Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
OpenPNE2.12.6-Eng1.74 2011-05-08
OpenPNE2.12.6-Eng1.72 2011-04-01
OpenPNE2.12.6-installer2.2 2011-03-14
OpenPNE2.12.6-installer2.1 2011-03-03
readme.txt 2011-04-28 3.7 kB
Totals: 5 Items   3.7 kB 0
[OpenPNE English project]
OpenPNE is one of the most popular Social Networking Service software in Japan.

[Necessary environment for OpenPNE English]
You needs only standard Web server below:
(1) Linux based Web server such as Apache
(2) PHP (Program language)
(3) MySQL (database)

[Necessary knowledge to administrate OpenPNE English]
You do not need to be a programmer.
If you could install and control Microsoft windows based programs as a user,
it is sufficient for OpenPNE English administration in case you use the installer/un-installer/updater.

[Notation of OpenPNE English version]
OpenPNE English project provides OpenPNE English version such as OpenPNE2.12.6Eng1.7-installer2.2.zip or OpenPNE2.12.6Eng1.7-without-installer.zip 
- OpenPNE2.12.6 means Japanese version number.
- Eng1.7 means English version number.  
- installer2.2 means installer/un-installer/updater version number. 
- without-installer means this version does not includes installer/un-installer/updater.

[Necessary conditions to use installer/un-installer/updater ]
OpenPNE English provides tool
- installer/un-installer/updater for OpenPNE English.
This tool needs "Shell command". (Precisely,this tool uses shell command function in PHP program.)
If you use the rental web server, please confirm if you can use Shell command.
If you can not use Shell command, Please ask your rental server company to allow you to use Shell command.

**** If your rental server does not allow you to use Shell Command ****
Please download "No installer version" such as OpenPNE2.12.6Eng1.7-without-installer.zip,
and install it manually. 

[Restriction on Mobile phone]
I recommend not to use Mobile phone function currently.
Please set as follows:
(step 1) Login as Administrator
(Step 2) Menu: Set SNS| SNS setting | Use mobile phone version Yes/No  
(Step 3) select "Use No" from dropdown list

You can refer OpenPNE manual(English) on 2 websites:
(1)Kamiyama Gakuin Japanese school Website:
(2)Greenroots Movement Website: 

[Demonstration / Experiencing OpenPNE]
You can experience OpenPNE English.
Please visit:

<<More information on the experiencing OpenPNE>>

** From SourceForge facility**
You can get support or post any questions on Forum.
You need to register in SourceForge.net(Free)
Refer to this page:

** From the experience OpenPNE site**
This site has a forum for Question & answer or Advice.
Please post your questions.
Refer to this page:

[Give me your advices]
I am not a native English speaker and a retired control engineer plunging into the world of senility day by day. 
(1)Please give me your advices on my funny English. 
(2)Please inform me of bugs, which I might have created during localization and programming. 

Refer to this page:

[Japanese OpenPNE ]
You can refer to Japanese OpenPNE Website and documentation.
Japanese OpenPNE official website: 
Japanese OpenPNE manual(documentation): http://www.openpne.jp/docs/

Source: readme.txt, updated 2011-04-28