Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
oocpr_v090.tar.gz 2012-03-20 394.2 kB
README 2012-02-13 1.5 kB
Totals: 2 Items   395.7 kB 5

This little program aim is to help removing openoffice calc spreadsheets 

Prerequisites: wxWidgets >= 2.8.0


Read eventually INSTALL file inside the package, but in brief:

1 - install wxWidgets 2.8.x "dev" package, and all his dependencies.
    In Debian/Kubuntu/Ubuntu do:
    sudo apt-get install libwxgtk2.8-dev

    or do the equivalent command in other distributions,

2 - from the unpacked folder run in order


3 - from here run the executable


***************************** IMPORTANT NOTE *********************************
Don't use "make install", once "make" has been done move oocpr where you want 
but keep the "res" folder in the same folder of the "oocpr" executable, or 
keep this folder and launch the oocpr binary from here (./oocpr).


This application is an "alpha" version, can have bugs, has been used to 
remove some passwords and worked fine, but have only very few testing.
***************************** IMPORTANT NOTE *********************************
Use it at your own risk. Create a file backup before trying it. I will not be 
responsible of any issue/damage created.

Enjoy and and please give me some feedbacks on Sourceforge or at 
angelo70 @ gmail.com

2011 (C) Angelo Dureghello, Trieste, Italy
Source: README, updated 2012-02-13