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resources 2011-04-08
dialogue manager 2011-04-08
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README.txt 2011-04-08 1.8 kB
Totals: 4 Items   1.8 kB 0
How to install the Spoken Dialogue Manager OwlSpeak: 

1. Download Servlet Container, e.g., Jetty 7 (http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/downloads.php) 

2. Extract OwlSpeak.war into {Jetty home}\webapps\OwlSpeak - The file OwlSpeak.war can be placed in the "webapps" folder of a Jetty6 or Jetty7 server (Tomcat would be possible as well). There are two xml files for configuring Jetty located in the WEB-INF folder: jetty-web.xml for Jetty6 and jetty7-web.xml for Jetty7. If you want to use Jetty7 please rename jetty7-web.xml to jetty-web.xml. Both files configure Jetty to provide the Ontology resources located in a specific folder (e.g., C:\OwlSpeak) and to act as servlet-container for OwlSpeak. Usually I extract OwlSpeak.war manually to the "webapps" folder.  

3. Extract OwlSpeak.zip to e.g., C:\OwlSpeak - Modify the settings.xml file to set prper paths and to modify the name of your TTS voice or of the ASR language.

4. Run Jetty with " java -jar start.jar -Djava.util.logging.config.file="C:/OwlSpeak/log.properties" -DowlSpeak.settings.file="C:/OwlSpeak/settings.xml" " 

5. Open a web-browser and goto "http://localhost:8080/owlSpeak?com=request" 

6. OwlSpeak is running properly if a VoiceXML document is shown in the web-browser. 

7. You may use any VoiceXML interpreting Spoken Dialogue System (TellMe.Studio and Voxeo Prophecy 10 with languages en-GB and de-De has been tested) to engage in dialogue. For TellMe.Studio open "C:\OwlSpeak\settings.xml" and change platform to "tellme", ttsMode to "3" or "4" and asrMode to "2". 

8. OwlSpeak may also be accessed via UPnP - use "http://opentools.homeip.net/dev-tools-for-upnp" to discover the various commands. 

9. A more comprehensive documentation may follow soon ;-)

Source: README.txt, updated 2011-04-08