Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
pepolUMLModel.uml 2010-02-09 29.3 kB
pepolUMLModel.di2 2010-02-09 138.7 kB
tool_level_integration_activity.svg 2010-01-31 43.0 kB
newparticipant_activity.svg 2010-01-31 81.9 kB
login_activity.svg 2010-01-31 84.7 kB
readme.txt 2010-01-31 1.0 kB
login_activity.uxf 2010-01-31 22.7 kB
tool_level_integration_activity.uxf 2010-01-31 10.7 kB
newparticipant_activity.uxf 2010-01-31 19.4 kB
_.project 2010-01-31 216 Bytes
Totals: 10 Items   431.7 kB 0
PePol developer project readme

Welcome! Thanks for taking an interest in the PePol project.

At the time of writing, we're in the fairly early stages of development, not much in the repository so far. Just some UML. For the class and deployment diagrams we've used PapyrusUML. For the activity diagrams we used UMLet.
I also uploaded some SVGs of the activity diagrams, so you can get a quick idea of them.

As you can see there's a good bit of work still to do on the class diagrams. Stand by for updates, or better still, get in touch if you have some ideas of good directions to go with it.
Cheers, Joe

(ps. there are currently a few 'quirks' with Papyrus. For instance, when you're adding a operation (method) parameter, the parameter doesn't get parsed correctly if it's located within a package. You need to take the element (class or interface) and temporarily put it outside the package at the top level, and add the paramter. Then you can safely put the element pack where it was.)
Source: readme.txt, updated 2010-01-31