Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
@README.v20.txt 2016-02-01 1.6 kB
OSXBrowserHistory.v2.tgz 2016-02-01 15.9 kB
Totals: 2 Items   17.5 kB 0
fbm - Find Bookmarks a.k.a. OSXFindBookmarks

Bash scripts to list Bookmarks based on user parameter:

 - V2 scripts use command line argument

	- can be called from AppleScript 'do shell script ...' 

 - Some use AppleScript inline to pop up dialog to get the search argument 

 - V3 is now OSXFindBookMarks.v5.sh used with OSXFindBookMarks.v5.scpt AppleScript.




Scripts to dump browser history:

@README.v2.txt				= this file
AppleScripts:				= AppleScript files to invoke scripts
 - OSXDumpChromeHistory.v2.scpt	
 - OSXDumpFirefoxHistory.v2.scpt
 - OSXDumpSafariHistory.v3.scpt
 - OSXFindBookmarks.v5.scpt
Bash, Python and Ruby scripts:		= Bash, Python and Ruby scripts
 - OSXDumpChromeHistory.v2.sh
 - OSXDumpFirefoxHistory.v2.sh
 - OSXDumpSafariHistory.v3.py
 - OSXDumpSafariHistory.v3.Select.sh
 - OSXDumpSafariHistory.v3.Sort.sh
 - OSXDumpSafariHistory.v3.rb
 - OSXFindBookmarks.v5.sh		- Updated for OSX 10.11.3 at 1 February 2016
Image file:
 - OSXBrowserHistory.Clip1.png


 - OSXBrowserHistory v2 as of 2016-02-01

1) Place AppleScript files in ~/Library/Scripts
2) Invoke these on demand from the Menu Bar (enable this in AppleScript Utility)
3) Create a folder ~/bin/Applescript
4) Place the Bash, Python and Ruby scripts in this folder.

Edit the files to adjust folder names, etc. as may be required.

Developed and tested using OSX 10.11.3 as of 2016-02-01.  
Source: @README.v20.txt, updated 2016-02-01