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opossum 2014-11-01
README 2014-11-01 2.9 kB
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## Opossum
## version 0.0.1.c
###Opossum is a tiling window manager: a fork of Catwm.
This wm's named after the "living fossil" Virginia Opossum (Didelphis virginiana).
Like the wm's namesake survivor from the "Age the Dinosaurs", Opossum has
some evolutionary fixes in archaic behavior to prevent eX-screen-tinction.
Copyright (c) 2014, zazen23 <zazen23@users.sourceforge.net>
Copyright (c) 2011, Ivan c00kiemon5ster Kanakaris <ivan.kanak@gmail.com>
**Opossum** is a very minimal and lightweight dynamic tiling window manager.

Opossum allows the "normal" method of tiling window managers
(with the new window as the master)
or with the new window opened at the bottom or the top of the stack.

 *There's vertical tiling mode:*

    |        | W |
    |        |___|
    | Master |   |
    |        |___|
    |        |   |

 *Horizontal tiling mode:*

    |           |
    |  Master   |
    | W |   |   |
 *monocle mode:*

    |           |
    |           |           
    |           |
    |           |
    |           |

All accessible with keyboard shortcuts defined in the config.h file.

###Keyboard shortcuts defaults.

MOD = MOD4 (Super key) 
MOD + h (decrease the size of a current window)
MOD + l (increase the size of a current window)
MOD + x (close current window)
MOD + Tab (change to next window)
MOD + k (change to previous window)
MOD + j (change to next window)
MOD + Shift + k (move current window up)
MOD + Shift + j (move current window down)
MOD + Shift + n (change master to current window)
MOD + Shift + h (switch mode horitzontal)
MOD + Shift + v (switch mode vertical)
MOD + Shift + m (switch mode monocle)
MOD + w (xxxterm - requires xxxterm)
MOD + p (open dmenu - requires dmenu)
MOD + z (open urxvt - requires urxvt)
MOD + 0-9 (change to desktop #)
MOD + q (quit Opossum)
Needed is Xlib,(specifically in Debian 'libx11-dev' 'libxinerama-dev'
to compile 'build-essential').

Place opossum folder in user's home.
Afterwards enter the following command in terminal to build and 
install Opossum (if necessary as root):

    make clean install
Opossum is installed into the /usr/bin namespace by default,
Edit Makefile to change the path.

##Running Opossum
Add the following line to your .xinitrc to start Opossom using startx:

    exec opossum
(also a sample 'opossum.desktop" file is included for users of gdm,lightdm 
slim ..etc display managers). 

The configuration of Opossum is done by editing config.h and
(re)compiling the source code.

##About Licensing
This Opossum project is a fork of catwm see [LICENSE] 
Source: README, updated 2014-11-01