Home / testing / yum / centos / 6 / x86_64 / RPMS / repodata
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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repomd.xml.asc 2014-10-14 473 Bytes
0ca3d0fcddd69c02bcb7f82357e453b150e6e192cad4e3feb2435c477549393b-comps.xml.gz 2014-10-14 314 Bytes
8b689dbe95ea975dd6e0fded127f58cb86a437f18d29a56ee530b1584c220f4d-prestodelta.xml.gz 2014-10-14 876 Bytes
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7180ceddc4ad8c53f70fd5d89abf75f543dc351bbe1d98d1ba9a8777b3193407-primary.xml.gz 2014-10-14 2.1 kB
47544a5df7e59e244046fa5e346e63c2874166953fe11a1c5cb2061a08df87d1-filelists.sqlite.bz2 2014-10-14 2.0 kB
9438533d0561eb565b5c161ad4408c6dd7bc580d8cb97103ecfb40d102ab0761-primary.sqlite.bz2 2014-10-14 4.3 kB
d4534bc472b3bc09b507027b68b8f174c339eee90361cfa40018565dfdef4a0b-filelists.xml.gz 2014-10-14 980 Bytes
fb3d1723d4c9f67428c2d63f162b09a715905f150aa18608808121da2710a231-comps.xml 2014-10-14 497 Bytes
repomd.xml 2014-10-14 4.1 kB
Totals: 11 Items   19.5 kB 0


The recommended way to install ParTools is by using yum.

Install the RPMs using YUM

The RPMs are build for version 6 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS/Scientific Linux, only for 32 bit architecture (i386). The 64 bit architecture (x86_64) is not supported.

NOTE additional repositories may need to be configured to provide all the dependencies, e.g., EPEL:


 Add them as needed to yum sources, according to their

Steps to install ParTools RPMs:

  1. Configure the source for ParTools packages:

    rpm -Uvh http://sourceforge.net/projects/partools/files/testing/yum/centos/partools-release-1.0.3-1.noarch.rpm

  2. Install the ParTools RPMs and their dependencies:

    yum -y groupinstall partools

or use your preferred package manager to install them.

  1. Once installed, the ParTools packages are updated using:

    yum -y groupupdate partools

or along with all other packages during the normal updates of the system.

  1. The source RPMs are also available after the configuration of the ParTools repository at step 1:

    yumdownloader --source $(yum groupinfo partools | sed '1,/:$/ d')

The source RPMs may be compiled locally. Check 'man rpmbuild' form details on how to build source RPMs.

Compilation and installation from source

Make sure you have installed a working set of development tools for all programming languages used by ParTools components: C, C++, OCAML and Java. Also make sure you have installed the development package for Code::Blocks IDE and its dependencies.

Then, download the latest source release of ParTools:


Unpack the archive and go to the top project directory that was created:

cd partools-x.y.z

Issue the command:

make homeinstall

This should compile and install the ParTools components into your home directory.

Source: README.md, updated 2017-11-09