Home / Themes
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
ThemeIconsClassic.zip 2024-09-02 46.0 kB
ThemeDark03.zip 2024-09-02 227.2 kB
ThemeIcons01.zip 2024-09-02 57.2 kB
ThemeIcons02.zip 2024-09-02 942.5 kB
ThemeVaporWave.zip 2024-09-02 650.9 kB
ThemeDark02.zip 2022-12-29 184.7 kB
ThemeDark01.zip 2022-12-29 20.8 kB
ThemeClassic.zip 2022-06-26 38.4 kB
ReadmeTheme.md 2022-06-26 3.2 kB
Retro-Modern (v1.3).rar 2022-06-26 172.0 kB
ThemePeakMeterBlackWhite.zip 2021-09-24 1.7 kB
ThemePeakMeter08.zip 2021-09-24 4.2 kB
ThemePeakMeter07.zip 2021-09-24 4.5 kB
ThemePeakMeter06.zip 2021-09-24 1.9 kB
ThemePeakMeter05.zip 2021-09-24 1.4 kB
ThemePeakMeter04.zip 2021-09-24 1.9 kB
ThemePeakMeter03.zip 2021-09-24 1.4 kB
ThemePeakMeter02.zip 2021-09-24 1.5 kB
ThemePeakMeter01.zip 2021-09-24 1.4 kB
ThemeEffectsPanel02.zip 2021-09-24 14.5 kB
ThemeEffectsPanel01.zip 2021-09-24 14.1 kB
ThemeDarkAlternatingSliders.zip 2021-09-24 470 Bytes
ThemeAlternatingSliders.zip 2021-09-24 469 Bytes
Retro-Modern (v1.2).zip 2019-01-22 180.6 kB
Totals: 24 Items   2.6 MB 64

The following themes are available

Theme (file)name Description
ThemeAlternatingSliders Theme of 2 alternating slider background colors to be used on a default Windows 10 background
ThemeDark01 Dark theme of sliders, knobs on effects panel, on/off switch and peak value meter
ThemeDark02 Dark theme of all graphical interface items, some with rounded edges like the peak value meters
ThemeDarkAlternatingSliders Theme of 2 alternating slider background colors to be used with a dark theme like ThemeDark01
ThemeEffectsPanel01 Effects panel theme with silvery knobs and red/blue lined switches
ThemeEffectsPanel02 Effects panel theme with silvery spotted knobs and red/green lined switches
ThemeIcons01 Configuration icons theme (icons shown in the Windows system tray) with blue numbers 1, 2, etc.
themeicons02 Configuration icons theme (icons shown in the Windows system tray) with dark grey numbers 1, 2, etc.
ThemePeakMeter01 Peak value meters theme: Bar of colored rectangles on colored background
ThemePeakMeter02 Peak value meters theme: Bar of colored rectangles on colored background. Same theme as ThemePeakMeter01 but larger rectangles
ThemePeakMeter03 Peak value meters theme: Bar of colored rectangles on colored background. Same theme as ThemePeakMeter01 but darker background
ThemePeakMeter04 Peak value meters theme: Bar of colored rectangles on colored background. Same theme as ThemePeakMeter02 but darker background
ThemePeakMeter05 Peak value meters theme: Colored rounded bar on dark rounded background. Peak value meter images of ThemeDark02
ThemePeakMeter06 Peak value meters theme: Bar of colored rectangles on colored background
ThemePeakMeter07 Peak value meters theme: Colored rounded bar on dark rounded background
ThemePeakMeter08 Peak value meters theme: Colored bar on dark background
ThemePeakMeterBlackWhite Peak value meters theme: Dark grey to white bar on black background
ThemeVaporWave a certain color style of cyan, purple and blue
Retro-Modern (v1.3) Theme by Lubomír Hubatka version 1.3, buttons/slider thumbs replacement existing of nice little graphical details
Retro-Modern (v1.2) Theme by Lubomír Hubatka version 1.2, buttons/slider thumbs replacement existing of nice little graphical details

Parts of themes, such as images, can be interchanged/mixed.

To install (part of) a theme

  1. Close Peace.
  2. If any remove previous theme by deleting contents of c:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config\theme or mix themes by leaving the contents.
  3. Download theme zip file.
  4. Copy its contents (or the contents of the zip's theme folder) to c:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config\theme.

Peace will load images and settings of the theme at startup.

To delete (part of) a theme

  1. Close Peace.
  2. Delete contents of c:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config\theme.
  3. or delete any image in c:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config\theme.

Mixing theme.ini files

  1. Open theme.ini files
  2. Copy wanted settings from source to target ini file

Example Peace version 1.6.0: applying the background slider colors of ThemeDark01AlternativeSliders to ThemDark01 by copying the [sliders] section

Source: ReadmeTheme.md, updated 2022-06-26