Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
netio_cli.py 2015-01-10 4.0 kB
readme.txt 2013-09-16 1.5 kB
AVR NET-IO - How to use it in SAP.pdf 2013-09-16 132.6 kB
Totals: 3 Items   138.1 kB 0
usage: netio_cli.py [-h] [-v] [-p PORT] [-gp <ioport>]
                    [-sp <ioport> <iovalue>] [-adc <adcport>] [-gs] [--GETIP]
                    [--SETIP <IPadr>] [--GETMASK] [--SETMASK <Netmask>]
                    [--GETGW] [--SETGW <Gateway>] [--INITLCD]
                    [--WRITELCD <line> <text>] [--CLEARLCD <line>] [--VERSION]


positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         displays more info
  -p PORT, --PORT PORT  IP port (default='50290)
  -gp <ioport>, --GETPORT <ioport>
                        read digital input (1...4)
  -sp <ioport> <iovalue>, --SETPORT <ioport> <iovalue>
                        set digital output (1...8)
  -adc <adcport>, --GETADC <adcport>
                        read analog input (1...4)
  -gs, --GETSTATUS      read status of all digital outputs (one byte)
  --GETIP               read IP address
  --SETIP <IPadr>       set IP address
  --GETMASK             read IP netmask
  --SETMASK <Netmask>   set IP netmask
  --GETGW               read IP gateway
  --SETGW <Gateway>     set IP gateway
  --INITLCD             initiate LCD display
  --WRITELCD <line> <text>
                        set LCD display <line> with <text>
  --CLEARLCD <line>     set LCD display <line> (1...2)
  --VERSION             Firmware version of AVR Net-IO
  --RESET               reset AVR Net-IO
Source: readme.txt, updated 2013-09-16