Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
permeagility-0.8.1.jar 2017-06-12 7.5 MB
permeagility-0.8.0.jar 2016-11-08 7.1 MB
permeagility-0.7.5.jar 2016-03-14 7.1 MB
permeagility-0.7.4.jar 2016-03-12 7.1 MB
permeagility-0.7.3.jar 2016-03-06 7.1 MB
permeagility-0.7.2.jar 2016-03-02 7.1 MB
permeagility-0.7.1.jar 2016-02-21 7.1 MB
permeagility-0.7.0.jar 2016-02-18 7.1 MB
permeagility-0.6.2.jar 2015-12-14 6.9 MB
permeagility-0.6.1.jar 2015-11-24 6.9 MB
permeagility-0.6.0.jar 2015-09-30 6.9 MB
README.md 2015-09-24 2.1 kB
permeagility-0.5.1.jar 2015-09-24 6.9 MB
permeagility-0.5.0.jar 2015-09-01 6.9 MB
plus-reality.jar 2015-04-23 28.5 kB
plus-oracle.zip 2015-02-04 2.6 MB
plus-xlsx.zip 2015-01-22 9.3 MB
Totals: 17 Items   103.9 MB 0


PermeAgility is a lightweight integrated data manager and web application framework

Try out the live demo site hosted on Amazon's Cloud: http://demo.permeagility.com

This is the source code. Binary releases are available at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/permeagility/files
To build from source you must have Java 1.8+ and maven installed. Then type:

mvn install

Libraries will be downloaded, java files compiled, selftest will run, and a deployment jar file will be created in the target directory. Deploy the jar file to a directory where you want the server to run and double click it or type:

java -jar permeagility-_version_.jar

Main class is: permeagility.web.Server

Server Arguments: [port] [db] [-selftest]

Argument Description
port default is 1999
db default is plocal:db use remote:host/db for non-embedded db
-selftest this will create a testdb, open it, set it up, initialize the server, and exit

Once the server is running, open browser to http://localhost:1999 (browser will open automatically on Windows or OSX)

A log directory will be created unless a log file exists, otherwise output to console.

Login to the server using admin/admin, writer/writer, or reader/reader

© 2015 PermeAgility Incorporated

Licensed under Apache License 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

Includes other components and copyrights: (Database and JavaScript Components)

OrientDB - http://www.orientechnologies.com/orientdb/ (version 2.1) License: Apache 2.0 JQuery - http://jquery.org/license (version 2.1.3) License: MIT AngularJs - Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org (version 1.3.8) License: MIT D3.js - Mike Bostock, http://d3js.org (version 3.5) License: BSD SortTable - Stuart Langridge, http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/ JSCalendar - Mihai Bazon, http://www.dynarch.com/projects/calendar JSColor - Jan Odvarko, http://odvarko.cz, http://jscolor.com CodeMirror - http://codemirror.net (version 5.2.1) License: MIT

Source: README.md, updated 2015-09-24