Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
PentaleonHelp.htm 2010-07-10 24.0 kB
readmeEN.txt 2010-07-10 20.3 kB
Templates.zip 2010-06-30 1.5 kB
Esperanto.zip 2010-06-30 704.9 kB
Fonts.zip 2010-03-24 87.6 kB
Totals: 5 Items   838.3 kB 0
User Manual for Pentaleon 2.0 by gearwheelsoft beta Jun 2010

Pentaleon allows a translation of a Sentence Grammar from five languages into Esperanto. 
The name "Pentaleon" means that you can speak in five lanaguages (greek "pente"=five, greek "leo"=say) to become a result in Esperanto. 
"Pentaleon" also is the name of a saint. 
The Sentence Grammars are encoded in XML where each part of a Sentence has distinct attributs.
Also the Word Data Base is included in an XML file which may be enlarged.


- extract the Fonts ZIP file to C:\Windows\Fonts
- extract the Project ZIP file to a new folder
- open the VB.NET Project with MS Visual Basic 2008 (Express Edition) or start the EXE file in the bin/Debug directory (.NET Framework required)

Use of the Program

The use of the program is very easy:
- select the language from which to translate (any other language is possible; see information on Vocabulary below)
- load the XML Encoding of a Sentence Grammar
- press the Translate Button
- may be select one of the Ambiguities of a word according to the Synonyms and Context Information, i.e. enter the number (data will be completed)
- watch the translation and error lines (maybe there are unknown words which can be added to the Vocabulary or a key word is spelled incorrectly)

If there are unknown words you may add unknown words to the XML Vocabulary "Vokabular.xml" in the bin/Debug directory.

The more complicated step is to determine the Sentence Grammar:
(but you will have to do it because artificial intelligence is not the aim of this program)
- you should be familiar with grammatic terms
- read the following lines carfully
- look into the sample XML files containing a Sentence Grammar
- modify a sample

Included Samples:

Twelve Samples contain most of the implemented features:
- Sample  1: Simple sentence in the present with S-P-O, Singular and Adjective in the Positive Form
- Sample  2: Simple sentence in the Future with S-P-O, Plural and Adjective in Comparison
- Sample  3: Simple sentence in the present with S-P-O(3), more Objects in different Cases
- Sample  4: Simple sentence in the Imperfect with S(2)-P-O(4), double Subject, and more, as well multiple Objects, in different Cases
- Sample  5: Simple sentence in the Future with S-P-O, Passive
- Sample  6: Simple sentence in the Present with S-P-O, Adverbs in Positive Form at the Subject and at the Predikate
- Sample  7: Imperative sentence in the Present with P-O, Adverb in Comparison at the Predicate
- Sample  8: Multiple sentence in the Future each with S-P-O on equal level
- Sample  9: Multiple sentence in the Future with S-P-O/S-P and Adverb with regard to time
- Sample 10: Answering sentence in the Present with S-P(3), Particle and Predicate containing Auxiliary and double Verb
- Sample 11: Questioning sentence in the Present with S-P(2) with Predicate containing Auxiliary, Verb and Adverbe
- Sample 12: Simple sentence in the Present with S-P with Partcipial Completion at the Subject
- Sample 13: Multiple sentence in the Future/Past each with S-P-O, the second Part with relative pronoun
- Sample 14: Threefold Sentence in the Present with S-P/S-P(2)-O/S-P-O

- Grammar_xx  : English
- Grammatik_xx: Deutsch
- Grammaire_xx: Francais
- Gramatica_xx: Espanol
- Grammatica_xx: Italiano

Here at first some useful advices to construct a new Sentence Grammar:
- The Sentence Grammar follows the strict order Subject - Predicate - Object.
- Each of these sentence components has special properties and may be additional elements such as Adjectives, Adverbs or Participes.
- A Subject and Object may be doubled, there may be more Objects in different cases in one sentence.
- Also the Predicate can consist of more than one element if there is an Auxiliary combined with a Verb in Infinitive.
- The sequence of the Sentence Components, specially of the objects, must be unambigous.
- Every Component has to be filled in the form you will find it in a dictionary, 
  e.g. Nouns in Nominative 1st Person Singular, Verbs in Infinitive, Adjectives in Positive Male Form etc.
- If the Subject is not a Noun or a Proper Name especially in the Roman languages no Pronoun would be needed usually. 
  But in this case you will have to fill the corresponding Pronoun into the Subject Tag.

The Tree View on the lower left side of the program window lets you explore the content of the XML file containing the Sentence Grammar.
Click on a Tree Node to edit its properties in the Editor on the lower right side.
Save each edited Element using the Save Edit Button.
An Export Function (Save XML Grammar Button) allows you to write the edited Sentence Grammar in an XML File.

Here are the different Sentence Components you can use:
- partial Sentences	 3
- Subjects		 9
- Predicates		 9
- Objects		30
- Junctions		 3
- Particles		 3
- Punctuation Marks	 3

The numbers in the second column are the maximum possible numbers of each Component. You may change these numbers in the Globals.vb file.

Grammar Key Words

The following list gives an overview of the main Sentence Structures and where applicable the Options. <br>
You a very variable using these Structures; here are the common cases: 
- A usual Sentence has a Subject, a Predicate and no, one or more Objects (in different Cases).
- A Sentence may consist of only a Predicate (and Object). -> Imperative Form/Order
- A Sentence without Predicate is also possible. -> Ellipse
- You may have double Subjects, Objects and Predicates (within one Structure) combined by "and" or "or". -> Duplikat Tag
- An other case consists of two Predicates (two Structures) when using an Auxiliary and a usual Verb. -> PreGenusVerbi and PreSpezValenz Tags
- The Interpunctions are put at the end of each (Partial) Sentence.
- Junctions are only used in front of the second and following Partial Sentences.
- Particles are put in front of each (Partial) Sentence. -> Answering on a Decision (yes/no) or making an Exclamation (hurra)

Its not complicated to understand XML files.
- Because of validation of the XML file the Start and End Tags indicated by "<TagName>" and "</TagName>" must be correct.
- The Sentence Grammar XML File has to fulfill the XML conditions, so it beginns with the XML Declaration and (optional) Comments:

	<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<!--Esperanto: Grammar-->
	<!--Esperanto: Sample 1: I wash up the new cup. = Mi lavas la novan tason.-->
	<!--Esperanto: simple Sentence in the Present with S-P-O, Singular and Adjective im Positive Form-->

- ... and has to contain a Root Element (the XML Name Space may be altered):

	<Esperanto xmlns:esp="http://www.esperanto.de">



- Inside this Root Element a unique Tag contains the Original Sentence in the selected language: 
  (Note: Edit of this doesn't affect the translation, it only shows the whole Sentence.)

		<Original>I wash up the new cup.</Original>

- Each (Partial) Sentence (all the Structures and Elements explained below) is inside the Root Element and must be included in the following Tags:

		<Sentence No="1">



- To use the implemented grammar features the Values of these Elements between the Tags must correspond to the Key Words listed in the second table.


(1) Description of the key words of the XML Encoding of the Grammatic (expressions in brackets: Tags)
    Subject-Nominative (SubNominativ)
    - Statement of the Subject in the first person, Singular, 1st Case resp. as Pronoun or Proper Name
    Predikate-Infinitive (PreInfinitiv)
    - Statement of the Predicate as Verb or as Auxiliary
    Object-Nominative (ObjNominativ)
    - Statement of the Object in the first person, Singular, 1st Case resp. as Pronoun or Proper Name
    Adjective (SubAdjektiv/ObjAdjektiv)
    - Statement of the Adjective in the first person, Singular
    Adverb (SubAdverb/PreAdverb/ObjAdverb)
    - Statement of the Adverb in original form or as Adjective (for derivation) in the first person, Singular
    Participial-Ergaenzung (SubPartizip/ObjPartizip)
    - Statement of the Verb in the Infinitive from which the Participe should be built 
    Preposition (ObjPraeposition)
    - Statement of the Preposition
    Duplicate / Double sentence components (SubDuplikat/PreDuplikat/ObjDuplikat)
    - Statement of the Junction before the second resp. following component (i.d.R. and, or)
    Junction (JunText)
    - Statement of the Junction before the partial sentence (and resp. after, because, etc.)
    Particle (ParText)
    - Statement of the Particle before the partial sentence (Particles for answering: yes, no) 
    Interpunction (IntText)
    - Statement of the Punctuation Mark after the partial sentence (./!/?/,)

(2) Components (expressions in brackets: Tags)                          Key Words: Value
    Subject- resp. Object-Type (SubType/ObjType)
    - Key word for Pronoun                                        	Pronomen
    - Key word for Noun                                       	        Nomen
    - Key word for Proper Name                                          Name
    - Key word for Relative Pronoun                                     Relativpron
    Gender (SubGenus/ObjGenus) - not relevant for Esperanto
    - Key word for Male (maskulinum)                          	        m
    - Key word for Female (femininum)                                   f
    - Key word for Neuter (neutrum)                             	n
    - Key word for Undetermined gender (Pronoun)                        0
    Number (SubNumerus/PreNumerus/ObjNumerus)
    - Number for Singular                                               1
    - Number for Plural                                                 2
    Case (ObjKasus)
    - Number for Genitive                                               2
    - Number for Dative                                                 3
    - Number for Accusative                                             4
    Article (SubArtikel/ObjArtikel)
    - Number for without Article (Pronoun, Proper Name)                 0
    - Number for with Article (Noun)                                    1
    Person (PrePerson) - not relevant for Esperanto
    - Number for the 1st Person                                         1
    - Number for the 2nd Person                                         2
    - Number for the 3rd Person                                         3
    Time (PreTempus)
    - Key word for Present                                              Praesens
    - Key word for Past                                                 Praeteritum
    - Key word for Future                                               Futur
    Mode  (PreModus)
    - Key word for Indicative form                                      Indikativ
    - Key word for Konjunctive form                                     Konjunktiv
    - Key word for Imperative form                                      Imperativ
    GenusVerbi (PreGenusVerbi)
    - Key word for Active                                               Aktiv
    - Key word for Passive                                              Passiv
    - Key word for Auxiliary Companion                                  Auxiliarcomes
    Spezific Valence (PreSpezValenz)
    - Key word for without Object Complete                              Intransitiv
    - Key word for with Object Complete                                 Transitiv
    - Key word for Reflexive form                                       Reflexiv
    - Key word for Auxiliary                                            Auxiliarum
    Adjective Type (SubAdjType/ObjAdjType)
    - Key word for usual Adjective                                      Normal
    - Key word for Possesive Pronoun                                    Possesiv
    Adjectiv Form (SubAdjKomp/ObjAdjKomp)
    - Key word for original form                                        Positiv
    - Key word for 1. Comparison                                        Komparativ
    - Key word for 2. Comparison                                        Superlativ
    Adverb Type (SubAdvType/PreAdvType/ObjAdvType)
    - Key word for original Adverb                                      Original
    - Key word for derivated Adverb (from Adjective)                    Derivat
    Adverb Form (SubAdvKomp/PreAdvType/ObjAdvKomp)
    - Key word for original form                                        Positiv
    - Key word for 1. Comparison                                        Komparativ
    - Key word for 2. Comparison                                        Superlativ
    Partcipe Tempus / Zeit (ParTemp)
    - Key word for Present                                              Praesens
    - Key word for Past                                                 Praeteritum
    - Key word for Future                                               Futur
    Partcipe Mode (ParMod)
    - Key word for Indicative form                                      Indikativ
    - Key word for Konjunctive form                                     Konjunktiv (not implemented)
    Partzip-GenusVerbi (ParGenV)
    - Key word for Active                                               Aktiv
    - Key word for Passive                                              Passiv
    Junction Type (JunType) - is not analysed
    - Key word for Equal Level                                          Konjunktion
    - Key word for Sub Level                                            Subjunktion
    Particle Type (ParType) - is not analysed
    - Key word for Particle for answering                               Decision
    - Key word for Particle for exclamation                             Interjektion
    Punctuation Mark Type (IntType) - is not analysed
    - Key word for Statement                                            Deklarativ
    - Key word for Imperative                                           Imperativ
    - Key word for Question                                             Interrogativ
    - Key word for partial Sentence                                     Partitiv

Implemented Grammar

Table containing an overview of the programmed Grammacal Endings of Esperanto

    Item/Constants                                Explanation               Key Word
    - Public Const pubEspNoArticle = ""           no Article                0
    - Public Const pubEspArticle = "la"           distinct Article          1
    - Public Const pubEspSingular = ""            Singular - no sign        1
    - Public Const pubEspPlural = "j"             Plural sign               2
    - Public Const pubEspNominative = ""          Nominative - no sign      1
    - Public Const pubEspGenitive = "de"          Genitive sign             2
    - Public Const pubEspDative = "al"            Dative sign               3
    - Public Const pubEspAccusative = "n"         Accusative sign           4
    Verbs: Indicative                                                       Indikativ
    - Public Const pubEspIndPresent = "as"        Present Ending            Praesens
    - Public Const pubEspIndPraeteritum = "is"    Imperfect Ending          Praeteritum
    - Public Const pubEspIndFutur = "os"          Future Ending             Futur
    Verbs: Conjunctive                                                      Konjunktiv
    - Public Const pubEspKonPresent = "us"        Present Ending            Praesens
    - Public Const pubEspKonPraeteritum = "us"    Imperfect Ending          Praeteritum
    - Public Const pubEspKonFutur = "us"          Future Ending             Futur
    Verbs: Imperative
    - Public Const pubEspImpImperative = "u"      Imperative Ending         Imperativ
    Verbs: Participe Active                                                 Aktiv
    - Public Const pubEspParAktiPresent = "anta"     Present Ending         Praesens
    - Public Const pubEspParAktiPraeteritum = "inta" Imperfect Ending       Praeteritum
    - Public Const pubEspParAktiFutur = "onta"       Future Ending          Futur
    Verbs: Participe Passive                                                Passiv
    - Public Const pubEspParPassPresent = "ata"      Present Ending         Praesens
    - Public Const pubEspParPassPraeteritum = "ita"  Imperfect Ending       Praeteritum
    - Public Const pubEspParPassFutur = "ota"        Future Ending          Futur
    - Public Const pubEspAdjPositive = ""         original form - no sign   Positiv
    - Public Const pubEspAdjKomparative = "pli"   1. Comparison sign        Komparativ
    - Public Const pubEspAdjSuperlative = "plej"  2. Comparison sign        Superlativ
    - Public Const strEspAdvOriginal = ""         original Adverb - no sign Original
    - Public Const strEspAdvDerivat = "e"         dervivated  Adverb        Derivat
    - Public Const pubEspAdvPositive = ""         original form - no sign   Positiv
    - Public Const pubEspAdvKomparative = "pli"   1. Comparison sign        Komparativ
    - Public Const pubEspAdvSuperlative = "plej"  2. Comparison sign        Superlativ


Vokabular.xml will contain about 7800 words in each language:
- Esperanto (complete)
- German (complete)
- English (complete)
- French (complete)
- Spanish (sample) data will be completed
- Italian (complete)
A seventh encoding "Syn" encludes the Synonyms in case of Ambiguities. (data will be completed)
An eighth encoding "Kon" encludes the Context in case of Ambiguities. (data will be completed)
A ninth encoding "Any" lets you input words in a language of your desire. (sample se below)

The Synonym and Context Information helps to choose the right word in case of Ambiguities, i.e. words with the same spelling but different meaning. 
These Ambiguities occur at different words in the different languages; so this Information is listed as an extra attribute.
The Synonym and Context Information is given only in English.
An example where there is no difference in English, French and Italian is the word "eat / manger / mangiare". 
It is used as well for human beeings as for animals. In German, Spanish and Esperanto there are two different words for these different meanings. 
So the Contex Information gives "human" for the first case and "animal" for the second case.

The ninth encoding "Any" allows to use any other language. Just fill in the words accoding to the Synonym/Context Information. 
As a sample the Bavarian dialect of German is given in file "Grammatik_BY_1.xml".

Special Characters of Esperanto are prescribed by a | before the standard Character, e.g. (each in lower and upper case):
- |c |C
- |g |G
- |h |H
- |j |J
- |s |S
- |u |U
The display functions show these Special Characters correctly if you install the Fonts mentioned in the Installation Description above.

Note: Special double Characters of the other Languages like
- the German "Umlaute" are prescribed by ae, oe, ue and sz
- the French ligatures "e dans l'o" and "e dans l'a" are prescribed by oe and ea
in the Vocabulary.

8 parts of speech are distinguished:
- Pronouns	 100
- Nouns		5000
- Verbs		2000
- Adjectives	1600
- Adverbs	 800
- Prepositions	 100
- Particles	 100
- Junctions	 100

You may add words into this XML file maybe only in your prefered language and Esperanto.
Put the words in order of the 8 parts of speech.
The numbers in the second column are the maximum elements which are currently allocated. You may change these numbers in the Globals.vb file.

Source: readmeEN.txt, updated 2010-07-10