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toclogd 2016-05-24
TOC 2016-05-24
README 2016-05-24 1.2 kB
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The Tech Operations Console (TOC) provides a way to bring together input from disparate systems into a single Web page.

The current version is:  v2.8 releated 2016-05-10

The mechanics:
- Some other program watches /var/log/syslog for interesting strings, copying them to a Unix pipe.  Historically, I've used Swatch (Syslog WATCHer); more recently, I've switched to SEC (Simple Event Correlator).
- toclogd, the guts of the TOC, reads from this pipe, masssages the line, and then appends it to one of (3) .txt files
- Which a Web server then includes (Server Side Includes) into a (3) panel Web page.  Which auto-refreshes every 30 - 60s, using a little JavaScript
==> That's it.  Crude, way simple.
- Every night at midnight, a crontab wipes the (3) .txt files, preparing TOC to display a new day's worth of events.

The concept:
- In my environments, we accumulate various network mgmt applications, none of which offers a complete picture of the environment.  But all of which log interesting events to syslog.
- The TOC pulls these together.  Plus, whatever other detritus we think is useful to display.


Stuart Kendrick
Seattle, WA USA
stuart dot kendrick dot sea at gmail dot com
Source: README, updated 2016-05-24