. 

Also for subsequent my PH software installation please choose "Repair" within Python for Windows.

Update 2023_11_15

Please note that Users of newest editions of Delphi software from Embarcadero can download ad install Paradox database subsystem from native Embarcadero (Borland successor) resources. The mentioned Paradox subsystem was applied within Borland Delphi 2 compiler and is database subsystem within PropCalc.exe. 

I did more models of kij=F(T,P).

Any User can update his PH working folder ......\PHexecXX\SF_EXCEL_C_incl_Fortran with lastly created databases:

----- kijtable.db, it is database of experimental VLE data retrieved mostly from Cheric.org using kij regression panel,
----- kij3D_models.db, it is database of created models kij=F(T,P) within kij regression panel,
----- kij_kij.db, it is database of standalone values of kij.

Using download from my web site https://sourceforge.net/projects/phexecute/files/ those two files and later Copy and Paste to the User PH working folder.

During my job I have been detected some useful observations associated with procedures according to the point 8.1 
of latest PH_software_User_Guide...... as follows:

- During import kij VLE data from Cherig.org using DWSIM ---->Create New Data Regression Study panel and Save File is created JSON file type *.dwrsd2. The mentioned file is converted through web site https://data.page/json/csv to the MS EXCEL file. It can operate only with English version of MS EXCEL.

- When any part of software PropCalc.exe is hanging try switch to the Compounds, highlight to the blue any compound and sum of fractions and come back. Please also ensure that Always kij=0 is set and/or bottom system taskbar do not shows comment within kij regression panel. Please note that comment has to be proceeded.

- Further operation on EXCEL file requires number value "0" in the field G2, otherwise used xDBD32.exe will fail.

- On case of Locked database by another user please check that any executable part is not doubled and/or try to close those or restart PropCalc.exe, in case of Out of grid within Calculation of kij....---->Import and manage data panel, please go to ---->Database of VLE (Vapor, LIquid,...... and next come back to the ---->Import and manage data panel.

-Before start panel Calculation of kij binary..... please ensure that that within panel Compounds is set option Always kij=0 

-Computer Sleep can create unpredicted results and effects, therefore rather use Shut down.

-Before open Binary VLE panel within PropCalc.exe please ensure that on the Compounds tab is selected option Standard kij=f(T,P) or proximity kij………

-To provide Binary VLE panel calculations with wide allowable VLE points please set option For ij compounds set "Calculate" on "Yes" and "Calculation points" on "1", when option circulates please delete job Calculation of kij binary.....
To avoid such circulations try pick option For ij compounds set "Calculate"....... delicate in the middle or after 1-2 runs close job.  

Update 2023_08_17

The latest update made the following non-critical changes to PropCalc.exe:

- removed NUL.OPO file that was not used today and in the past,

- in some cases in VLE RK mode to start Binary VLE panel may generate information "Grid index out of range", which is not critical. In such a situation, confirm OK and repeat the standard calculation,

- note that despite using a binary VLE or other panel that uses sequential panels Compounds---->Temperature---->Pressure will keep the last temperature and pressure set in the Temperature and Pressure panel,

-I will reiterate that the Compounds panel is designed to activate other panels, so when other panels are inactive please click on Compounds and any substance that turns blue, another solution may be to click on another panel in the vicinity and then return to the previous panel inactive,

- I did encounter some problems with install DWSIM851 issue and neglected (untick) trials during setup, what seems to be remedy. But awful is that DWSIM851 does not work correctly.
I will suggest remain with older issue DWSIM844.

Update 2023_05_14

Updated PropCalc.exe database HEP1.bas

Fixed some bugs within kij regression executables Regress 2002/2003.exe associated with substance N-heptane (code 31)

Updated arrangement within programs forms

It was added some new kij=F(T,P) models

Within last issue of PH_software_User_guide..... was added new paragraph 14. with examples of validation of kij regression for N2 - N-heptane pair

It is very likely that any bugs or malfunctions were eliminated within PH software, so further my effort might be focused for creations of new kij=F(T,P) models. Therefore later updates could be associated only with updated two databases: 
- empirical VLE data database kijtable.db
- createdd kij=F(T,P) models database kij3d_models.db

I would be satisfied to find volunteer, which be able to cooperate with me to provide task dedicated to create new kij models, any interested person please start contact with me by my e-mail: akniaziew@op.pl, further contacts through SKYPE/MS teams and/or online support through anydesk should be available. Please note that my real plan for such cooperation it is early autumn 2023 y, however contacts and considerations are welcome all time.

Update 2023_04_03

I encountered some problems for screen resizing on small displays.
I did repair, on small screens please switch between min/max windows (at top right screen corner) screen size to receive the full screen for my app.

Update 2023_04_02

I found, that in some circumstances execution of button Replace all "Calculation pointer" grades.... can create almost never ending loop, where break might be done by clickinh some fields within kijtable.db fields. Such malfunction belongs to Regres2002.exe & Regres2003.exe.
I have been repaired it.

PH.exe was returned to the Terminal settings of Windows Console Host.

It was repaired lack of some output data on PH.exe screen during run, starting from PIPE INSULATION2 MATERIAL DENSITY downstream. Results from Notepad had always proper data.

I found mistake within LIQUID INVENTORY cubic volume for vertical upward two phase flow. It was repaired, and it had not impact on the case pressure drop.

If you see troubles with gnuplot files, for example are not visible empirical and calculated VLE point please copy relevant gnu files from older PHexecXX User directory. The best it is after installation User shell make copy of directory
...gnuplot/bin for further restore on the event of troubles.


Borland Database Engine troubles:

Borland Database Engine (BDE) error $210D indicates a "Cannot load IDAPI Service Library" error. This error typically occurs when the BDE configuration is not set up correctly, or the necessary files are missing or corrupted. Here are a few steps that you can try to resolve the error:

Check if the BDE is properly installed: Verify that the BDE is properly installed on your system. You can check this by opening the BDE Administrator (BDEADMIN.EXE) and seeing if it opens without any errors. If it does not open, then you need to reinstall the BDE.

Check the configuration file: Check the BDE configuration file (IDAPI32.CFG) located in the \Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\BDE folder. Verify that it is properly configured to point to the correct path for the IDAPI DLL (IDAPI32.DLL). If it is not correct, update it accordingly.

Reinstall the IDAPI DLL: If the IDAPI DLL is missing or corrupted, then you may need to reinstall it. You can do this by running the BDE installation program and selecting the option to install the IDAPI DLL.

Check the path environment variable: Ensure that the path environment variable includes the path to the BDE folder. You can check this by going to System Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables > System Variables > Path. If the path is incorrect, update it accordingly.

Disable User Account Control (UAC): If you are using Windows Vista or later, try disabling UAC. UAC can sometimes interfere with the BDE installation and cause errors.

Check for conflicting software: Check if there are any other software applications running on your system that may be conflicting with the BDE. Try disabling them and see if the error still occurs.

Hopefully, one of these steps will help you resolve the BDE error $210D.

Here are the steps to disable User Account Control (UAC) in Windows:

Click on the Windows Start menu and type "UAC" in the search box.

Click on "Change User Account Control settings" from the search results.

Drag the slider to the bottom to "Never notify" and click on "OK".

You will be prompted to restart your computer to apply the changes.

Once your computer has restarted, UAC will be disabled. Keep in mind that disabling UAC can make your computer less secure, so it is recommended to only disable it temporarily when needed and enable it again afterwards.

I did check that, even temporary disable UAC and next able it (requiries Shutdowns Win10/11) resolved situation with error $210D in my case.

Other path it might be reinstall my PHexecXX.exe, because it also reinstall BDE engine.

I have been checked that independent execution of regres2002.exe or regres2003.exe can be remedy.

I will repeat all important remarks.

•	Please note an essential remarks about execution of major apps included within PH software:

Ad. PH Excel file type of 0000PH.... 

-Have to be executed by openning Excel ----->Open----->Browse to the User folder/SF_EXCEL_C_incl_Fortran and click desired file 0000PH.... It will execute mildly embeded software within Excel 0000PH....., I mean PropCalc.exe, PH.exe, gnuplot, etc.

-PH Excel files have a new functionalities to transfer geometry and other data in the automatic manner to the VMware/CAELinux (Ubuntu) dedicated tool Salome_meca to provide PH piping 3D view and further developing by User a FEA for such piping. All older piping 3D views required data are stored within file C:\PH_DWSIM_DIR\0000PH3D\0000PH3D0000.py. To purge it PH Excel 0000PH... file tab Branch_geoometry & execution has dedicated button Remove all older piping 3D views. Branch_

-For validation purposes of PH Excel my software I uploaded old issue as PHexec7_core_old for PH Excel validation.exe within my Sourceforge website: https://sourceforge.net/projects/phexecute/files/. The major relates  are described within point 11 of PH_software_User_Guide…….Please note that old PHexec7… PHExcel files cannot be used within later then PHexec7 issues, however contents can be moved by copy and paste.

-The first attempt to the each of major 6 sheets requires use buttons Aprove.., it is required for last open and current 0000PH… PH Excel file. It is for User recognition that open file and intrinsic data is that, what she/he will use. Further any changes or update shall locally requires to use Approve button as it make passing a modified data to the desired calculations. Finally, when User is satisfied, therefore she/he shall use standard Excel save button. If file 0000PH… will closed without standard Excel save, therefore all changes/updates will be neglected.

-In some circumstances not all operational buttons within 0000PH….. file sheets might be visible until light sheet scrolling.

-According to the current updates of Windows 10/11 after execution of Notepad (for view of calculation results) might hang on PH.exe execution. Therefore to provide further current execution of PH.exe User shall close current Notepad file PH_RUN_ARCHIVE.TXT file or close PH.exec file to keep Notepad results. Next calculation by PH.exe is allowed and requires to click again button Calculate Piping Hydraulics PH.exe within sheet Branch_geometry & execution.

Ad. PropCalc 

-please note that for some of Windows 10/11 update -- bin-- gnuplot directory shows not actual gnuplot images (they are basically  older). The remedy is always start Propcalc.exe directly from your User PH directory (folder) not as Windows shortcut or start it internally within PH Excel 0000PH... file good established, it means opened by Excel Open-----> Browse.

- to activate any subsequent tab please firstly click Compounds tab and next click any compound row until it will make it blue, latter please go to the desired tab

- PropCalc.exe can be executed alone or invoked from PH Excel file 0000PH... within tab
Branch_geometry & execution

-please always see internal pairs of gnuplot files: 

generated within marq3.exe:
always before

generated within PropCalc.exe tab Binary VLE, 
always before

always before

-PropCalc.exe main execution settings are propagated on the main Compounds window. It allows choose CEOS, alpha, etc. Such credentials are valid for other parts of PH software, propcalcemb.exe (embedded within PH.exe properties calculator dedicated for PH Excel file). Also, the mentioned here setting are used during executions of regres2002/3.exe tools dedicated to prepare kid=f(T,P) models finding. Those settings are only visible within tab Settings (only read data). For CEOS RK is already executed regres2002.exe and for CEOS SRK & PR is already executed regres2003.exe

-To switch on kij regression tab please ensure that initially on the Compound tab is selected RadioButton Always kij=0

-User has possibility to store developed model of kij=f(T,P) within mar3.exe (caption Kij 3D regression) using buttons Show kij regression models, Filter kij models and Collect kij model within T&P ranges. Initially Show regression models shows all available models in the database and Filter kij model shows all models for actual i&j compounds. The field Model coef. B(11) shows CEOS code and the field Model coef. B(12) shows Function alpha adjacent selection. Properties calculations are relevant for actual CEOS and Function alpha kij model. It is possible to have more than one kij model, as kij models can be developed for differ T&P ranges.

-Binary_VLE is designated to compare experimental VLE data with calculated according to the CEOS and kij method, please remember to set two compounds and their fractions within Compound tab before switching to the Binary VLE tab.

-Compounds tab has useful radio button The last compound adjust sum to 1.0. It means last compound fraction is assumed  in such manner that sum of fractions is equal 1.0. So, it avoids any separate calculations of fraction of the last compound using another computer :),

- Other observation it is kij regression (marq3.exe), when embedded calculations normally are signaled by blue circle. But sometimes it is hold by message, which is not displayed directly on the screen.
In such moment please click on the bottom taskbar "tribe" of marq3.exe and see last message, which has to be accepted to return into calculations. The similar situation for other PH executable compounds shall be resolved by hoovering over bottom system task bar and looking for message, which waiting for action.


- At the end of the day please remember to choose directory ......./DWSIM5 and DWSIM5 name for any latest DWSIM download and installation , during run off my PH setup, and even for external DWSIM installation.

-Please note that DWSIM is option for calculating PH fluid properties (VLE, density, viscosity, etc.,…) and within PH Excel 0000PH… DWSIM_PH tab User has to define only T&P for source node (start point of the network). The  remain required data as fluid mixture composition, CEOS and others at source node has to be defined by User on the first attempt into associated DWSIM simulation PH_DWSIM_FEED_TEMPLATE_0000PH.dwxmz. For details please see point 7.1 of PH_software_User_Guide…….
-Please note that any PH Excel calculating job might be embedded within any external DWSIM simulation stream, and seamlessly combine impact of change T&P along real piping within  simulation on seamless calculation flow of DWSIM. For details please see point 10 of PH_software_User_Guide…….

Ad. CAELinux and Salome_meca

CAELinux and Salome_meca it is software tools dedicated for creation piping PH Excel data as 3D View. PH software in automatic manner creates input file for Salome_meca  based on current PH Excel piping network data. For more details please see point 13  of PH_software_User_Guide…….

Ad. Gnuplot

- Please note that Gnuplot files are already shall be opened within current working directory and next->gnuplot ->bin -> 
generated within marq3.exe:
always before

generated within PropCalc.exe tab Binary VLE, 
always before

always before

For more details, please see point 8 of PH_software_User_Guide…….

-In some circumstances, when abscise z might be zeroed (for example, when all deviations are equal 0), gnuplot will not present any picture.

Ad. Notepad

Notepad the system tool is used by PropCalc.exe and PH.exe. Using Notepad within PropCalc.exe has no limitations. For PH.exe limitations were presented above in the point Ad. PH Excel file type of 0000PH.... 

Update 2023_03_21

I did research about problem with PH.exe execution within button Calculate Piping Hydraulics PH.exe.
It was connected with settings , where can be changed Terminal settings to the Windows Console Host. 
Please do it to improve results presentation.

Update 2023_03_20

I have been detected that latest Windows 11 update introduced some small malfunctions to the PH Excel 0000PH.... execution.
Well, during PH.exe run ad calling for Notepad.exe results presentation (within tab Branch_geometry & execution) the Notepad.exe holds progress.
Back to the life requires cancell Notepad.exe, or cancell PH.exe therefore Notepad.exe is open for the next results. Any srtart of PH.exe allow make next calculation with possible kept all results within one Notepad.exe open app.
Other may not so light impact is fact that after first run of PH.exe I detected not standard behavior therefore User shall write 0 from keyboard and I added such remark in place.

Update 2023_03_19

Other possible case is changing kij standalone value within View of kij sheet, where a new or updated kij standalone values shall be introduced into left bottom triangle of kij matrix it means from the left side of i row of compound (substance) to the desired j compound (substance) to the right side along within the same row . Updates shall be introduced using buttons: Show kij matrix, after field update please use button Write kij matrix. To restore kijmatrix use Read kij matrix button again. Processing the same with compound columns will create only temporary kij standalone matrix. Value kij standalone=0 means value is unknown and processing is equal case of Always kij=0 for the two desired compounds i&j. Please use Update symmetric kij grid  after each cell update.

Standalone kij binary interaction parameters are associated with each compound database PROTOTYP.BAS, HEP1.BAS, HEP2.BAS, HEP3.BAS & HEP2DEC2.BAS. Kij can be visited within View of kij tab. Lastly (February, 2023) I have been inserted two new functionalities: Export kij matrix & Import kij matrix. I will show example how to export kij matrix from database HEP2DEC2.BAS to PROTOTYP.BAS and for detais please see page 102, point 8.4 of latest PH_software_User_Guide_.....

In the middle time I have been imported some VLE data for some compound pairs ij from cheric.org as mentioned within point 8.1 page 76. Forther I developed some models for kij=f(T&P) binary interaction parameters as advised within point 8. starting from page 50 of latest PH_software_User_Guide_.....
Please note that User will be able to develop own kij=f(T,P) models for personal T&P ranges and finally compare   VLE calculated results within kij=f(T,P) model, kij standalone and kij=0 cases using Binary VLE tab. 

I am almost sure that BDE (Borland Database Engine) error $2501 migh be caused by Windows 10/11 sleep. Please avoid it and already use Shut down instead.

Please note that during automatic transfer o empiric VLE data from kij_template.db to main VLE data kojtable.db might be error Grid index out of range caused by dummy or empty records within kijtable.db. To resolve it please click Radiobutton Filter switch off within kijtable.db to see whole records content an delete dummy/empty records. 
Other faulty situation might be BDE error $2501 and remedy is to close all not required Borland processes using only required at the moment.
Before start finding and transfer VLE data from cheric website (https://www.cheric.org/research/kdb/hcvle/hcvle.php) using DWSIM, xDBD,... (see point 8.1 PH_software....) please check VLE adjacent T & P engineering units to ensure that within DWSIM was choosen proper engineering units.

During transfer VLE data within kij_exce.db from kijcheric.db please ensure that xDBD provide Edit data.

I did repairs within 3Dregression for kij=f(T,P) tab. 

Please note that during developing kij=f(T,P) regression model it is good strategy to gradually lowering  Fractional xi & kij accuracy of calculation between 0.999 and 0.7 or less to increase number of VLE data calculated kij, however the cost of it is less accuracy. Other possible manouver it is change of kij lower band all wthin Settings tab or manipulate of Weight parameter values.

Please note that kij regression tab start requries setting of parameter Always kij=0.

I have been migrated with conversion of kijcheric.dwrsd2 JSON/Excel file to the new website https://data.page/json/csv.

Recently (March, 2023y.) I have been added new functionality, which allow swap i and j compounds within tab Database of VLE, please see page 75 of PH_sowtware_User_Guide.....

Some bugs were repaired.

A new VLE data were imported from cheric.org and some relevant kij=F(T,P) models created.

Update 2023_02_07 

Latest news:
During PHexec18.exe my installation setup please within DWSIM installation already replace DWSIM with DWSIM5 at the end of line.
For Python for Windows please apply Repair, if it is not first installation.
PHexcec18 folder might be installed in the any desired drive and can be on the top of drive and here is not required installation within Program Files or Program Files (x86).
Any PH Excel file within user folder ...SF_EXCEL_C_incl_Fortran shall be invoked after start Excel ---->Open..----->Browse.
During execution DWSIM within PH.exe the embedded properties calculator please tick Solve twice or until visible properties stop changing, after calculation please cancel current DWSIM execution.

Recently I have been added a new functionalities on the panel of kij=f(T,P) regression. They are designated to manage Weight parameter for kij=f(T,P) regression.
It means that Weight parameter might be established in the more easy ways.
Please see page 69 of latest PH_software_User_Guide_.....

I have been returned bdeadmin.exe parameter LOCAL SHATE TRUE to avoid errors $210D/$2501. 
I discovered that error $2501 is caused by Windows 10/11 started after system sleep. Therefore, a remedy is to avoid such situation.  

I have been starting to partialle rebuild PropCalc.exe an associates all generated within Delphi2 compiler (Pascal language) taking into account to future replace Delphi2 with nowadays free for non-commercial communty
Delphi CE (means Community Edition) from Embarcadero. The major obstacle is ElasticForm tool (paid and no more available). So, I firstly removed FlasticForm and replaced it with standard Delphi2 Form handlers within two kij regression tools regres2002/3.exe. An updated sources are available within Borland_Delphi2_sources 

I still have my pesky reminders as usual.

ad. PropCalc.exe 

-please note that for some of Windows 10/11 update -- bin-- gnuplot directory shows not actual gnuplot images (they are basically  older). The remedy is always start Propcalc.exe directly from your User PH directory (folder) not as Windows shortcut or internally within PH Excel 0000PH... file good established, it means opened by Excel Open-----> Browse.

- to activate any subsequent tab please firstly click Compounds tab and next click any compound row until it will make it blue, latter please go to the desired tab

- PropCalc.exe can be executed alone or invoked from PH Excel file 0000PH... within tab
Branch_geometry & execution

-please already see internal pairs of gnuplot files: 

genetated within marq3.exe:
always before

generated within PropCalc.exe tab Binary VLE, 
always before

always before

-PropCalc.exe main execution settings are propagated on the main Compounds window. It allow choose CEOS, alpha, etc. Such credentials are valid for other parts of PH software, propcalcemb.exe (embedded within PH.exe properties calculator dedicated for PH Excel file). Also the mentioned here setting are used during executions of regres2002/3.exe tools dedicated to prepeare kij=f(T,P) models finding. Those settings are only visible within tab Settings (only read data). For CEOS RK is already executed regres2002.exe and for CEOS SRK & PR is already executed regres2003.exe

-to switch on kij regression tab please ensure that initially on the Compound tab is selected RadioButton Always kij=0

-user has possibility to store developed model of kij=f(T,P) within mar3.exe (caption Kij 3D regression) using buttons Show kij regression models, Filter kij models and Collect kij model within T&P ranges. Intially Show kij regression models shows all available models in the database and Filter kij model shows all models for actual i&j compounds. The field Model coef. B(11) shows CEOS code and the field Model coef. B(12) shows Function alpha adjacent selection. Properties calculations are relevant for actual CEOS and Function alpha kij model. It is possible to have more then one kij model, as kij models can be developed for differ T&P ranges.

-Binary_VLE is designated to compare experimental VLE data with calculated according to the CEOS and kij method, please remember to set two compounds and their fractions within Compound tab before switching to the Binary VLE tab.

-Compounds tab has useful radiobutton The last compound adjust sum to 1.0. It means last compound fraction is assumed  in such manner that sum of fractions is equal 1.0. So, it avoids any separate calculations of fraction of the last compound using another computer :),

ad. 0000PH.... 

-have to be executed by openning Excel ----->Open----->Browse to the User folder/SF_EXCEL_C_incl_Fortran and click desired file 0000PH.... It will execute mildly embeded software within Excel 0000PH....., I mean PropCalc.exe, PH.exe, gnuplot, etc.

-PH Excel files have a new functionalities to transfer geometry and other data in the automatic manner to the VMware/CAELinux (Ubuntu) dedicated tool Salome_meca to provide PH piping 3D view and further developing by User a FEA for such piping. All older piping 3D views required data are stored within file C:\PH_DWSIM_DIR\0000PH3D\0000PH3D0000.py. To purge it PH Excel 0000PH... file tab Branch_geoometry & execution has dedicated button Remove all older piping 3D views. 

Update 2023_01_17

I would like to encourage fans of DWSIM process simulator to implement my PH Excel piping model to any DWSIM stream or streams. It might be done in seamless manner and can run together with DWSIM simulation. The advantage is update stream T&P on simulation run, what can make impact on simulation results corrected by reality of stream real piping. Further DWSIM User has possibility to provide of piping  stream 3D view and even advanced piping FEA calculations using build in PH software connection to the dedicated TUBA_V2 and  Salome_semeca tools. For details please see points 10&13.2 of latest issue of the PH_software_User_Guide.... .

Please note that coming on new issues of Windows10/11 required more available MAXFILEHANDLES within Bdeadmin.exe. It might be caused by Borland Database Engine errors  $210D/$2501. Therefore I recently increased MAXFILEHANDLES from 150 to 330 and replaced LOCAL SHARE TRUE with LOCAL SHARE FALSE , what made remedy for errors $210D/$2501. It was also emptied field DATA REPOSITORY. For more details, how to introduce such update please see pages 11-12 of latest issue: PH_software_User_Guide_programming_issues_.......

More important it was improved regression of kij=f(T,P) by better finding kij's from empirical VLE data. Now it is based on liquid phase xi empirical compound of fraction as encoutered that gas phase yi empirical compound of fraction is less sensitive during  loop of finding kij.

PLease note that call of kij regression tab requires to set up Always kij=0 within tab Compounds.
Beyond of it, when kij regression tab or other tab is hanging User shall open CompoundS tab an click any compound row and make it blue (that will activate all other tabs) and return to the desired tab.

Please note that Message box from any software component might be not visible, therefore please go to the system bottom taskbar to move over Propcalc.exe components to see message box and click it.

Please note that marq3.exe (gear icon) shall be closed before using repated kij 3D regression tab within Calculation of kij binary...(measuring cup icon).

Please note that for some kij records set regression might be unsuccessfull and ending with message This is fatal error... and next message Floating point overflow. In such situation please cancell marq3.exe (gear icon) back to Calculation of kij binary...(measuring cup icon) tab Settings and try to change Fractional yi&kij accuracy and kij lower band parameters an repeat calculations. Other possible action it is exclude VLE data records with identical xi, yi values. Another remedy might be eleminate calculated kij records with worse  state of 2 (might be done by dedicated button within Calculation of kij binary... tab).It is also advised to eliminate some VLE records by delete temporary by "-" and set Calculate on No.

Please note that before start of Binary VLE tab two compounds with adjusted molar fractions have to be selected within Compounds tab.

•	Here not exist some general rules for developing functions of kij=f(T,P), in some cases SRK CEOS is better than other CEOS to bring closer calculated results to the empirical VLE data and vice versa. It is possible that certain binary substances ij might be better evaluate VLE for kij=0 than kij=standalone or kij=f(T,P). User shall check Binary VLE sheet.
•	Binary VLE sheet is dedicated to compare calculated and empirical VLE data. To provide it User shall introduce VLE data as performed within PH_software_User_Guide point 8. with specific importing VLE data features as mentioned within point 8.1 below.
•	To use Binary VLE sheet previously please define molar fractions of  i&j compounds (substances) within Compounds sheet.
•	Other possible case is changing kij standalone value within View of kij sheet, where a new or updated kij standalone values shall be introduced into right triangle of kij matrix it means from the top of compound (substance) i column to the desired j compound (substance) down within the same column. Updates shall be introduced using buttons: Read/Show kij matrix, after field update please use button Write kij matrix. To restore kijmatrix use Read kij matrix button again.
•	Binary VLE execution finally might be produce graphical comparison of VLE results within current CEOS between options kij=f(T,p), kij standalone and kij=0 using button Show results graphically --Open gnuplot panel and see selection.
•	The execution of selected positions as above shall be already in the presented queue from the top to bottom.

For all interested in 3D piping presentations/FEA calculations I have been attached my WMware setting screens of the main vehicle for CAELinux/Salome_meca tool. It was done within file VMware settings.docx.

Please note that all PH Excel validation calculations are now not accessible beyond issue of PHexec7 (later 2022 y). Issue of PHexec7 might be available on my Sourceforge website with  special core PHexec7  old issue named  PHexec7_core_old  for PH Excel validation.exe. 

Update 2022_12_05

I have been added a new functionality to provide import of experimental VLE data from website cheric.org using DWSIM internal funcionality. For more information please see point 8.1 of PH_software_User_Guide_programming_issues_2022_12_05.
Previous methode for importing VLE data remains as point 8.2.

During developing it I found malfunction within importing data VLE, now it is repaired within PropCalc.exe tool.

Update 2022_11_14

I did improvement to allow any User download of two my files:

•	CAELinux_2020-12-10.7z/caelinux2020lite.iso
•	Virtual Machines.7z/VMware/Ubuntu.vmx.lck

Both two files were prepared by me for the reason to simplicity install CAELinux/Ubuntu within WMware
using more sophisticated Anydesk tools for download. 
Please note that sizes of both two files .7z are too big for transfer through my sourceforge site.
The latest experience says that my server ftp and WinSCP are not always successfull. I will suggest to use Anydesk, for more details please see points 13.3 & 13.4 of PH_software_User_Guide_programming_issues_2022_11_14.

I also found bug associatet with creation of multple PH piping 3D views within VMware\CAElinux\Salome_meca. It had limit up to total number of nodes of 10. Now I increased such limit number to 9999 nodes.
Please note that it is my setup for multiple simulations for Salome_meca, however each particular PH piping has limit of 200 nodes.
For remove all older PH simulations within Salome-meca I have been provided dedicated button "Remove all older piping 3D views" within PH excel tab "Branch_geometry & execution". The mentioned button also reset to 0 actual number of nodes within file C:\PH_DWSIM_DIR\0000PH3D\P3D_3DRUNS.TXT. 

I would like to emphasise that nodes are important for definition of other FEA components as Forces, Moments,....etc. within nodes to provide more advanced piping FEA analysis.

Within Salome_meca I provided also presentation of multiple PH piping simulations 3D views with possibility of take into account insulation thickness. I would like to underscore that Salome-Meca did not provide piping 3D view with insulation thickness, however FEA calculations should include load of the weight of insulation.
Anyway, User can provide for a particular piping a duplicate PH piping calculation with simulated piping diameter based on internal insulation diameter a thickness of insulation. It may avoid insulated piping collision with others, what should be shown on Salome_meca of piping multiple 3D views. 

I have got some important remark for any User.
Please note that PH.exe calculations (T&P change) always calculate properties (density, viscosity) for any detected himself occurance of two-phase flow.
In such situations parameters of change of the pressure & temperature without properties calculations are neglected even they are setup at values differ than "0" witin PH  Excel sheet "Pipe_types".

Update 2022_09_16

I chagned my internet provider.Therefore, now my ftp server has address The mentioned server is designated for User downloads of my two files. They are designated to establish by User CAELinux/Salome-meca tool within VMware Workstation 16 Player.

Please note that more details can be found within my Word document:

PH_software_User_Guide_programming_issues_2022_09_16 page 225.

Please replace older file as above within Your current PH working directory.

Update 2022_09_10

I did find malfunction within file 0000PH3D0000.py generation, so all piping/pipeline 3D space views exposed on 
more than 1 branch were wrong. Now it is corrected.

Recently I have been prepared three new improvements broadening PH functionalities as follows:

 1. Now all PH Excel runs allow to collect within file 0000PH3D0000.py all subsequent results next processes by 
    VMware/CAELinux Salome_meca, what may produce collection of all piping/pipeline 3D space views in one last
    batch. Please note that Salome_meca has much wider possibility to calculate piping Finite Element Analysis
    (FEA). User might be able to add manually adjacent commands for implement piping Forces, Springs, Moments, etc.,  
    which allow full piping FEA calculations within Code_Aster tool. The relevant commands User can add to the 
    basic 0000PH3D0000.py file created by PH software.User has possibility to wipe all older piping/pipeline 3D 
    space views by clicking dedicated button Remove all older piping 3D views. As fact the mentioned action
    will delete file 0000PH3D0000.py. Please note that each CAELinux\Salome_meca process uses exististing
    0000PH3D0000.py file, which normally is created by using button Calculate Piping Hydraulics PH.exe.

 2. To provide better handling of recovery connection with shared file 0000PH3D0000.ph between CAELinux 
    Salome_meca and Windows 10/11 PH Excel I did two Linux shell scrips: phadmin.sh & phrecover.sh. 
    The mentioned scripts shall be executed within Linux Terminal using command bash phadmin.sh and next one 
    bash phrecover.sh.
 3. A new Linux shell script ph.sh will allow process Salome_meca in one click, using Linux command bash ph.sh 
    within Linux Terminal.

Please note that more details can be found within my Word document:

PH_software_User_Guide_programming_issues_2022_08_25 point 13.4

Please remember to provide target directory ....\DWSIM5 during execution of my last PHexec14 download.


Update 2022_08_25

I made more simple installation of VMware\Ubuntu(CAELinux) to provide PH piping presentation in the 3D view.
It consist of almost ready for normal operation downloads of Ubuntu (CAELinux) for VMware machine.
A new User shall download and install VMware Workstation 16 Player (its going to system C: drive).
Next step it is download and extract two my files (consists of two 7-zipped directories) from my FTP server and then allocate these files on User drives, allocate directories on User drives.
Finnally User shall open VMware and next Open virtual machine (Ubuntu) by clicking Ubuntu.vmdk.
For not my VMvare settings a desired User settings shall be adjusted.

Detailed procedure how to do it is described in my Word document:

PH_software_User_Guide_programming_issues_2022_08_25 point 13.3

Please remember that VMware Workstation 16 Player is not allowed for commercial use. 
My FTP server will be available in limited time, and I cannot guarantee any term of disposition it.

Update 2022_07_21

I did minor updates within PH guideline:

Update 2022_04_22

I did updates within SRK & PR CEOS regressions of modeling kij=f(T,P).
To caterogize kij=F(T,P) among RK, SRK and PR CEOS the best results of kij modeling are for RK CEOS.
I guess that RK CEOS is less varnulable of temperature T influence in comparision with SRK & PR CEOS.

Beyond it I did extensions within panel Settings of Regres22/23.exe (kij regression module for RK/(SRK&PR).
It present actual settings as defined within Compounds panel of PropCalc.exe.

To remaind of User please note that panels switching/Calculation panel might be not  react within PropCalc.exe. 
Therefore,  to activate it please switch to the panel Compound and click any field to make it blue
 and next return to the desired panel.

Other observation it is kij regression (marq3.exe), when embedded calculations normally are signaled 
by blue circle. But sometimes it is hold by message, whitch is not displayed directly on the screen.
In such moment please click on the bottom taskbar "tribe" of marq3.exe and see last message, 
which has to be accepted to return into calculations.
Other reminder is need to open any PH dedicated Excel file only by Open--->Browse within Excel.

At the end of the day please remember to choose directory ......./DWSIM5 
for any latest DWSIM, during run off my PH setup.

Update 2022_03_31_extra_done
Now at the end of the day all is corrected.

Updat 2022_03_31_extra

I would like to appologise, but something going wrong.
I will repair it and upload PHexec12 again  ASAP.

Update 2022_03_31

I would like to emphasise that during processing with my PH installer please choose ....\DWSIM5 as target directory for any version 

More inportant last update it is extension PH software with an additional CEOS SRK & PR.
Please see new guideline issue: PH_software_User_Guide&programming_issues_2022_03_10, page 43.
Recently (March, 2022) capability of PH.exe software was extended with an additional Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) CEOS 
and Peng-Robinson (PR) CEOS both two with TWU Generic alpha function.

For kij =f(T,p) regression dedicated Delphi regres2.dpr project for RK CEOS and created new one regres2003.dpr project for SRK & PR CEOS.

In the point 7.2.1 Page 38 I attached some details with my expierience of Borland Database Engine (BDE), 
especialy with problems of error 2105, PDOXUSE.NET and configuration of BDE.

Please note that some new updates of Windows 10/11 change the behavior of embedded execution app. In my PH software
it caused hanging of PH.exe app by Notepad until closing Notepad. I did update of it within PH.exe to prevent such situation
however I do not know how long it can be lasted, I mean to the possible future Windows update. 

I did check of PropCalc.exe on the field of standalone kij database, which is visible on the panel View of kij.
Currently User has five PropCalc property databases:

Only HEP1.BAS has proper kij database, therefore I did recovery for all the rest.
Beyond that I did copy of all databases relevant for mentioned above 5 cases in the directory 
.....\PHexec1..\SF_EXCEL_C_incl_Fortran\0000Databases_hard_copy .
When any problem might be encountered User shall copy and paste relevant database (of 5) 
to the main User directory .....\PHexec1..\SF_EXCEL_C_incl_Fortran or newer one.
For the future new databases is easy manner for create copy of any existing kij database to the new one.
To do it User shall start PropCalc.exe from main user directory .....\PHexec1..\SF_EXCEL_C_incl_Fortran
, set existing database on the panel Open database. 
It is possible that after the first click on the 
panel Open database not always is opened, therefore please click neighboring panel Store/Restore data 
and after it click again Open database.
So again, in the existing good database please open View of kij, next in the similar manner start 
Propcalc.exe activate target database, View of kij panel and click Write kij matrix.
It will create copy of old kij database to target kij database despite of differences in the lists
of compounds. Next please close first old PropCalc.exe, next close targeted PropCalc.exe.
In the next step start again PropCalc.exe with targeted database , open View of kij and manually introduce 
required changes within kij for new substance, as it might be mapped from old database for previous substance
in the same place.
Please note that important thing is opening first old View of kij panel next immediatelly open new View of kij 
panel (for new database) and in such situation click button Write kij matrix for new View of kij panel.
Afterwards please close old PropCalc.exe and as next close new Propcalc.exe to provide opening as next PropCalc.exe
for review an update new View of kij.
I also did comparison of differ PropCalc.exe methods of kij included for main panel Compounds.
I allow to switch between including kij options to the mixture VLE calculations:
   -Standard kij=f(T,P) or proximity kij, when outside models or kij=stand=alone. when model not exist
   -Option. when T,P are beyond model kij=stand-alone
   -Always kij=0
   -Always kij=stand-alone
I did comparison calculations for mixture N2=0.5, N-butane=0.5 dedicated for experimental data from
web site www.cheric.org and experimental VLE mixtures.  
The adjacent results are presented in the Excel file 0000_n_butane_N2 VLE data.


Update 2021_11_07

All developers, which willing to apply compiler Approximatrix Simply Fortran to compile PH.exe (job PH_MAIN) please note, that for the reason of 
known issues with accuracy of representation REAL numbers is required replace REAL with DOUBLE.
In the Simply Fortran it is very easy as follows:
Project ---> Options ---> Fortran ---> and selec option:
Use Double Precision for all Reals.

Recently I did rebrand of the main tool for PH properties calculation through DWSIM simulation:
I made shorter list of properties within PROPERTIES TABLE and introduced current branch/segment mass flowrate instead some previous dummy value.
It is important for some specific kinds of fluid as for example crude assay, where calculated fluid composition depends on initial fluid mass flowrate.
The native PH PropCalc.exe tool designated also for properties calculation has no possibility to model crude assay and similar fluids.
Therefore, is it is still based on dummy flowrate to calculate properties.

I did effort to minimalize User effort during mapping stream from external DWSIM for example from PH_DWSIM_EMBEDDED.dwxmz to internal stream 
in standalone DWSIM simulation PH_DWSIM_FEED_TEMPLATE_0000PH.dwxmz dedicated for EXCEL piping model for example PH_DWSIM_PIPING_MODEL.xlsm file. 
All explanation within chapter 10 "PH_software_User_Guide&programming_issues_2021_11_07" shall be useful for understanding whole procedure.
Now User has in the disposal semi automated loop procedure, which automatically mapping external DWSIM stream temperature,pressure, mass flowrate and
compounds mole fractions to the internal DWSIM feed stream. Remain parameters as Properties Package, Flash Specand compounds name might be transferred
manually within software loop.
User has responsibility to repair all unconformities  between external DWSIM stream and internal DWSIM stream.
Internal Python scrips are ready for automate and handle mentioned above targets as possible taking into account internal DWSM limitations.
I did effort to perform all not automated parameters within sophisticated  PS Python scripts, which are operating in the interactive loops, 
what shall boost User operating potential.

I had review of local pressure changes associated with change of piping diameters. PH.exe offers two cases:

1. calculation of pressure change for sharp D1 to D2 piping diameter change, it generates more pressure change than option 2
2. calculation of smooth pressure change as per local pressure change with element 35 and 36 carries out smooth diameter changes

All those cases require two segments with for first segment D1 diameter and D2 for second segment.
Case 1 is always mutually calculated within and specific request and software automatically detect diameter change in the two subsequent segments.
Case 2 requires piping data definition ended with pipe element type 36 or 35. It is internally calculated for already on the base of pipe diameter enlargement or contraction 
despite of declared element type 36 or 35, it omits possible inconsistency between 36/35 and real defined diameters.
Please note that diameter enlargement generates values -dp and it increase pressure downstream. In opposition diameter
contraction generates +dp values and it means pressure decrease downstream.
Please note that all +dp changes are used with oposite sign (-) when are calculated Joule-Thompson temperature change and -dp values are used 
with opposite sign (+) in similar situation. 
The last think is that in the case of one/last segment in the branch generates mistake (not exist subsequent segment with differ piping diameter). 
In such situation the relevant pressure drop is not calculated and some comments are generated
The remedy is to split such segment on two parts with differ D1/D2 and very short last part for example 0.0001 m 
as pipe diameter expander/reducer dp is calculated upstrem of the diameter change.
Please note, that element 35/36 result is noted within position:
and built-in diameter change has effect on dp change is reported within position:

I did a little change to recombine the quegue of calcultions and now user will be able to control calculationas typing only 
"0" on the beginning and 
"1" on the end to see NOTE calculations results
to be more clear I make copy of both two operations:

on the beginning
 ????   OK=
'     pending calculations
at the end
 ????   OK=

      NOTEPAD opens file "PH_RUN_ARCHIVE.TXT" for review
here is possible to close PH.exe and results remain in the file as mentioned above            
Please note that current editor (NOTEPAD) is setup in the PropCalc.exe ---->Editor Setup in my case (most of Win1))as

For example choosing NOTEPAD++ it should be replaced with
C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
But unfortunatelly doesn't work for PH.exe but only work for PropCalc.exe for unknown reason
So I decided to stay with notepad.exe

Other important operation rule is following. After finish one route of calculation and view results stored in the PH_RUN_ARCHIVE.TXT
to continue PH.exe USER shall close PH_RUN_ARCHIVE.TXT. CLose PH.exe will allow start a new run anyway. 

I did changes in the liquid sound velocity. Here is lack of general formula and each liquid is calculated individually in most cases using specific
bulk module. I introduced to the relevant calculations one bulk module=1.2E9 Pa. Therefore such calculations are only in the proximity of reality.
Please note that liquid sound velocity is only used for determination of fluid Mach number. The real liquid velocity is in the range of 0.01- 40 m/s
but liquid sound velocity is in the range 300 - 2000 m/s, so chance that fluid flow reach Mach number is extremally low. 

Please note that easiest way to calculate piping model shall be based on interaction with Excel file instead. 
Other thing is that making Excel file updates and using “Please approve…” button do not fix Excel file at all, 
however allow to make updates executable by PH.exe. In such manner User has ability to make quickly update, 
approving it and execute PH.exe (it means calculate whole piping network finding profiles of T and P). 
At the end of the day User can fix last satisfied piping model using Excel save.
Please note that PH.exe has specific notation of P and T losses and gains associated with P and T changes. 
Therefore, all T and P changes denoted as positive (“+”) are losses and T and P denoted as negative (“-“) are gains. 
It is valid for input data and calculated results and belongs only to the P and T changes. In such situation 
for check of Joule-Thompson effect please provide calculate pressure loss/gain with opposite sign and multiplication by Joule-Thomson 
coefficient as it is.

Update 2021_08_26

Currently I have been extended an automatic generation of basic Python file 0000PH3D0000.py with two additional properties:

•	RhoFluid(density_fluid) allows to take into account the weight of the fluid in the pipe,
•	Insulation(insulation_thickness, insulation_density)

by providing insulation thickness and density, this function allows to take into account the weight of the pipe insulation.

Please note that TUBA tool allows existence only one insulation layer around pipe but PH.exe allows up to three insulation layers. 
Therefore I will provide some an equivalent values of insulation thickness and density in case of more than one real insulation layers as per Excel PH file. 
Please note that Insulation(insulation_thickness, insulation_density) property is executed only if at least one insulation layer data are provided in the Excel PH file sheet Pipe_types. 
To neglect using of such property is enough to insert “0” thickness for the first insulation layer. 

An important thing is that USER interested in FEM Salome_meca Aster&PARAViS study  calculations will be able manually add other properties 
 (Force, Block, Spring, Moment,  LinearForce, etc.)  directly to the firstly generated in the automatic manner basic file 0000PH3D0000.py.
As mentioned above now my PH.exe generates automatically 0000PH3D0000.py file located in the directory C:\PH_DWSIM_DIR\0000PH3D. 
Later the whole 3D piping presentation shall be executed within VMware CAELinux Salome_meca. To do it in fact shall be written inside Linux Terminal one command:
TUBA.py  0000PH3D0000.py  -salome 
TUBA.py  0000PH3D0000.py  -all 
to provide FEM extended Salome_meca ASTER analysis. 

To see more details about Salome_meca installation and using please see chapter 13 of PH_software_User_Guide&programming_issues_2021_08_26.

Update 2021_07_14

Now PHexec7 & PHexec8 editions are repaired in terms of vertical up/down or inclined/declined 
gravitation pressure change. 

I did full consistency between PHexec7 & PHexec8 editions.

However, a new PHexec8 was extended with capabilities as global geometry and piping 
presentation in the 3D space. 

Possible data transfer (Copy & Paste method) between old PHexec7 job 000PH... & new PHexec8
job 0000PH_3D... , it takes me a couple of minutes.

An examples of old and new 0000PH....jobs are located in the internal folder:

There are two jobs:

0000PH_3D_PHexec8 orto_gas phase
0000PH_PHexec7 orto_gas phase
and relevant results for set of inlet temperaturs: 600 deg K (gas phase), 400 degK (two-phase),
300 deg K (liquid phase).

Please note that each kind of job has to be executed only in the relevant directory.

Within PHexec7 I introduced also the last edition of DWSIM6 (DWSIM_bin_v654_setup_win7win8win10_64bit)
and made copy of PHexec8 directory C:\PH_DWSIM_DIR to allow pararel operation 
of both PHexec8 & PHexec7.

Update 2021_07_13

I would like to inform that all calculations with none horizontal segments had malfunctions
of gravitional pressure change.
It belongs to the all earlier issued as well as last two editions of PH:
I would like to appologize for it, and will repair/edit both two soon.
Please remember that PH7exec shall not be easy converted to the PHexec8 as mentioned below.

Update 2021_06_23

I did effort to organize PH.exe piping presentation in 3D space.
To make such job I implemented inside my Fortran executable PH.exe programming 
issues changes to produce in the automatic manner input file for TUBA_V2 tool.
Data required for TUBA_V2 are based on piping geometry and piping temperature, pressure , etc. 
written inside Excel file 0000PH.... used for calculating P&T change along piping.
Now latest modyfications allow also piping 3D presentation using some dedicated tools:
TUBA_V2 & Salome_meca embedded in the VMware & CAELinux operating system.

For more details please see Chapter 13 of PH_software_User_Guide&programming_issues_2021_06_15.

Please note that the last extenions required adding of 4 new columns W,X,Y,Z within Excel 0000PH_3D... Sheet Pipe_types.
Older versions of 0000PH...Excel files shall be addoped accordingly. 

Please note that new jobs marked as 0000PH_3D.... will not work with prior PH issues PHexec7 or older.
Here is not way to Move andCopy new sheets Pipe_types to the older Excel 0000PH... files.
Any new job on PHexec8 have to be developed on the base of any new 0000PH_3D... file.
To migrate old User jobs to the new form shall be done on manual copy and paste data between old and new issues.

For all interested about vintage 0000PH... jobs mostly provided for PH validation I will suggest to keep ancient issue PHexec7.
For the same reason I will keep it on the sourceforge web site. 

I have good news about installation of last DWSIM 6.5.4. From now is not required a manipulation of name DWSIM 5. 
The last DWSIM 6 is working with PH.exe itself within directory C:\Users\Your User name\AppData\Local\DWSIM6.
No further adaptation is required.

On previous issues of Excel was required go through Excel panels Open--Browse--your 
PH working directory to invoke execution your 0000PH…Excel file with embedded PH.exe.
To start from Open and Recent tab will generate malfunction it means main 
calculation procedure PH.exec still did not start (as system shall knows location of embedded internal PH.exe software).
Therefore my previous message about it is not valid and Open--->Browse----> .... procedure within Excel is required.

update 2021_03_06

Please read content of Word document: 

00Readme update_2021-03-06

Update 2021_02_20

Other observed malfunctions were the lack of yellowed headers with two-phase method names in the files of TWO_PHASE_METHODS_...
It was caused by disappeared in the C:\PH_DWSIM_DIR directory files:
The remedy is the same e.g. restore C:\PH_DWSIM_DIR directory.
I would suggest to create the hard copy of C:\PH_DWSIM_DIR directory. It should save time as further recovery such directory to the 
system C: drive. It is much easier than repeating downloading and whole installation procedure. 

Update 2021_02_16

I detected problem,  when directory C:\PH_DWSIM_DIR or internal files 
associated with PH diappeared. In my case it was probably caused by any external influence. 
The main effect of lack of some directory content it was the lack of calculated files:

The remedy it is running the last downloaded main file PHexecx-202x-xx-xx.exe again. 
It will automatically restore folder PH_DWSIM_DIR on system drive C. 
To save your current working PH directory you should do temporary change name 
of your operation current directory. 
After successful PHexecx download to the new directory PHexecx and recreate PH_DWSIM_DIR 
you can scratch PHexecx and return to your old name of PH main directory. 
Finnally you restored C:\PH_DWSIM_DIR, what might be also remedy for other failures.

Update 2020-12-23

I did effort to provide presentation of PH piping/pipeline geometry in the 3D space.

To achieve such target I did review of allowable free software and decided to use software 
based on CAELinux with built in Linux Ubuntu 18.04 operating system:
-TUBA_V2,  set of Python scripts designed to handle piping/pipeline geometry 
 and convert it as input for salome_meca 3D view tool,
- salome_meca V2019.

I had successful installation of mentioned above software.

To see details please review point 13 of recently downloaded 
PH_software_User_Guide&programming_issues_2020_12_23 guideline.

Next step might be to adopt PH software for application 
of TUBA_V2 & salome_meca V2019 capabalities.

Someone interested has chance to make similar instalation as I did,
taking into account that CAELinux itself is valuable source
of engineering software.

Please note that all presented above do not change state of PH software
at the moment.

Update 2020-09_27

Please find some useful news associated with new DWSIM6.... downloads 
and impact of it on the PH software. Details are described in the 
PH_software_User_Guide&programming_issues_2020_09_27 point 12 and modified/added
 pages 147-150.

I am looking for volunteers’ ready to cooperate with me to extend PH software with 
presentation of calculated piping/pipeline in 3D dimension.
I have also idea of possibility to extend 3D presentation with graphical propagation 
of T or P along piping/pipeline.
Such job it is not from beginning as I found useful software tools.
All interested peoples are invited to contact on my e-mail akniaziew&op.pl
and further is possible to speak through Skype and contact through 
remote Anydesk tool.

Update 2020-05-14

An update repair, when present native PH  pressure drop within files:
The main calculatios are OK.

Please note that files above now are equipped with first row, which contains yellowed names
of calculated two-phase pressure drop methods. 

Please note that Borland_Delphi2 sources remain unchanged. 

Update 2020-04-11

An update repair major mistake, when calculates native PH (not FLUIDS) two phase presure drop, insted of segment friction pressure drop [Pa] it was 
processed friction pressure drop [Pa/m], therefore whole profile pressure of Excel piping/pipeline model was improper.

It was totally rebuild introducing PH to the any external DWSIM simulation stream, now in online flow PH can be introduced insertin two UO
PS Python scrips. First one initiates or omit PH involvment (even any before was done), invokes Excel and let find Excel piping/pipeline model and 
execute it to calculate end T&P which is transfered to the external DWSIM simulation stream by second script.
The whole external DWSIM simulation is waiting until executio mentioned above is finalized and later run of external DWSIM simulation is continued
with new T&P profile.
The mentioned above processing could be applicable for as many streams as required for external DWSIM simulation and two mentioned UO PS scripts 
can be transferred by "copy and paste" methods to other external DWSIM simulations.
For more details please see chapter 10 in the recently updated PH guide
Please note that Borland_Delphi2 sources remain unchanged.  

Update 2020-2-29

An update implements PH piping/pipeline calculated
T&P results to the DWSIM external Flowsheet. 
It offers specific PS Unit script,which adjust calculated T&P by PH with piping/pipeline Excel file model.
For more details please see chapter 10 in the recently updated PH guide
Please note that Borland_Delphi2 sources remain unchanged.

Update 2020-2-12
On update of 2020-01-29 was lack of DWSIM.
DWSIM latest issue was added.

Update 2020-01-29

Please download new update of PH  might be located in the directory ….PHexec4. 
Here were made updates and bugs removal for main property calculation PropCalc.exe and embedded PropCalcemb.
It was removed some detections of existence of the binary models of kij=f(T,P) as it is not adequate for mixtures of more than two compounds.
Some bugs were corrected associated with invalid database grid of kij3D_models.db for kij of N2 and N-butane compounds.
An additional compounds/database for PropCalc.exe/Propcalcemb.exe are available as shown below:

Current properties database installed within PropCalc.exe (see sheet Open database field Current/New database).	
The list of available properties databases.  You can introduce new database writing a new one to the field Current/New database within PropCalc.exe Open database tab.
Please note that settings for PropCalc.exe are automatically implemented for Propcalcemb.exe.
Selected database within PropCalc.exe is also automatically adjusted to the 0000PH.... Excel file within tab Propcalc_PH.
For some Win10 systems to open PropCalc.exe Open database tab is required pick up other tabs in the vicinity or Compounds tab with selection a blue field
and next repeat pick up desired Open database field. 	

To check differences between calculations for absence of kij models please pick up Always kij=0 or Always kij=standalone on Compounds tab to see
differences. Other possible check it is through kij regression tab an existence of models or check PropCalc.exe calculation for mixture of two compounds.
In such situation a Message Box will appear when Database of kij=f(T,P) does not exist for two selected ij compounds.
Beyond above were developed some new kij=f(T,P) models between Methane-Ethane and Methane-Propane.

Update 2020-01-05

Latest update of Borland_delphi2_sources_20_01_05 (sources for PropCalc.exe and Propcalcemb.exe)
acc. to latest changes of regres2002.exe and marq3.exe) 
as mentioned below for updates 2020-01-04 and 2020-01-03.

Update 2020-01-04

Please download marq3.exe to your main PHexec working directory to replace old one.
The old one had partly unresolved qualification of kij empirical point as exist or not exist 
within kij whole database (kijtable.db). 

Update 2020-01-03

Please download regres2002.exe to your main PHexec working directory to replace old one.
The old one had unresolved pressure dimensioning within. 

Update 2019-12_03

Please download regres2002.exe to your main PHexec working directory to replace old one.
The old one had a debug unnecessary contents and therefore bigger capacity.

Please note that regres2002.exe(ij regression) or Marq3.exe(LM method) can be executed 
separately as well as main properties calculation PropCalc.exe.
It is only request to provide execution within your main directory 
(required databases and parameters must be available).

Update 2019_11_26
Today I have been released the latest download of PHexec3 updated whole software on the old body 
from 2019_07_18.

It was amended some bugs:
lack of access to the first field within kij_template.db.

The kij experimental data were extended with new engineering units (MPa, kPa,, psi,psig...etc.)
for pressure.

It was rebuild manage of introducing kij experimental record acc. to 
PH_software_User_Guide&programming_issues_2019_11_26.docx new point 8.1.
The improvement is essential by automatic transfer data from web site (for example from cheric.org)
to the Excel file and next from Excel file to interim Paradox database kij_exce.db and further
automatic transfer to the visible kij_template.db and to the final kijtable.db database 
it means collection of kij experimental data for all compounds ij. 

As before all download and further installation is automatic and final directory (choosen by 
user) is available for execution through dedicated Excel files possible for user modifications
to meet needs.

On the next term I might be able to prepeare hugh data collection of kij experimental data for many
compounds (substances) ij.

Update 2019_07-18
Please release to the Your machine the latest download of PHexec2 (on 2019-07-18)
 a mostly updated software of old PHexec dated 2019_05_04.
It was amended some bugs.

A new functionality was added:
	-Create compound (substane},
	-allocate Compound (Substance}.

Please see for more details: updated PH_software_User_Guide&programming_issues.docx
Please note that Borland BDE file 
has to be located in the top of System directory, usual C:\.
The mentioned file is attached to the current PHexec2 issue.

Update 2019_05-04

Please release to the Your machine the latest download of PHexec (on 2019-05-04)
 a mostly updated software of old PHsetup.
It was amended some bugs, within two-phase horizontal piping flow and the following new functionalities were added:
  1. native PH.exe vertical upward and downward two phase flow,
  2. for native PH.exe vertical upward AZIZ flow chart regime was applied and friction pressure
     drop as per Dukler method was applied,
  3. for native PH.exe vertical downward flow friction pressure drop calculation Dukler method 
     was applied,
  4. a new 21 methods for two-phase horizontal flow as two_phase.py Python script (modified by
     PH.exe Author) from FLUIDS were applied,
  5. for vertical up/downward flow 4 new methods from the mentioned above script weew applied,
  6. for horizontal flow of all 22 methods (1+21) was done validation and results are stored           within EXCEL file:  two_phase_methods_results.xlsm located in main working directory:
  7. To provide current and future two-phase flow validation an additional internal tools were          created to produce EXCEL files with stored all results of 
     all available methods for all calculation segments:  
     -two_phase_methods_hor.xlsx for horizontal flow,
     -two_phase_methods_vup.xlsx for upward vertical flow,
     -two_phase_methods_vdo.xlsx for downward vertical flow.

Please see for more details: updated PH_software_User_Guide&programming_issues.docx

Also the latest compilations of software were included for DWSIM and new Python 3.7.2 required by 
two-phase.py script together with packages fluids and xlswriter installed separately by pip install windows CMD procedure.
All above should be installed within latest PHexec_setup.exe.

Latest notes:
1. According to the new builds of Window 10 some functionality od Notepad.exe changes behavior and 
   now to continue PH.exe (awaiting) the Notepad.exe shall be closed with right top corner red X.
   The file PH_RUN_ARCHIVE.txt remains in the working directory and can be used for automatical    appending a subsequent calculation results.
2. Please remember to open working 0000PH... EXCEL files only by EXCEL panels Open-> Browse       otherwise PH.exe will be abandoned.
3. New files:
     -two_phase_methods_hor.xlsx for horizontal flow,
     -two_phase_methods_vup.xlsx for upward vertical flow,
     -two_phase_methods_vdo.xlsx for downward vertical flow.
   are only active during current run of PH.exe and any new PH.exe run will destroy older such    files.
4. For latest horizontal flow validation was prepared hand make two_phase_methods_results.xlsm    EXCEL file, where properties of water-air mixture were supported by DWSIM file    PH_DWSIM_for_two_phase_water_air_validation.dwxmz, for more details please see updated      PH_software_User_Guide&programming_issues.docx point 9.1

5. I am looking for co-workers to provide three-dimensional isometrics drawn software on the base     of Intergraph (formely UK Alias) PCF file specification, all interested please contact by        skype my user and1507, I guess that ALias PCF license (should be free) for using such        specification is required and/or tools from Autgraph or Autodesk.... and licensed description
   Alias PCF file knowledge_1-261.doc shall be freely available.

Please see point 9.1.1 of PH_software_User_Guide&programming_issues.docx for more details about instalation and using two_phase.py script.


Please note that PHsetup can create BDEadmin on C: System drive
using standard idapi32.cfg.
In case when it is not similar to the presented below BDEadmin panels 
you need to start Object->Open cofiguration and find Myconfig_best_2017_05_07.cfg
configuration file (shall be within package of PHsetup) and install this.
Please note that such operation shall be executed as Administrator 
(please choose it during startup execution from BDEadmin left mouse click->
Run as Administrator).
Please see BDEadmin pictures in the Internet viewer:


Update 2018-12-07

Please note that PropCalc.exe has set "Turn on comments".
Therefore is more comments than usual.
To reduce it please open Set-up tab within PropCalc.ex and switch (pick) option
"Turn off comments".

Source: 00Readme update_2024-09-15.txt, updated 2024-09-15