
FunctionList 2.0 VC2005 build

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  • DV

    DV - 2009-10-12

    Hi all. As Function List 2.0 beta seems to have problems with Notepad++ 5.5, something has to be done to fix it. 
    Just want to let you know that at last I've had a success with building Function List 2.0 beta under VC++ 2005 Express. All the incompatibilities (such as assigning a NULL pointer to vector::iterator) seem to be fought now, and now I'm trying to fix run-time errors such as references to already invalid iterators. As soon as I have some positive results, I'll let you know. Anyone can join, by the way ;)

  • DV

    DV - 2009-10-14

    Latest news: one buffer overflow and several out-of-range index references have been defeated. As a result, FunctionList does not crash when switching between files or parsing very big source files (such as "Notepad_plus.cpp").   
    One open issue still exists: FunctionList does not parse user-defined languages in Notepad++ 5.5. But this is an issue of Notepad++ itself, not an issue of FunctionList. Refer to:

  • Oren Farhi

    Oren Farhi - 2009-10-14

    hi dv.
    It is great to hear that you've taken the initiative to make this plugin more robust and stable.

    can't wait for your new dll.


  • Ivan.Zhang

    Ivan.Zhang - 2009-10-14

    greate, looking forward to the new build…

  • mosaic

    mosaic - 2009-10-14

    Any chance of making the dll available so we can test drive it? It's annoying to have crashes all the time.

  • DV

    DV - 2009-10-15

    Updated FunctionList.dll and the patched source files:     

    I don't guarantee that nothing is broken, but I tried. You can report bugs here.
    To build from the sources, you must download original source files of Function List 2.0 beta, then copy updated files from the patch (replacing the existing original source files). Actually, I wanted to upload the whole source files, but said it does not allow attached patch files with size > 256 kB (the whole source files are about 870 kB in a zip-archive).

  • Ivan.Zhang

    Ivan.Zhang - 2009-10-15

    thank you for the new build, here is an old issue:

    I have three Npp plugins(says File Explorer, FTP sync, and Functionlist) and they dock on the left side.

    if the current focused plugin is Not Functionlist(says File Explorer) and I open a new cpp file from menu "open". At this time, I click the tab of functionlist to let it be focused, it can parse the current file correctly.

    But if I click the tab of Ftp_sync and then click the tab of Functionlist, the current file can't be parsed automatically unless I click in the current opened file to let it be focused.

  • DV

    DV - 2009-10-15

    As I understand, you mean FunctionList does not reparse a file automatically when this file was modified while FunctionList's window was inactive. I am not sure whether it can be done automatically (reparsing a file each time FunctionList gets a focus is not a good idea), so I'll see whether there is an ability to force FunctionList to reparse a file using, for example, a new button ("Reparse").

  • cchris

    cchris - 2009-10-15

    Works under 5.5.1 - at least it does not crash and displays the expected results for built-in languages.

    A new "Reparse" button would be a cool idea, but iirc closing and reopening the List window does this anywy.

    When I speak of expected results, I am excepting the ENUM_SUB section. The same issues that I had reported ( remain. I am aware that some of them cannot be addressed with the current regex engine. One would ned a tokeniser to do a correct job.


  • mosaic

    mosaic - 2009-10-16

    Thanks, no more crashes, after a very quick test. I tested with
    C/C++/PHP/XML/VBS/HTM etc, with no crash.

    I also tested with a custom language AHK (Autohotkey) with no crash.

    Great for my purposes.

  • cchris

    cchris - 2009-10-16

    If you uncheck Settings -> Prferences -> Language menu/Tab settings, Make language menu compact , then the menu items are checked correctly and FL works with user languages too. I haven't checked how it behaves with external lexers - it has had a longstanding ssue with them.


  • DV

    DV - 2009-10-16

    I believe it can be fixed by adding a new message such as NPPM_GETBUFFERLANGNAME which would return a language's NAME as a string.

  • Philippe Lemesle

    Bad issue here: Java files are not parsed correctly.
    No functions are found inside Java files !

    However, parsing is correctly done on C++ and PHP files.

  • DV

    DV - 2009-10-22

    \> No functions are found inside Java files

    It's up to the parsing rules (Plugins -> Function List -> Language Parsing Rules… -> Java).  
    The Java section contains just "FUNCTION" group though there must be "CLASS" and others also. You can define them by yorself and then share it in order to include in the default FunctionList's package.  
    By the way, I'm sure that a lot of people have improved FunctionList's parsing rules for already existing or newly added programming languages. If you want to share it, you are welcome.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-10-22


    I would like to share rules for Assembly. The only one which is included originally should get deleted, because it doesn't make sense at all ! If you would like to include a more useful one, I've uploaded mine:

    It works fine so far for SECTIONs and PROCs - both for MASM and FASM. Sorry I don't know about other ones like NASM, GOASM, etc… because I never used them.


  • Boskop

    Boskop - 2009-10-26

    Thanks a lot for that working version of function list 2!

    I posted a "How To" (German language) that describes how to get the function list work in Notepad 5.5.1. The How-To includes parsing rules for Autohotkey:



  • DV

    DV - 2009-10-27

    Thank you for your responses, I'll include the information above. And, alack, I don't know German.
    A question. Did anyone create parsing rules for templates in C++? I tried myself, but could not construct correct rule for the following typical definition: 
    template<class T> buf<T>& buf<T>::assign(const T* data, int count)  
    { … }  
    or even for  
    template<class T> void buf<T>::clear()  
    { … }

  • DV

    DV - 2009-10-27

    Damn! Of course, I meant   
    template<class T> void buf<T>   
    instead of those "<" and ">"

  • cchris

    cchris - 2009-10-28

    Don't do like me: don't forget escaping underscores in this forums. They are taken as underline. Socks.


  • Chris Cortopassi


    This is in response to dv's request for a bug report here:

    I'd really like to use function list (preferably with the latest Notepad++ 5.5.1) on Windows Vista to navigate C++. It crashes as soon as I select Plugins -> Function List -> List…  I have tried both x86 and x64 machines. Is anyone running Function List on Vista?

  • Oleksandr

    Oleksandr - 2009-11-01


    Latest function list creates problem on my system (Windows XP SP3 Eng). I've just downloaded Notepad++ 5.5.1, unpacked unicode files into D:\Program Files\notepad++ and then, if I add FunctionList.dll and config files (from, same result for on next load Notepad++ freezes for some time, it takes ~500 GB of RAM, and after ~1 minute I receive a message that "compare" plugin crashed (it doesn't matter: if I remove "compare" it shows a message about crash of another plugin) and finally it starts with ~500 GB of RAM usage.
    If Notepad++ saves some log information somewhere - tell me I will send it.

  • DV

    DV - 2009-11-02

    **ownmaster**, I suppose your bug is caused by some file(s) opened in Notepad++. If the bug is reproduced without any file opened, then I need your Notepad++'es configuration files (*.xml). Otherwise I need your file(s) opened in Notepad++ which may lead to the bug. Anyway, I must have an ability to reproduce the bug in order to fix it.

  • Oleksandr

    Oleksandr - 2009-11-02

    No opened files, and no special configuration. I decided to migrate to the newest version of notepad++ from 5.1 (it was installed in c:\program files\notepad++). To do this I deleted the folder mentioned above and created a new folder - d:\program files\notepad++. Then I just unpacked unicode notepad++ 5.5.1 ( and copied functionlist.dll into plugins folder and another 2 files into the plugins\config folder. That's all.

  • rayfu

    rayfu - 2009-11-07

    I had created a user-defined language, say "ABC".     After language parsing rule is defined for that "ABC", even though I opened a file and changed the language to "ABC", the title of function list window is still "Function List - No Rule Defined".   What can I do?
    The version of  Notepad++ is 5.5.1 unicode.

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