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Analyze, Control and Reduce your monthly technology spend across your entire enterprise! Icon
Analyze, Control and Reduce your monthly technology spend across your entire enterprise!

Caters to the enterprise information technology (IT) software markets.

WinBill by TeleManagement Technologies is a premier telecom expense management software solution. Easily accessible and equipped with a centralized database of information, WinBill provides businesses with an accurate inventory of all vendors, expenses, and IT services. By leveraging WinBill, you can easily keep track of contracts, effortlessly manage IT budgets, and virtually eliminate late payment fees. Additionally, the solution's flexible reporting tools give users the resources they need to create and schedule reports or have them seamlessly access reporting information through the web. Core features include real-time call collection, toll fraud, real-time socket, network design, and more.
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Stakeholder Management Software | Tractivity

Centralise your stakeholder data, manage relationships effectively and deliver improved outcomes

With Tractivity's stakeholder management platform comes clarity from one system. Read more to find out how our cloud-based platform can help your stakeholder engagement and consultation projects. If improved stakeholder consultations and outcomes matter to your organisation, then we're here to help you engage, manage and deliver compelling insights and improved outcomes across your entire stakeholder landscape. When you engage with Tractivity you get access to the most up to date, relevant and practical tools to deliver impactful communications all from one system. Run successful engagement projects from start to finish with all the tools in one system. Our cloud-based platform helps you continually monitor your entire stakeholder landscape bringing the clarity you need. Our platform is designed to help you engage and capture every interaction. Tractivity gives you the tools to be creative, engaging, and to communicate your success.
Notifii Track, a cloud-based software solution designed to streamline package management Icon
Notifii Track, a cloud-based software solution designed to streamline package management

We serve three primary verticals: offices and corporate buildings, multifamily housing and colleges and universities.

Notifii Track is a cloud-based package tracking software for apartment offices, university mailrooms, and corporate mailrooms. Quickly and easily log packages as you receive them. Automatically alert the recipient via email and text message. Capture signature proof-of-pickup/delivery. Notifii Track saves you time (literally, just a few seconds to scan a package) and increases package accountability. Use Notifii Track through your web browser, or on any iOS/Android device. 30-day free trial available.
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The Future of Union Management and Benefits Administration Software Is Here

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Distribution Network Design and Transportation Optimization Software

Companies seeking a supply chain optimization and operations solution

Founded by a team of supply chain optimization and operations experts, each with over 30 years’ experience, Logistix Solutions was established in 2006 to provide premier technology solutions and in-depth industry knowledge for logistics professionals. Logistix Solutions offers Distribution Network Design and Transportation Optimization Software for small and medium-sized businesses as well as larger enterprises throughout the world. Take advantage of our free supply chain optimization analysis to instantly pinpoint savings in your own supply chain. We give you an immediate snap shot of a distribution network like yours and what an optimized solution looks like. We offer a full range of logistics software solutions which are essential tools for any company looking to optimize their distribution network, manage their transportation operations, improve inventory and production, or model continuous improvements to supply chain operations for a rapid Return on Investment.

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