Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
osmvm 2012-11-22
README 2012-11-22 900 Bytes
osmvm.7z 2012-11-22 1.8 GB
Totals: 3 Items   1.8 GB 0
osmvm.7z is a virtual machine (VMWare image) which runs the standard OpenStreetMap
tile rendering toolchain, i. e., a PostGreSQL/PostGIS database, osm2pgsql and Mapnik
for rendering. The PostGIS database contains world boundaries and the OpenStreetMap 
data for Switzerland. 

This VM MUST NOT be used as a tileserver on the internet. It does not have a firewall
and anyone can accss the PostGIS database from the outside even without a password. 
It is intended to be run locally only, to provide the host machine with easy access
to an OpenStreetMap database for test purposes, or to have access to OpenStreetMap
data when offline.

Login data:

User: server
Password: server

PostGIS database: 
Database name: gis
Users: server, www-data, postgres
Port: 5432

It is recommended to use pgAdmin on the host machine to get further information about the database.
Source: README, updated 2012-11-22