Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
oomwp-0.99 2011-08-20
README 2011-08-20 2.4 kB
Totals: 2 Items   2.4 kB 0
Open Office Mozilla Wrapper Plugin 0.99

    Open Office browser support
    Author: Cosmin Popescu [cosminadrianpopescu at gmail.com]



This is a free program. You can use it, distribute it, modify it, 
do what ever you want with it. Any suggestions, reclamations, 
bug reports or any other ideas that you may have, please send them
at cosminadrianpopescu at gmail.com

This is a plugin for Mozilla browsers (Firefox, Netscape, 
Google Chrome, Chromium etc.). It adds Open Office support for these
browsers under Linux. This means that it opens the office files inside
the browser, just like Microsoft Office is doing in Internet Explorer. 

Using this plugin you will open all the files that Open Office can 
open inside your browser. Including the Microsoft Office files. 

The plugin depends on Open Office for opening the documents and on 
wmctrl (http://tomas.styblo.name/wmctrl/) for reparenting the 
opened document inside the browser. To compile it, you also need 
the Qt libraries and development files. It will also work just as well
with Libre Office. 

You can set the way the plugin behaves by edditing the 
~/.config/oomwp/options.conf file. If the ~/.config folder does not
exists, you will find the settings file inside the ~/.oomwp or 
/etc/oomwp folder. 

soffice - You can set the location of the soffice executable
ppt_open - You can set the mode ppt files are opened (normally 
	or in slide show mode)
open - The mode all the files are open (readonly or write)
arguments - Extra arguments that are sent to the soffice executable
	when a file is opened. 
install_dir - The plugin installation directory. Do not modify this 
The default settings you can find them in the file created when
the plugin was installed. However, regarding the arguments, by default
the documents are opened using nologo, nodefault, norestore and
minimized options. These are hard coded and you cannot modify them. 
All the extra arguments that you set using the "arguments" setting
will be added to these ones. 

Please be carefull if you choose to open the documents for write. 
First time you should do a save as, as the documents by default will
be saved in /tmp folder. 

Source: README, updated 2011-08-20