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Current changelog Version Realease date 07-23-2010.txt 2010-07-20 2.3 kB
Totals: 1 Item   2.3 kB 0
Changes and features:

----- Features Added/Fixed/Changed in Version -----
Added: Option to add date, time in filename while renaming
Fixed:Error when renaming entire file, extension could not be renamed or removed.
Fixed:File monitor timer clearly counts down on main display and window
Fixed:Error when using Zero in split items(now ignored)
Changed/Added/Fixed: program functionality (standard things that occur when upgrading).

----- Features Added/Fixed/Changed in Version -----
Added: New split feature allowing you to split up filename at desired location and keep desired items in any order.
Added:Option to make internal file changes, (search for and replace items in text files)
Added:Personal Renamer is now portable
Added:Personal Renamer trial period.
Fixed:Selecting Items in Folder Treeview only brings up menu on right click.
Fixed:Minor UI & bugs.
Changed/Added/Fixed: program functionality (standard things that occur when upgrading).

----- Features Added/Fixed/Changed in Version -----

Added: File sizes now round to nearest KB,MB,GB and so on.
Added: Source And Destination directory info windows(In Directory Monitor Window)
Added: Option to Load settings file on startup.
Added: Windows Service Monitor BETA
Added: Undo Option for recently renamed files.
Changed: Display for Timer is now in minutes (not seconds) Easier to read.
Changed: Quick Rename Settings options are moved to Source directory window(To eliminate confusion)
         (Remember that the Quick Rename tool ONLY renames files in the Source Directory.)
Added: Short Help file for Service.
Fixed: Problem Creating New Folder in un-expanded treeview node.
Removed: Tab selection options under settings menu item.
Changed: Monitor's maximum time limit is now 30 mins.
Changed/Added/Fixed: program functionality (standard things that occur when upgrading).

----- Features Added/Fixed/Changed in Version -----

Added: option to remove all symbols from filename (removes everything that is not a letter number or space)
Fixed: collapse all in treeview
Added: replace/keep specified number of  characters from left and right of filename
Added: option to just apply attributes to source files(no need to rename)
Added: settings/options into one dialog box.
Added: Order of detail columns can now be changed by dragging them, does not save on shuttdown.
Added: Option to show or hide system and hidden files (in the advanced options tab)
Fixed/Added: ability to apply attributes (readonly hidden and system) to files as well as applying date and time
Fixed: some Drag/Drop Issues
Added: option to add folder in directory tree
Fixed: when using right click in directory tree the highlighted folder would not be set to current selection
Fixed: When removing items from filelists and in image view, the images would not show up correcly
Changed: All information logging is off as default.
Added: Folder content preview info in directory tree(on mouse hover)
Added: Quick rename button option at end of quickrename toolbar, instantly rename all or selected files.
Changed/Added/Fixed: You can have the option to not use consecitive numbers in files for quick rename, in case you just want to add a word to all filenames.
if there is a filename the same quickrename will default to consecutive numbers placing them in parenthesis similar to what windows does, this is also to make sure that it always works no matter what.
Added: You can now perminetly delete folders from your computer using the directory tree.
Added: You can now perminetly delete files from your computer from the source files right click menu.
Changed: Default error is now a darker red (Crimson) to be exact.
Fixed: When a folders access is denied by the system, the program will no longer freeze.
Added: the option to change main source file attributes quickly in the source files right click menu.
Fixed: Issue when quick renaming images, program would not rename last one due to it being opened by another process.
Added: You can now change filenames to upper or lower case in source files right click menu, no need to use advanced rename.
Source: README.txt, updated 2018-09-23